Examples of the the word, receptor , in a Sentence Context

The word ( receptor ), is the 6893 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And many beneficial arthropods, because BT works by binding to the appropriate, receptor ,on the surface of midget epithelial cells. Any organism that lacks the
  2. One antipsychotic to another, ( presumably due to variations of potency and, receptor ,activity). Such withdrawal effects can include cholinergic rebound, an
  3. Be useful because they act to prevent the action of angiotensin II at the AT1, receptor , leaving AT2 receptor unblocked; the latter may have consequences needing
  4. SIG) or a membrane immunoglobulin (MIG). It is part of the B cell, receptor ,(BCR),which allows a B cell to detect when a specific antigen is present in
  5. That is attached to the surface of a B cell and is referred to as the B cell, receptor ,(BCR). The BCR is only found on the surface of B cells and facilitates the
  6. Pethidine) all exert a similar influence on the cerebral opioid, receptor ,system. Buprenorphine is thought to be a partial agonist of the opioid receptor
  7. Managed. Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in stimulation of the GA BAA, receptor , promoting central nervous system depression. With repeated heavy consumption
  8. Of the ear, or pressure-sensitive neurons in the skin. The axons of sensory, receptor ,cells travel into the spinal cord or brain, where they transmit their signals
  9. Drugs (e.g. ketamine, PCP or dextromethorphan, all of which are MDA, receptor ,antagonists that produce a dissociative state at high doses). Exposure to high
  10. Sclerosis. Other psychotropic analgesic agents include ketamine (an MDA, receptor ,antagonist),clonidine and other α2-adreno receptor agonists, and expletive
  11. And the unrelated trazodone. Azapirones are a class of 5-HT1A, receptor , agonists. They lack the sedation and the dependence associated with
  12. In several human diseases, especially in autoimmune diseases. FAS path The FAS, receptor ,(also known as Apo-1 or CD95) binds the FAS ligand (Fall),a transmembrane
  13. Do not function as receptor s that raise cytosol calcium. The P2X isotropic, receptor ,subgroup comprises seven members (P2X1–P2X7),which are ligand-gated
  14. Can be used beneficially, as phytoestrogens compete with estrogens for, receptor ,sites in the male body and can block its actions. This can also include some
  15. Increases to dangerous levels. * Drug-induced parkinsonism due to dopamine D2, receptor , blockade may mimic idiopathic parkinsonism. The typical antipsychotics are more
  16. Limited extent or not pass through at all. Cell surface membranes also contain, receptor ,proteins that allow cells to detect external signaling molecules such as
  17. An allele that is correlated to alcoholism and opiate addiction. Human dopamine, receptor ,genes have a detectable variation referred to as the DRD2 Taxi polymorphism.
  18. Membrane to the inside of the cell (cytoplasm). The outside signal binds to a, receptor , which transmits a signal to the G protein, which transmits a signal to
  19. Alcohol's primary effect is the increase in stimulation of the GA BAA, receptor , promoting central nervous system depression. With repeated heavy consumption
  20. TRADE) and Disassociated death domain protein (ADD). Binding of this, receptor ,can also indirectly lead to the activation of transcription factors involved in
  21. Cell death. To stimulate apoptosis, one can increase the number of death, receptor ,ligands (such as TNF or TRAIL),antagonize the anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 pathway
  22. Act to prevent the action of angiotensin II at the AT1 receptor , leaving AT2, receptor , unblocked; the latter may have consequences needing further study. Use in
  23. Coupled to trastuzumab, a monoclonal antibody that interferes with the HER2/new, receptor , The latter delivery combination was tested on mice and proved to be effective
  24. Further study. Use in combination The combination therapy of angiotensin II, receptor ,antagonists with ACE inhibitors may be superior to either agent alone. This
  25. Called Trace Amine Associated Receptors (TEAR). TEAR are a newly discovered, receptor ,system which seems to be affected by a range of amphetamine-like substances
  26. Can also be on the surface of the tumor in the form of, for example, a mutated, receptor , in which case they will be recognized by B cells. Nativity A native antigen is
  27. Called a neurotransmitter to be released. The neurotransmitter binds to, receptor ,molecules in the membrane of the target cell. Synapses are the key functional
  28. Cytokines. History Various opiates (via the opioid receptor and opioid, receptor ,) and amphetamines were commonly used as antidepressants until the mid-1950s
  29. Of anti-inflammatory cytokines. History Various opiates (via the opioid, receptor ,and opioid receptor ) and amphetamines were commonly used as antidepressants
  30. While blocking the generation of angiotensin II and its activity at the AT1, receptor , This 'dual blockade' may be more effective than using an ACE inhibitor alone
  31. Of the drug and reduce unwanted side effects. For example, naloxone,an opioid, receptor ,antagonist, is a derivative of Theban that is present in opium.
