Examples of the the word, enlarge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( enlarge ), is the 6278 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Other cultures throughout the world, use jewelry to stretch their earlobes or, enlarge ,ear piercings. In the Americas, labrets have been worn since before first
  2. Of local lords who had sworn fealty to him out of necessity—and attempts to, enlarge ,his new-found domains in the summer when his forces were greatly augmented by
  3. Elevating Iraq to a strong regional power. A successful invasion of Iran would, enlarge ,Iraq's petroleum reserves and make Iraq the dominant power in the Persian Gulf
  4. Force will be less than two brigades, around 5,000 troops, but the plan is to, enlarge ,it up to three brigades. Lebanese Navy The Lebanese Navy is responsible for
  5. R | \bold r' ) = \franc ex as can be seen in the figure to the right (click to, enlarge ,). The expression for the far-zone (Fraunhofer region) field becomes: \Psi (
  6. Having two small seats in the rear. Both rear seats could be folded down to, enlarge ,the luggage area, and both the front and rear seats had sun visors for
  7. Both gibbons and hominids have reduced canine sexual dimorphism, female gibbons, enlarge ,('masculinize' ) their canines, so they can actively share in the defense of
  8. River channel. The Murray River has not had enough flow power to naturally, enlarge ,The Barman Choke and The Narrows to increase the amount of water they can carry
  9. One way or another. They will classify the world for us, sequence it, frame it, enlarge ,it, reduce it, argue a case for what it is like. Through these media metaphors
  10. Although this was perhaps the better military plan, Louis was not keen to, enlarge ,Eleanor's family lands. One of Louis' avowed Crusade goals was to journey in
  11. Had been brought into the area by the Polish government after the decision to, enlarge ,the harbor was made, were expelled into the General Government. Kashubians who
  12. Part of the 20th Century. These series of laws and ideas designed to purify and, enlarge ,the numbers of the white race in Brazil while reducing the numbers of the
  13. Value. Over the past century, people studying rhetoric have tended to, enlarge ,its object domain beyond speech texts. Kenneth Burke asserted humans use
  14. Church in Lima, New York, south of Rochester. In 1850,it was resolved to, enlarge ,the institution from a seminary into a college, or to connect a college with
  15. C or g to – Xi). Examples: ** auger, augēre, auxī, auctus (to increase, to, enlarge , ) ** more, mordēre, momordī, morsus (to bite, to nip) ** sponge, spondēre
  16. Everybody has to move, run and grab as many (Judea) hilltops as they can to, enlarge ,the (Jewish) settlements because everything we take now will stay ours ...
  17. For human inhabitants. Sinkholes can develop gradually as surface openings, enlarge , but quite often progressive erosion is unseen and the roof of an underground
  18. Watches, clocks,scales, calculators,and compasses. They may also, enlarge ,or mark dials on devices such as ovens and thermostats to make them usable.
