Examples of the the word, si , in a Sentence Context
The word ( si ), is the 8077 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Cum non multi distant a Brutus, secundum quo video potent in minor, qui, si , alium interfere in minor ætate, iudicium non subtenant.: ... si nce they
- By a diacritic. An acute accent, for example, is used in Spanish to distinguish, si , ( " if" ) from SI (" yes" ), and in Catalan to distinguish OS (" bone" )
- Left. May also start by pas si ng left and falling back right. Called a do, si , do in other dance forms (and dos-à-dos in France). Balance back - a si ngle
- Do system, with the numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 standing for do’re,mi, fa,sol, la,is, Dots above or below a numeral indicate the octave of the note it represents.
- Without her, provoking a damning diatribe insulting his parentage. Hac quote, si , prohibes et nos, ingrate,relinquish, non genetic Europa tibia est, sed
- Si et element is' ). In Spanish, it is also written" SSI" ( 'is y solo, si ,'). Notes IP may refer to: Computing * Internet Protocol, the
- That he had refused the Order of Canada in 1990. In 2000,Encore one foil, si , vous LE permitted (For The Pleasure of Seeing Her Again) won a Chalmers Award
- Et be::: :A piper et tout de novel::: :Uses dances tells EU'IL sorest, ::: :ET, si , trestot Que cease rent::: :Les examples EU'IL patient, ::: :Ci let cells quit
- NO·L LI TOLD NO·L LI DEMERARA NI NO L'EN DEBRA ... NEC societies non AURA, si , per Castellón recuperate NON O FA, et is recuperate pottery in potentate
- Et LE few, Nous mullions Alec nos panes La Mort quit nous Kublai, si , peu Nous, la Legion. English Chorus Here you are, some blood pudding
- De maestro destiny?: -SI, juro-.: -Si as lo Rivieras, Dios OS abuse, y,is, no,El y la Atria OS lo demanded. " Croatia Before assuming duty, the
- DEBRA ... NEC societies non AURA, si per Castellón recuperate NON O FA, et, si , recuperare pottery in potentate Protein et Raymundo LO TORNADO, per IPSA
- Tall. ") * D'Chechen ass groups. (neuter," The girl is tall. ") * D'Manner, si , grouss. (plural," The children are tall. ") Attributive adjectives are
- Also divided into two branches: barristers (where the Cantonese name Dali LUT, si , 大律師 is also used) and solicitors (where the Cantonese name LUT is, 律師 is
- A pipe would I'm Robin Held: :Sic outlaws as hi an is men: :Oil England NIR, si , agen.::: Obit 24 KAL Debris 1247 This inscription also appears on a grave
- But also the si gn + by the − si gn, and finally RI by the discrete values, si , ( ±½); thereby we have \alpha (+1/2) \beta (-1/2) 1 and \alpha (-1/2)
- Basel, das she Scheat (‘ the example that she writes’ ); DS Ba si l, wo, si , dra dank vs. Standard German was Basel, woran she dent (‘ the example
- The plain letters s, z,c, dz,n are used; before other vowels the combinations, si , ZI, ci, dzi, ni are used; when not followed by a vowel the diacritic forms ś
- At a slight on her moral character:" car tells n'est Que Rhine done de si re DI, si , haute cite come de Jerusalem" (" there should not be such a queen for so
- Chufirmi," Mr. Huayllacahua is a driver-- I know it for a fact" );, si , expresses hearsay knowledge (TAFTA Wayllaqawaqa chairs," Mr. Huayllacahua
- And a featureless interior, with the si lhouetted object usually being black;, si , vous preferred:" if you prefer "; sobriquet: an assumed name, a nickname (
- Cannabis been, mi Fable, apud me: Paris, si tibia DI fa vent, diebus, :,is, tecum antlers money true magnum: CENAC, non si ne candida Puebla: et vino et
- Lune d'etc,1996. (" Solemn Mass for a Full Moon Summer" ) *Encore one foil, si , vous permitted,1998 (For The Pleasure of Seeing Her Again) *Bonbons assorts
- Longer than the previous, e. g.:: Sees, deus, aeternae stations conciliator, :,is, castis precious veniales invigilates, : his, pater, oratis playbills
- Pob clown,i'm going SDD hard; Try Dallas gwladgarol, mor synod YW, si , Ei rented, afonydd, i mi. (Cyan - Chorus) (Traded Penn ill - Third stanza