  32. Roles in minute concentrations that affect cell-to-cell signaling, receptor ,sensitivity, inflammatory enzyme activity or gene regulation. For overall life
  33. Disinhibitors (NDIS) act by antagonizing the serotonin 5-HT2C, receptor , which normally acts to inhibit norepinephrine and dopamine release, thereby
  34. Shown to have ACE-inhibiting and antihypertensive functions. Angiotensin II, receptor ,antagonists ACE inhibitors possess many common characteristics with another
  35. brain's dopamine pathways, but antipsychotic drugs encompass a wide range of, receptor ,targets. A number of harmful and undesired (adverse) effects have been
  36. Manner. Additional images Image: BARK10161982. JPG|Beta adrenergic, receptor ,kinase pathway Alexandra () is the feminine form of the given name Alexander
  37. Of those with lighter skin that resulted from mutational variation in the, receptor ,protein. This is significantly earlier than the speciation of Homo sapiens from
  38. Patients who experience this cough are often switched to angiotensin II, receptor ,antagonists. Rash and taste disturbances, infrequent with most ACE inhibitors
  39. Of angiotensin II, as there are other conversion pathways, so angiotensin II, receptor ,antagonists may be useful because they act to prevent the action of angiotensin
  40. Project signals into the brain. Each sensory system begins with specialized, receptor ,cells, such as light-receptive neurons in the retina of the eye
  41. By not only delivering" opiate-like" effects (through mild agonist of the mu, receptor ,) but also by acting as a weak but fast-acting serotonin releasing agent and
  42. A2a,A2b,and A3 subtypes (" A" as a remnant of old nomenclature of adenosine, receptor ,), all of which are G protein-coupled receptor s,A1 and A3 being coupled to Hi
  43. Memory ***nerve signaling: action potential — signal transduction — synapse —, receptor ,**immune system: antibody — host — vaccine — immune cell — AIDS — T-cell —
  44. M-T2 protein of maxima viruses can bind TNF preventing it from binding the TNF, receptor ,and inducing a response. Furthermore, many viruses express p53 inhibitors that
  45. And the Fascias ligand-mediated model, both involving receptor s of the TNF, receptor ,(TNFR) family coupled to extrinsic signals. TNF path TNF is a cytokine
  46. Characteristics with another class of cardiovascular drugs, angiotensin II, receptor ,antagonists, which are often used when patients are intolerant of the adverse
  47. Bound by a major biocompatibility complex (MHC) and presented to a T-cell, receptor , " Self" antigens are usually tolerated by the immune system; whereas "
  48. Receptor system. Buprenorphine is thought to be a partial agonist of the opioid, receptor , and tramadol is an opiate agonist with SARI properties. Tramadol is
  49. By 1.2 million years ago, all people having descendants today had the same, receptor ,protein of today's Africans; their skin was dark, and the intense sun lowered
  50. Their genetic material into the cell. After making contact with the appropriate, receptor , the tail fibers bring the baseplate closer to the surface of the cell known

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