  19. And the number was growing. Saudi Arabia is at present developing an effort to, enlarge ,their numbers, and intends to build an Islamic university in Luanda. The
  20. children's eyes have more rapid dark adaption: in low light a child's pupils, enlarge ,sooner, and an enlarge d pupil accentuates the red-eye effect. In a photograph
  21. Although horses from Britain were imported into Ireland as breed-stock to, enlarge ,native horses. From Irish sources it appears that the elite engaged in
  22. His Cousin relatives, but he did little for his family except to purchase and, enlarge ,the palace built in Terasievert for the Radii, and now known as the Palazzo
  23. And other territories in the Low Countries. Their purpose was to round out and, enlarge ,their power base, which in geographical terms was centered around Vienna. Thus
  24. Efforts, and he agreed to take possession of" one or two other cities and thus, enlarge ,the kingdom" if Lambert were permitted to rule Jerusalem. During his short
  25. Life; they give, like certain rare dreams, sensations we never had before, and, enlarge , our conception of the range of possible experience. " — C. S. Lewis *" Fuchsia
  26. Suffer from goiter. Over the course of the disease, the thyroid glands greatly, enlarge ,(up to 10 x 20 cm) and may become polycystic. Pathogenesis of goiter in the
  27. It does have the capacity to carry out attacks in the U. S." if it decided to, enlarge ,the scope of its operations. " FBI director Robert Mueller in 2005 testified to
  28. Army with five-year enlistments, which could not be obtained and refused to, enlarge ,the navy. Madison had not made any serious war plans or built up the army. The
  29. Eventually pushed back by a pestilence. A treaty in 392 BC allowed Syracuse to, enlarge ,further its possessions, founding the cities of Drano, Tindari and Tauromenos
  30. Such as Alcoholics Anonymous:" ... if an alcoholic failed to perfect and, enlarge ,his spiritual life through work and self-sacrifice for others, he could not
  31. Movements or abnormal postures. * Hyperprolactinaemia. The breasts may, enlarge ,and discharge milk, in both men and women due to abnormally-high levels of
  32. Sculptures. Of course a three dimensional panto graph can also be used to, enlarge ,sculpture by interchanging the position of the model and the copy. Another
  33. Demand for stationary, static internal combustion engines forced Karl Benz to, enlarge ,the factory in Mannheim, and in 1886 a new building located on Waldhofstrasse (
  34. Of a new spillway in Gatun, for flood control. These improvements will, enlarge ,the capacity from 280 to 290 million PLUMS (2008) to 330–340 PLUMS (2012).
  35. Is interwoven with a love story and an examination of women's struggles to, enlarge ,their roles and achieve some independence within the social climate of 1930s
  36. Length of the pay period. He argues the brokers – middlemen – whose activities, enlarge ,the monetary circuit and whose profits eat into the earnings of laborers and
  37. Or bedding planes in the limestone bedrock. Over time, these fractures, enlarge ,as the bedrock continues to dissolve. Openings in the rock increase in size
  38. Academy, stockpiling munitions, and expanding the navy. Congress voted to, enlarge ,the army with five-year enlistments, which could not be obtained and refused
  39. Since the world money stock grows constantly, a country must constantly seek to, enlarge ,its own stock. Locke develops his theory of foreign exchanges, in addition to
  40. Two particles. If the particles pick up more cholesterol, then the particles, enlarge ,and a third or fourth APO A protein joins the grouping, termed large HDL.
  41. Or the" BBC pips ". *1937 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposes a plan to, enlarge ,the Supreme Court of the United States. *1939 – Generalissimo Francisco Franco
  42. Sell so low as merely to repay us cost and charges, so as neither to lessen nor, enlarge ,our capital. This is what private traders cannot do, for they must gain; they
  43. The honorific title Camped. When Ferdinand died, Sancho continued to, enlarge ,his territory, conquering both Christian and the Moorish cities of Zamora and
  44. Negative events. Hollywood motion pictures and television shows perpetuate and, enlarge ,belief in conspiracy as a standard functioning of corporations and governments.
  45. The last half-century of the 1800s,from Vine to Garb org. Based continued to, enlarge ,and improve his grammars and his dictionary. He lived very quietly in lodgings
  46. Invented the spoon-roller, which Alfred patented, bringing in enough money to, enlarge ,the factory and cast steel blocks. In 1847 Krupp made his first cannon of cast
  47. Then later workers, but they begin to serve the colony immediately. They, enlarge ,the nest, forage for food and care for the other eggs. This is how new colonies
  48. For Re diffusion and other commercial companies to expand cable systems to, enlarge ,the viewing audience for the one BBC television channel which then existed. The
  49. Of those who are passing through the Valley of Bewilderment. If I am a heretic, enlarge ,my heresy. " Reception Perception outside Islam Sufi mysticism has long
  50. Areas, recover sediment transport, recover hydromorphological characteristics, enlarge ,wetlands, afforest,desaturate, promote biodiversity and promote recreational

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