- Comedy rock band Punjabi Inspector Plaza i Kljunovi released the song" Leap, si , Pamela" ( trans. " You're Beautiful, Pamela ") on their 1998 album Sees
- By the alveolar si bilants. (hi becomes ZI, chi become sci, shi becomes, si , and RI or may sound like. ) This is also common in the Mandarin spoken in
- Essent excrement in Paradise? Strum anti resurgent cum intestines? Strum, si , deipara fewest VIR, potuisset else naturalist parents Christi?: These, with many
- Does not contradict Scripture. " (" Ego sane fate or, me non posse prohibit, si , quis lures RELIT stores ducal, nec repugnant saris liters. ") " On February
- Der, die,was, welcher, welches as in Standard German,e.g. DS Ba si l, wo, si , schrybt vs. Standard German was Basel, das she Scheat (‘ the example that
- FBI sæva Indignation: Ulterior: Cor lacerate ne quit, : Abi Victor: Et imitate, si , poteris, : Strenuous pro virile: Liberates Vindicator em.: Obit 19º Die Menses
- This set. # Complex numbers are sums of a real and an imaginary number: r +, si , Here both r and s can equal zero; thus, the set of real numbers and the set of
- Della Esperanza (1950) (Dir. Pietro Germ) Co-scriptwriter * La pitta, si , defende (1951) (Dir. Pietro Germ) Co-scriptwriter * Per si an chi use (1951
- Fricatives (f),(w),(s),(z),(SZ),(ż, rz),the palatal (ś, si , ) and (ź, zi),and (ch, h ) and (chi, hi ) *affricates (c),(dz),(CZ
- Казваш? (key see Kazakh) – What is your name (informal)? *Кой си ти? (boy, si , ti ) informal, masculine – Who are you? *Коя си ти? (kaya is ti) informal
- Daai LUT is, 大律師 is also used) and solicitors (where the Cantonese name LUT, si , 律師 is also used). In the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal, only
- Acute can be used to distinguish words that otherwise are spelled alike, such as, si , ( " if" ) and SI (" yes" ), and also to distinguish interrogative and
- Кой си ти? (boy is ti) informal, masculine – Who are you? *Коя си ти? (kaya, si , ti ) informal, feminine – Who are you? *Коя сте вие? (kaya STE vie) formal
- Some monosyllabic words (e.g. me (me),ti (( to) you),to (it),see, si , ( oneself),ASEM (am),CSI (are) ) are critics — they are not stressed and
- A si milar structure, in French IFF is written" SSI" ( 'is et element, si ,'). In Spanish, it is also written" SSI" ( 'is y solo is' ). Notes
- Laudetur awards, : Tampa Marcus homo et serum tutelage serum: Berta magic Guam, si , fortunas series ea si er: Hesperides Serpens AUT Poetics. ...: (14.107-14) 331
- D'OC. In his De vulgar eloquent he wrote in Latin:" Nam alibi OC, alii, si , alibi very decent oil" (" some say OC, others say SI, others say oil" )
- Of Catullus XIII, ad Fabulous:: Cannabis been, mi Fable, apud me: Paris, si , tibi DI fa vent, diebus, : is cecum antlers money true magnum: CENAC, non si ne
- Ś, ź,ć, dź, ń are used. For example, the s in city (" reappeared" ),the,is, in Starkey (" sulfur" ) and the ś in society (" holy" ) all represent the
- Capital C (\math) often represents this set. Note that si nce a number r +, si , can be identified with a point (r, s ) in the plane, C is ba si cally" the same
- Cities; see Special cities of Korea). Smaller cities are clas si fied as, si , ( " cities" ) and are under provincial jurisdiction, at the same level as
- A, et Bain Que tout cell soil généralement blame, je vex Eyre PIRE EU’un chain, si , jamais JE songs AU Paradise. John Leslie Garner An English translation of 152
- Nimia est intense, coturnix: null UQAM pro Pate cadet. Sentire colored:, si , coepit couples Valletta et Paris orbit, : legitimate fixes destitute total libelous
- Not without a white girl: and wine and wit and laughs for all. The phrase, si , tecum antlers money true magnum / CENAC (“ if you bring with you a good and
- Blóts on the island of Got land in the Baltic Sea:: Fire a time OC long entire, si ,an. To u men a cult. Oc a Hausa. Wi. OC. staffer a. OC a HAI in GU. blot u
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