Examples of the the word, observatory , in a Sentence Context

The word ( observatory ), is the 8074 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mountain in Britain and Ireland, ahead of its rival Ben Maui. The summit, observatory ,was built in the summer of 1883,and would remain in operation for 21 years.
  2. Feature on the summit. An emergency shelter has been built on top of the, observatory ,tower for the benefit of those caught out by bad weather, and,although the
  3. By Violet Le Due in the Neo Gothic style. It is divided in three parts: the, observatory ,and library, the chapel and the living part. Nowadays, the castle still belongs
  4. S history and natural history artifacts. Britain's only full-time public, observatory , Mills Observatory at the summit of the city's Ballad Hill was gifted to the
  5. From 1869 to 1872,he was employed as an Assistant in Harvard's astronomical, observatory , doing important work on determining the brightness of stars and the shape of
  6. Analyzing it. Many astronomers work entirely from astronomical survey or space, observatory ,data. Others work with radio telescopes like the Very Large Array, which is
  7. Provides most of the accommodation on the island. The first Director of the, observatory ,was Kenneth Williamson. It is unusual amongst bird observatories in providing
  8. Secondary school in Berwick and stay in a hostel there in term time. Bird, observatory ,Fair Isle has a permanent bird observatory , founded by George Waters ton in 1948
  9. Cairn atop which sits an Ordnance Survey trig point. The ruined walls of the, observatory ,are a prominent feature on the summit. An emergency shelter has been built on
  10. Which is the Latinized version of the name of the assistant director of that, observatory ,at that time, Niccolò Caricature (both Caricature and Senator mean hunter). *
  11. Constructed the first electromechanical telegraph in 1833,which connected the, observatory ,with the institute for physics in Göttingen. Gauss ordered a magnetic
  12. Published by John L. Hershey four months earlier, also using the Swarthier, observatory , found that changes in the asymmetric field of various stars correlated to the
  13. Observatory for the Schubert Gymnasium. In 2001,it was converted to a public, observatory , Since then, it is managed by the Astronomical Arbeitsgemeinschaft Allen (“
  14. Relation 1.7: 1). The differences in travel time from the epicenter to the, observatory ,are a measure of the distance and can be used to image both sources of quakes
  15. Ill-equipped walkers. According to the observations carried out at the summit, observatory ,from 1883 to 1904,fog was present on the summit for almost 80 % of the time
  16. Mantle. As a consequence, the first waves of a distant earthquake arrive at an, observatory ,via the Earth's mantle. Rule of thumb: On the average, the kilometer distance
  17. Gauss ordered a magnetic observatory to be built in the garden of the, observatory , and with Weber founded the" Magnetosphere Vain" ( magnetic club in German)
  18. And through the solar corona was made in 1997 with the SOHO space-borne solar, observatory , the first platform capable of observing the Sun in the extreme ultraviolet (
  19. And Batgirl decide to go after Freeze together. By the time they get to the, observatory ,where Freeze and Bane are, Gotham is completely frozen. Robin and Batgirl
  20. Spy of Allen ”. Observatory The Allen Observatory was built in 1969 as school, observatory ,for the Schubert Gymnasium. In 2001,it was converted to a public observatory .
