Examples of the the word, unlock , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unlock ), is the 8071 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Specific to their situation. Using a source-based distribution is one way to, unlock ,the full performance of a computer, as many binary distros compile their
  2. Phrases, which can later be repeated to other NPCs to gain more information or, unlock ,new actions. Similarly, there exist a handful of special items that can be
  3. December 1802. He believed that the changing cloud forms in the sky could, unlock ,the key to weather forecasting. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck worked independently on
  4. Of the Apple-provided Moviemaker application that end-users could only, unlock ,by buying a QuickTime Pro license code. Since the" Pro" features were the
  5. Creed: Brotherhood, pages from Brutus's diary are found along with keys that, unlock ,his armor for Ohio Auditor the Firenze to wear during gameplay. Upon unlock ing
  6. Of a certain level will be able to vote, and a majority vote will be required to, unlock ,the next expansion. Provided the vote does not pass, it will be placed up for
  7. Hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to, unlock ,that treasure. " ~Emma Goldman:" The only purpose of education is to teach a
  8. Ignored while the door is opened. Exiting a door without having to electrically, unlock ,the door is called mechanical free egress. This is an important safety feature.
  9. Leader of the resistance attached to his mutated brother, Kuato helps Quiet, unlock ,the secret to his past and the mystery of a reactor built by an ancient Martian
  10. Gases propelling the bullet within the barrel are diverted and used to, unlock ,the bolt and cycle the action rearward. In most designs the gas port is located
  11. Placed in the wrong one (The Dales,1963). The First Doctor was also able to, unlock ,it with his ring (The Web Planet,1965) and repair it by using the light of
  12. Communication channel without a secondary classical" key" signal to ", unlock ," the message encoded in the entanglement. This violates orthodox quantum
  13. A box containing her message, and sends the locked box to Bob. Bob can then, unlock ,the box with his key and reads the message from Alice. To reply, Bob must
  14. Blood and gore to remain in the Genesis version (though a code was required to, unlock ,the gore). Nintendo allowed the Super NEW version of Mortal Kombat II to ship
  15. Actuated by gases. * A recoil actuated machine gun uses the recoil to first, unlock ,and then operate the action. Heavy machine guns, such as the M2 .50 and
  16. But she summoned the townsmen and common soldiers and forced the mayor to, unlock ,a gate. With the aid of only one captain she rode out and captured the fortress
  17. Eventually a product called the" Gold fingers device" was created that could, unlock ,the CPU, named after the gold connector pads on the processor board that it
  18. Locked or unlock ed. When it is locked, tasks must wait for the semaphore to, unlock , A binary semaphore is therefore equivalent to a mute. Typically, a task will
  19. Who had sought refuge with smugglers after the Harmonies attack. In a bid to, unlock ,his latent powers, Paul undergoes the process of spice agony via the
  20. EVENT-options on the record I/O statements and the UNLOCK statement to, unlock ,locked records on EXCLUSIVE files. Event data identify a particular event and
  21. Is stolen by alien robots, as the burnt stump inside is part of a key needed to, unlock ,the" Wicket Gate" and release an imprisoned world called Rikki. Body line, a
  22. With Super Mario Advance 4 and Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire to have cards that, unlock ,content. Nintendo Gamete games like Animal Crossing have cards with
  23. The Allen Spinal Cord Atlas offers profound potential for researchers to, unlock ,the mysteries of the spinal cord and how it is altered during disease or injury
  24. To Bob. When Bob receives the box with only his padlock on it, Bob can then, unlock ,the box with his key and read the message from Alice. Note that in this scheme
  25. Glass display cases, which means that the owner may need additional staff to, unlock ,the cabinets and get out items that customers want to examine. As a store
  26. Settings. These include the password needed to display hidden records and, unlock ,the device when locked, as well as set up an automatic lock downtime or
  27. Then in arcades. It has been found that in a few home version games, one could, unlock ,the arcade version of the game by inputting a special code. ROM sizes and
  28. Micrograph Following its 1912 rediscovery, one of the earliest efforts to, unlock ,the book's secrets (and the first of many premature claims of deciphered)
  29. Are specific to the major version of QuickTime for which they are purchased and, unlock ,additional features of the QuickTime Player application on Mac OS X or Windows.
  30. In many media recognized the potential to use Campbell's theories to try to, unlock ,human responses to narrative patterns. Novelists, songwriters,video game
  31. By this concept — this dream-heist notion and how this character's gonna, unlock ,his dreamworld and ultimately affect his real life. " Released to critical
  32. Only the owner of the account has the necessary smart card or token needed to, unlock ,the account. * Something you are, such as fingerprint, voice,retina, or iris
  33. Biotechnology" and need for" an honest broker to create avenues and forums to, unlock ,the impasses. " Biosecurity incidents * 1984 Rajneesh religious cult attacks
  34. Was decided to lock the pilot's manual controls. In an unusual move, a code to, unlock ,the controls was placed in an onboard envelope, for Gagarin's use in case of
  35. To be impossible to defeat without a valid password, there are workarounds to, unlock ,a drive. Many data recovery companies offer unlock ing services, so while the
  36. Or the device will cease to work reliably. The specific commands used to lock, unlock , program, or erase NOR memories differ for each manufacturer. To avoid needing
  37. In addition to the personal identification number (PIN) code necessary to, unlock ,the card for permission to use it for encryption and digital signatures. No
  38. By Flit wick to sprout wings and fly near the ceiling. One of these keys will, unlock ,the door to the next section. However, in the film adaptation, the keys attack
  39. Asia is pushing him to enter into an overdose-induced spice trance in order to, unlock ,the door to prophetic visions. She feels the need for such visions in order to
  40. Were out of the way, but if the trip lever engaged the clutch would quickly, unlock , *"Kickback" clutch-brakes: These mechanisms were found in some types of
  41. Of view of a group of human explorers, who intercept the ship in an attempt to, unlock ,its mysteries. This novel won both the Hugo and Nebula awards upon its release
  42. Requiring two separate keys, one to lock or encrypt the plaintext, and one to, unlock ,or decrypt the ciphertext. Neither key will do both functions. One of these
  43. To remove the lock, or make use of free or fee-based software and websites to, unlock ,the handset themselves. In some countries (e.g., Lebanon,Bangladesh, Hong
  44. Civilization. * The Greater Trumps (1932) — The original Tarot is used to, unlock ,enormous metaphysical powers by allowing the possessors to see across space and
  45. Scores; a" C" grade in all the selected child's levels must be achieved to, unlock ,the relevant Twin Seeds dream for that character. At the start of each level
  46. On stage and gave him a kiss. It is believed that in her mouth was the key to, unlock ,the special handcuff. Houdini then went back behind the curtain. After an hour
  47. Event in Cairo. Elijah has described his initial activities as an attempt to, unlock ," the inner sound" of the recordings. While his early compositional work was
  48. Routers, including: * Many Homebrew projects for gaming consoles. These often, unlock ,general purpose computing functionality in previously limited devices (e.g.
  49. An unofficial new or modified version of firmware to provide new features or to, unlock ,hidden functionality. Examples include: * Many third-party firmware projects
  50. The item. As the character learns more about the item and its history, he can, unlock ,more and more power within the item. Each magical item, therefore,is unique by

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