Examples of the the word, misconception , in a Sentence Context

The word ( misconception ), is the 8078 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Policy (along with the subsequent fame of Frank Marietta) has led to the, misconception ,that his strip was" ghosted" by other hands. The production of Li'l Abner has
  2. They are no longer able to compensate for their learning weaknesses. One common, misconception ,about dyslexia is that dyslexic readers write words backwards or move letters
  3. Parsed XML document and that will be validated in another language. A common, misconception ,holds that non-validating XML parsers do not have to read document type
  4. Jets defeated the" best team in the history of the NFL ", the Colts, a popular, misconception ,fostered by the NFL and spread by media reports was that the AFL defeated the
  5. There are also compilers that compile Common Lisp code to C code. The, misconception ,that Lisp is a purely interpreted language is most likely because Lisp
  6. Sepsis. (Broderick and others., PNAS 2006) This is contrary to the common, misconception ,that BT toxin kills the larvae by starvation. In 2001,Bt176 varieties were
  7. Asserted that power in badminton strokes comes mainly from the wrist. This is a, misconception ,and may be criticized for two reasons. First, it is strictly speaking a
  8. To all those suffering from any serious illness, and to dispel the common, misconception ,that it is exclusively for those at or very near the point of death. Extreme
  9. Is, by convention, opposite to the direction of electron flow) A widespread, misconception ,is that anode polarity is always positive (+). This is often incorrectly
  10. 190) is sung to the tune of the 'Emperor's Hymn '. Because of a common, misconception ,that the tune is of Nazi origin, some parishioners have complained of being
  11. 0.08/kW·h) ÷ (10 BTU/W·h) × (1000 W/kW) = $576.00 annual cost A common, misconception ,is that the SEER rating system also applies to heating systems. However, SEER
  12. And disparages the emotional and spiritual relationships that develop. Another, misconception ,is the idea of women generally being the dominant party in BDSM relationships.
  13. Techniques to be applied usefully to the daily changing cyphers. A frequent, misconception ,is that Turing was a key figure in the design of Colossus; this was not the
  14. Faith to a seed, he compares the word to a seed, although this is a common, misconception , External links * http://scriptures.lds.org/en/alma/ The Book of
  15. In Deadlock II. These characters are often credited with a hive mind, a common, misconception ,about ant colonies. Arbitration, in the context of United States law, is a form
  16. Object (in general, a tensor quantity) and ω is the angular velocity. It is a, misconception ,that angular momentum is always about the same axis as angular velocity.
  17. Braun and Edward Teller, the " father of the hydrogen bomb. " There is a common, misconception ,that the character was based on Henry Kissinger, but Kubrick and Sellers denied
  18. Now that the Rights of Woman was unfavorably received, this is a modern, misconception ,based on the belief that Wollstonecraft was as reviled during her lifetime as
  19. To be about US$70,000 per hectare (approx. $28,300 per acre). A common, misconception ,about cranberry production is that the beds remain flooded throughout the year.
  20. Of the calculations don't square with reality ". This has led to a common, misconception ,that bees" violate aerodynamic theory ", but in fact it merely confirms that
  21. 1801,1901,2001); new millennia likewise began in 1001 and 2001. A common, misconception ,is that centuries and millennia begin when the trailing digits are zeroes (
  22. Becomes Na video (accusative),as it is in Slovak Na jello. It is a common, misconception ,that the use of Standard Czech in everyday situations is more frequent than in
  23. As the object recedes from the observer. Bohren proposed that this common, misconception ,might occur because the intensity of the sound increases as an object
  24. Because Pogson's ratio raised to the power 3.2 is 19.054607 ... A common, misconception ,is that the logarithmic nature of the scale is because the human eye itself has
  25. Park adjusted GBP of the league (not counting pitchers hitting) and A common, misconception ,is that OPS+ closely matches the ratio of a player's OPS to that of the league
  26. And the final bar is first species. General notes It is a common and pedantic, misconception ,that counterpoint is defined by these five species, and therefore anything that
  27. Denies salvation" by faith alone" and" by faith first to last ". This, misconception ,is often directed at the Arminian possibility of apostasy, which critics
  28. Apply to the other Commonwealth realms, this one does not. It is common, misconception ,that the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationary Office holds letters patent
  29. Is extremely difficult for one judge to manipulate scores. There is a general, misconception ,about scoring and judging. In serious meets, the absolute score is somewhat
  30. From professional baseball, a bar that remained until 1947. It is a common, misconception ,that Jackie Robinson was the first African-American major-league ballplayer; he
  31. But there is no factual data to support such a claim. The reason for this, misconception ,may be due to its popularity in Mennonite and Amish groups. The game was viewed
  32. Player that needed to be properly employed in order to enjoy more success. The, misconception ,that Carlos Valderrama was an old school number ten, was a misconception that
  33. From gesture in what it conveys and how it conveys it. Tonicity A common, misconception ,is that signs are iconically self-explanatory, that they are a transparent
  34. By Skinner, and were seen as primary in the shaping of behavior. A common, misconception ,is that negative reinforcement is synonymous with punishment. This
  35. 01222 (with 0222 preceding this, prior to May 1995). There remains a common, misconception ,that local numbers are still six digits long and that the code is 02920
  36. And in many ways are safer to handle. Difference from TNT It is a common, misconception ,that trinitrotoluene (TNT) and dynamite are the same thing, or that dynamite
  37. XML version" 1.0" encoding" ISO-8859-1 "? > A known, misconception ,about http-equiv "/NP"> Content-Type"> is that this attribute of meta element
  38. The misconception that Carlos Valderrama was an old school number ten, was a, misconception ,that followed him throughout his entire career, from beginning to end, the
  39. To be one of the most famous logos in North American motor racing. A common, misconception ,is that Richard Childless Racing" owns the rights" to the #3 (fueled by the
  40. Level of international certification as other reactors. There is a common, misconception ,that plutonium for India's first nuclear detonation, Operation Smiling Buddha
  41. High risk of severe local inflammation and scarring, not because of the common, misconception ,that tuberculin reactors" are already immune" and therefore do not need BCG.
  42. Pressure of the liquid equals the ambient atmospheric pressure. It is a common, misconception ,that in a liquid mixture at a given pressure, each component boils at the
  43. Lowest speed" and" One operation at a time ". " The Lowest speed" It is a common, misconception ,that, if two devices of different speed capabilities are on the same cable
  44. Entire species and affecting their rates of speciation and extinction. A common, misconception ,is that evolution has goals or long-term plans; realistically however
  45. Dale serial. As the creature inside is rarely seen on screen, a common, misconception ,exists that Dales are wholly mechanical robots. As of the new series Dales
  46. And female is the basic principle of material existence. On the basis of this, misconception , which ties together the hearts of the male and female, one becomes attracted
  47. Is that negative reinforcement is synonymous with punishment. This, misconception ,is rather pervasive, and is commonly found in even scholarly accounts of
  48. Kings are dealt a blow from which it never completely recovered. There exists a, misconception ,concerning the power of the pope in the Middle Ages. Tradition affords him more
  49. Of the Anglican Communion Principles of governance Contrary to popular, misconception , the British monarch is not the constitutional" head" but in law the "
  50. Were created in 1935,the largest such force in the world of the time. Another, misconception , enhanced by Guderian's own account, that he was the sole created of German

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