Examples of the the word, sow , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sow ), is the 8064 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The process of giving birth to a litter lasts between 2 and 3 hours, and the, sow ,and piglets remain in, or close to, the nest for 4–6 days. Sows rejoin the
  2. Was ever pinned on Bestzuhev. Instead, it was inferred that he had attempted to, sow ,discord between the Empress and her heir and his consort. Those intent on
  3. 2012. The voucher will consist of the delivery of a pregnant cow and a pregnant, sow , five chickens and a rooster, seeds,fruit-bearing plants and plants for
  4. Likened to a field in which our karma is the seed. We harvest exactly what we, sow ,; no less, no more. This infallible law of karma holds everyone responsible for
  5. 1954) and the Trans-Canada Pipeline. It was this last project that was to, sow ,the seeds that led to the downfall of the St-Laurent government. St-Laurent was
  6. Epic turns on Armada, the beautiful witch, sent forth by the infernal senate to, sow ,discord in the Christian camp. She is converted to the true faith by her
  7. Of gonadotrophin or ovulation-inducing hormones. In pig production, sow ,infertility is a common problem, possibly due to excessive fatness. No methods
  8. To the titular adventure, it also features Theseus encountering the Crommyonian, sow ,and Procrustes. KIR Butcher wrote a book in 1993 called An Attempt on Theseus
  9. In plants, trees,mountains, forests,caves and gardens. The bear, boar,bull, sow , snake and stag are also thought to personify the element as are all burrowing
  10. Prominently in the show, during which an advanced alien species attempts to, sow ,the seeds of conflict in order to promote technological and cultural
  11. Son Cambyses II curtailed the powers of the Magi after they had attempted to, sow ,dissent following their loss of influence. In 522 BCE, the Magi revolted and
  12. A configuration is similar in appearance to a litter of piglets suckling on a, sow , When the metal had cooled and hardened, the smaller ingots (the pigs) were
  13. The jobless to return to the fields" where they till, and they grow and they, sow ,and they harvest ". Equally, there were times it was unclear what his policies
  14. That Stanley was not responsible for the letter, which she felt was intended to, sow ,confusion and throw people off the track of the true bomber. Civil Rights Trial
  15. The blood of an animal sacrificed to a Norse deity (e.g. a goat for Thor,a, sow ,for Freya, a boar for Fear),then dipping a bundle of fir twigs into it and
  16. Arguably the most famous dish in Palatinate is the sausage, literally ", sow ,'s stomach ", a dish that consists of a thick, crispy-fried casing stuffed with
  17. His time with Houdini prompting him to turn to a loyal bum named Bobby to, sow ,the wound up with a shoelace rather than have Spawn waste precious energy
  18. Or 'mother of all grains ', and it was the Inca emperor who would traditionally, sow ,the first seeds of the season using 'golden implements '. And even actively
  19. Fish "," my little nest of vipers ", and " you rancorous, coiffured old, sow ,". Despite these less than complimentary nicknames, Basil is terrified of her.
  20. Incomplete. There are several scenes in the film which create suspense and, sow ,doubt as to Johnnie's intentions: Beaky's death in Paris was due to an
  21. N American varieties. Aquila species are very interfertile, and will self, sow , Uses The flowers of various species of Columbine were consumed in moderation
  22. Versions name the sow herself as Aphaea. Apollodorus described the Crommyonian, sow ,as an offspring of Typhoon and Echidna. * Near Regard an elderly robber named
  23. A seed box for the drills, a tool which turned down the soil and could, sow ,roughly 45,730 m2 (11.3 acres) of land in a single day. To protect crops from
  24. Of Man dos and now residing in Valor, saw in this suspicion an opportunity to, sow ,dissension among the Older. Favor did not trust Mellor and refused to
  25. The Crommyonian Sow, bred by an old crone named Aphaea. Some versions name the, sow ,herself as Aphaea. Apollodorus described the Crommyonian sow as an offspring of
  26. Wild boar, it applies to the whole species, including,for example," wild boar, sow ," or" wild boar piglet ". Wild boar are also known by various names, including
  27. Germany's defeat. In the first year of World War II, they were used mainly to, sow ,offensive minefields in shipping lanes close to the British coast. Torpedo
  28. Of young deer and lambs. If surprised or cornered, a boar (particularly a, sow ,with her piglets) can and will defend itself and it's young with intense vigor.
  29. Turned over" ). This word formation is similar to Latin seminar (" to, sow ,") which gave French females (" swings "," sow n seeds" ). During the
  30. One to four young (commonly two) which are small and weigh only about. A, sow ,is protective of her offspring and will attack if she thinks she or her cubs
  31. Instructs Rowing to give the machine-man the image of Maria in order to, sow ,discord between her and the workers. Rowing acquiesces but has ulterior
  32. His large number of children, the pig answered simply: 'The wild oats of my, sow ,gave us many piglets. '" An example which combines homophonic and holographic
  33. As votive clay pigs, were being fashioned in the Neolithic. In Roman times,a, sow ,was still sacrificed to Ceres following a death in the family, to purify the
  34. Areas, this method is still used in some situations. Practice is required to, sow ,evenly and at the desired rate. A hand seeder can be used for sow ing, though it
  35. The" beast ". Created out of fear, the Lord of the Flies used to be a mother, sow ,who, though at one time clean, loving,and innocent, has now become a manically
  36. Ingots (the pigs) were simply broken from the much thinner runner (the, sow ,), hence the name pig iron. As pig iron is intended for remelting, the uneven
  37. Plains of the Rotated. There, Gregory met the emperor and may have tried to, sow ,dissension amongst his ranks. Soon much of Louis's army had evaporated before
  38. Head of the SVR (formerly the KGB). This turns out to be an attempt to, sow ,confusion in the Russian government because of China's designs to annex
  39. His weapons, to protect him from the bulls' fiery breath. Then, Jason had to, sow ,the teeth of a dragon in the plowed field (compare the myth of Cadmus). The
  40. Because of its small seeds (less than 1 mm diameter),a handful is enough to, sow ,a large area. This property makes Jeff particularly suited to a seminomadic
  41. Gradual overshadowing of the Irish Parliament by the English Parliament would, sow ,the seeds of conflagration in Ireland that, despite its initial chaos, provide
  42. Men worked a variety of jobs, having learned from the missionaries how to plow, sow , irrigate, cultivate,reap, thresh,and glean. In addition, they were taught to
  43. 2010 book Merchants of Doubt accuse climate change" skeptics" of trying to, sow ,seeds of doubt in public opinion in order to halt any meaningful social or
  44. As the seed is not an expensive article the greater part of farmers incline to, sow ,thick, which both provides against the danger of part of the seed perishing
  45. The word is derived from Latin hybrid, meaning the" offspring of a tame, sow ,and a wild boar "," child of a freeman and slave ", etc. The term entered into
  46. Claiming to share their goals, but with professed" concerns ". The goal is to, sow ,fear, uncertainty and doubt within the group. An example of this occurred in
  47. And nutritional factors. Pregnancy lasts approximately 115 days and a, sow ,will leave the group to construct a mound-like nest out of vegetation and dirt
  48. Are only for trial; so do not blaspheme. ” They learned from them the means to, sow ,discord between man and wife. But they could not thus harm anyone except by
  49. Sowing," related to σπόρος sports," sow ing," and σπείρειν Spartan," to, sow , " In common parlance, the difference between a" spore" and a" gamete" (
  50. His life on the condition that he teach the Agatha DE how and when to plow, sow ,and reap. Later life and death Hugh instituted a harvest fair during the

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