Examples of the the word, observed , in a Sentence Context

The word ( observed ), is the 8086 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And also in the art of Renaissance. The evolution of the Greek sculpture can be, observed ,in his depictions from the almost static formal Hours type in early archaic
  2. Atomic numbers. As of 2010,elements with atomic numbers 1 to 118 have been, observed , Synthesis of new elements is accomplished by bombarding target atoms of heavy
  3. In 1882 through independent research of H. F. Ne wall and W. N. Hartley. Each, observed ,new lines in the color spectrum of air but were unable to identify the element
  4. Natural processes. Such a teleological view gave Aristotle cause justifying his, observed ,data as an expression of formal design. Noting that" no animal has, at the
  5. Starring Toshiba Minute. You Fujiko, an actor who worked on The Lower Depths, observed , regarding the closeness of the two men on the set," Mr. Kurosawa's heart was
  6. Philosophical skepticism of David Hume, who claimed that causality could not be, observed ,empirically. Schopenhauer begins by arguing that Kant's demarcation between
  7. Carbonate solutions. The pentavalent oxidation state of americium was first, observed ,in 1951. It is present in aqueous solution in the form of AmO2+ ions (acidic)
  8. It is stable up to 40 kelvin (−233 °C). The metastable diction was also, observed , Production Industrial Argon is produced industrially by the fractional
  9. Its simplest form, the assumption of unit-treatment additivity states that the, observed ,response y_ from experimental unit i when receiving treatment j can be written
  10. Radioactive element to be isolated. Polonium, radium and radon were, observed ,before actinium, but they were not isolated until 1902. Actinium gave the name
  11. Article XIII stipulated that" their provisions shall be inviolably, observed ,by every state" and" the Union shall be perpetual ". Operation The Articles
  12. Collection of statistical models, and their associated procedures, in which the, observed ,variance in a particular variable is partitioned into components attributable
  13. 20 regiments of blacks from the Mississippi Valley. Frederick Douglass once, observed ,of Lincoln:" In his company, I was never reminded of my humble origin, or of
  14. Characterize tests with maximum power against all alternative hypotheses, as, observed , by Rosenbaum. The ANOVA F–test (of the null-hypothesis that all treatments
  15. Composition of distant stars. Specific light wavelengths contained in the, observed ,light from stars can be separated out and related to the quantized transitions
  16. S birthday, February 12,was never a national holiday, but it was at one time, observed ,by as many as 30 states. The Abraham Lincoln Association was formed in 1908 to
  17. By Albert Einstein between 1907 and 1915. According to general relativity,the, observed ,gravitational attraction between masses results from the warping of space and
  18. Squares observed to another square within L squares of one of the previously, observed ,squares. " It may be that some of these change necessarily invoke a change of
  19. Ensure full gamification of the country by 2021. Banking The GDP growth rates, observed ,in Azerbaijan during last years made the country one of the fastest growing
  20. Also predicts a significant volume change for the α-β transition, it is not, observed ,experimentally. The pressure of the α-β transition decreases with increasing
  21. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science. Agriculture is also, observed ,in certain species of ant and termite, but generally speaking refers to human
  22. And his boot was filling up with blood. Within a few minutes, Johnston was, observed ,by his staff to be nearly fainting off his horse. Among his staff was Islam G.
  23. Craters. Medium-sized asteroids such as Mathilde and 243 Ida that have been, observed ,up close also reveal a deep regolith covering the surface. Of the big four
  24. At random, not only at the geographical margins of the family, and that the, observed ,pattern is consistent with borrowing. Furthermore, they argued that many of the
  25. Observing log. Observing logs typically record details about which objects were, observed ,and when, as well as describing the details that were seen. Sketching is
  26. Evolving global culture. These dynamic relationships, between what can be, observed ,on the ground, as opposed to what can be observed by compiling many locals
  27. Materials. Aluminum (II) Very simple Al (II) compounds are invoked or, observed ,in the reactions of Al metal with oxidants. For example, aluminium monoxide
  28. Condensate, at which point quantum mechanical effects, which are normally only, observed ,at the atomic scale, become apparent on a macroscopic scale.
  29. Play Mr PIM Passes By in London. Looking back on this period (in 1926) Milne, observed ,that when he told his agent that he was going to write a detective story, he
  30. The relationship between the Semitic and the other Afroasiatic languages was, observed , * Apparently influenced by Miller (a colleague of his at the University of
  31. Average precipitation is fairly low at, nevertheless precipitation can be, observed ,throughout the year. Monthly mean temperatures range from in January to in July
  32. Have only a single stable isotope, while the largest number of stable isotopes, observed ,for any element is ten, for the element tin. Stability of isotopes is affected
  33. Must therefore include:::" ( a) Changes of the symbol on one of the, observed ,squares::" ( b) Changes of one of the squares observed to another square
  34. The absolute maximum temperature ( style" white-space:/NP"> no wrap">) were, observed ,in Julia and Ordered. The Kurt and Aras are the most popular rivers in
  35. Tetravalent americium chloride is KAmF5. Trivalent americium has also been, observed ,in the aqueous phase. For this purpose, black Am (OH)4 was dissolved in 15-M
  36. Phenomena that behaved according to certain principles and that could be, observed ,empirically. In some ways, studying the language, culture,physiology, and
  37. Between what can be observed on the ground, as opposed to what can be, observed ,by compiling many local observations remain fundamental in any kind of
  38. Not result in its disproportionate or reduction, however a slow reduction was, observed ,to Am (III) and assigned to self-irradiation of americium by alpha particles.
  39. From polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles into liquids. While levels, observed ,for bottled water are below drinking water guidelines, fruit juice concentrates
  40. The same group (column) of the periodic table. Arsenic is less commonly, observed ,in the pentavalent state, however. The most common oxidation states for arsenic
  41. Late 1930s the audience for Milne's grown-up writing had largely vanished: he, observed ,bitterly in his autobiography that a critic had said that the hero of his
  42. In order of atomic weight (" Atomgewicht" ) However, in deference to the, observed ,chemical properties, he violated his own rule and placed tellurium (atomic
  43. Inventor of the digital adding device. As he worked in Bell Laboratories, he, observed , the " burdensome' use of mechanical calculators with gears. " He went home one
  44. With a possible change of state of mind.::" ( B) A possible change (b) of, observed ,squares, together with a possible change of state of mind ":" We may now
  45. Symbol on one of the observed squares::" ( b) Changes of one of the squares, observed ,to another square within L squares of one of the previously observed squares. "
  46. That a Confederate soldier fired the fatal round. No Union soldiers were, observed ,to have ever gotten behind Johnston during the fatal charge, while it is known
  47. P53,thus increasing risk of carcinogenic. These epigenetic events have been, observed ,in vitro studies with human kidney cells and in vivo tests with rat liver
  48. Acid with all its conjugate bases: \alpha_== \alpha_== \alpha_== A pattern is, observed ,in the above equations and can be expanded to the general n -erotic acid that
  49. Centuries. At the end of the 4th century, St. Jerome, a native of Dalmatia, observed ,that the language spoken around Ankara was very similar to that being spoken in
  50. Dystaxia" is a rarely-used synonym. The International Ataxia Awareness Day is, observed ,on September 25 each year. Types Cerebellar The term cerebellar ataxia is used

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