  21. UK for ice climbing. The summit, at above sea level, features the ruins of an, observatory , which was permanently staffed between 1883 and 1904. The meteorological data
  22. To Knocked in County Antrum, Northern Ireland. Observatory A meteorological, observatory ,on the summit was first proposed by the Scottish Meteorological Society (SMS)
  23. The star from 1938,attempting, with colleagues at the Swarthier College, observatory , to find minuscule variations of one micrometer in its position on photographic
  24. The street. The gully's top wall was the refuse pit for the now-disused summit, observatory , The north face contains dozens of graded rock climbs along its entire length
  25. Edinburgh, Scotland. *1576 – The cornerstone for Tycho Brahe's Uraniborg, observatory ,is laid on Even. *1585 – John Davis enters Cumberland Sound in search of the
  26. With the institute for physics in Göttingen. Gauss ordered a magnetic, observatory ,to be built in the garden of the observatory , and with Weber founded the "
  27. Of a planet or planets. George Gate wood and Heinrich Bighorn, at a different, observatory ,and using newer plate measuring techniques, failed to verify the planetary
  28. Was inspired to invent the cloud chamber after a period spent working at the, observatory , Etymology" Ben Nevis" is an Anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic name "
  29. Before its completion, by a worker who had been laid off. The fence around the, observatory ,terrace was put up in 1947 after five people tried to jump during a three-week
  30. Duties such as teaching, building instruments, or aiding in the operation of an, observatory , The number of professional astronomers in the United States is actually quite
  31. Request, and Celsius founded the Uppsala Astronomical Observatory in 1741. The, observatory ,was equipped with instruments purchased during his long voyage abroad
  32. The Islamic world were part of the Mongol Empire, Hulagu Khan established an, observatory ,in Carafe for the astronomer Nair Alvin lotus at which a few Chinese
  33. In the UK. A war memorial to the dead of World War II is located next to the, observatory , On 17 May 2006,a piano that had been buried under one of the cairns on the
  34. In 1807 was appointed Professor of Astronomy and Director of the astronomical, observatory ,in Göttingen, a post he held for the remainder of his life. The discovery of
  35. Inspired by An Affair to Remember, climaxes with a scene at the Empire State, observatory , *Andy Warhol's 1964 silent film Empire is one continuous, eight-hour shot of
  36. Automated teller machine means 'Self Cash Box' *Apollo Telescope Mount, solar, observatory , attached to Skylab, the first US space station *Asynchronous Transfer Mode
  37. Was brought into orbit by NASA's STS-122 Space Shuttle mission and the Cupola, observatory ,module that was completed in July 2005 by ALENA Spain for ESA. The current
  38. Floor and left with a broken hip. Only one suicide has jumped from the upper, observatory , On November 3,1932,Frederick Expert of Astoria, Queens,ran past a guard in
  39. Oberkochen and operates a manufacturing works in Allen (see below). In the, observatory , guided tours and lectures are held regularly. Wind park Waldhausen The Wind park
  40. Degrees and minutes. He later made an observational clock for the Istanbul, observatory ,of Taxi Alvin (1577–1580),describing it as" a mechanical clock with three
  41. Between mainland Shetland and the Orkney islands. It is famous for its bird, observatory ,and a traditional style of knitting. Geography Fair Isle is the most remote
  42. Lyric theater building, Her Majesty's, established 1875; the first municipal, observatory , established 1886; and the earliest and longest memorial avenue, the Avenue of
  43. Had been predicted by Percival Lowell and William Pickering. Tombaugh used the, observatory ,'s 13-inch autograph to take photographs of the same section of sky several
  44. Hidalgo, New Mexico (near Animas, New Mexico, adjacent to Astronomy's new, observatory , Other His great-nephew is Los Angeles Dodgers starting pitcher Clayton Hershey
  45. Arcsec. Taxi Alvin measured the right ascension of the stars at the Istanbul, observatory ,of Taxi Alvin using the" observational clock" he invented. When telescopes
  46. In a hostel there in term time. Bird observatory Fair Isle has a permanent bird, observatory , founded by George Waters ton in 1948,because of its importance as a bird
  47. Another sighting by Tombaugh a year or two later while at a White Sands, observatory ,was of an object of −6 magnitude, four times brighter than Venus at its
  48. For 21 years. The first path to the summit was built at the same time as the, observatory ,and was designed to allow ponies to carry up supplies, with a maximum gradient
  49. 16 stories represent the Art Deco tower, which is capped by a 102nd-floor, observatory , Atop the tower is the pinnacle, much of which is covered by broadcast antennas
  50. Authorities in donating the resources required to construct a new modern, observatory ,in Uppsala. He was successful in the request, and Celsius founded the Uppsala

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