Examples of the the word, persuasive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persuasive ), is the 8079 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To learn fables, expand upon them, invent their own, and finally use them as, persuasive ,examples in longer forensic or deliberative speeches. The need of instructors
  2. The non-personal communication of information usually paid for & usually, persuasive ,in nature, about products (goods & services) or ideas by identified sponsor
  3. Principal tenets of astrological belief. This, he argued, would have been more, persuasive ,and would have produced less controversy. Astrologers for their part prefer not
  4. Down the set of things meeting the definition. C. L. Stevenson has identified, persuasive ,definition as a form of stimulative definition which purports to describe the "
  5. Of Essex. In the end,Edward's supporters proved the more powerful and, persuasive , and he was crowned king at Kingston upon Thames before the year was out.
  6. Skill is shown through his character assassination of Verses and various other, persuasive ,techniques used towards the jury. One such example is found in Against Verses I
  7. Mandatory but which is useful or relevant is known as persuasive precedent (or, persuasive ,authority or advisory precedent). Persuasive precedent includes cases decided
  8. Issues. Persuasive precedent may become binding through the adoption of the, persuasive ,precedent by a higher court. Critical analysis of precedent Court formulations
  9. But excludes customary law. Decisions from South African courts are only, persuasive , and courts refer to them in formulating their decisions. Decisions from
  10. Report ". Judgments of the Judicial Committee in overseas cases are only of ", persuasive ,authority" in other courts in the United Kingdom; so while those courts take
  11. World judicial bodies, etc. In a case of first impression, courts often rely on, persuasive ,precedent from courts in other jurisdictions that have previously dealt with
  12. Of the jurisdiction to overturn binding precedent, and therefore needs to cite, persuasive ,precedent to demonstrate a trend in other jurisdictions. Philip Kindred Dick (
  13. Costs during the 20th century. He argued that courts should ban the citation of, persuasive ,precedent from outside their jurisdiction, with two exceptions:: (1) cases
  14. In a comparatively positive review, The Washington Post called the book ", persuasive ," and praised its" accumulated evidence. " Promiscuities reports
  15. Tribunals as well as scholarly works have traditionally been looked to as, persuasive ,sources for custom in addition to direct evidence of state behavior (and they
  16. Of the same appellate court, but decisions of lower courts are only non-binding, persuasive ,authority. Interactions between common law, constitutional law, statutory law
  17. Bergson's literary skills, Russell saw Bergson's arguments at best as, persuasive ,or emotive speculation but not at all as any worthwhile example of sound
  18. Homer's works, which are about fifty percent speeches, provided models in, persuasive ,speaking and writing that were emulated throughout the ancient and medieval
  19. Thanks to this forgery in the collection, the secretary became one of the most, persuasive ,forgeries in the history of the West. It supported Papal policies for centuries
  20. Counteracting the contemporary discourse. Rhetorical scholars have studied her, persuasive ,strategies. It has been concluded that Christine successfully forged a
  21. Lawyers for propositions of uncodified common law, and are considered highly, persuasive ,authority, just below binding presidential decisions. The Corpus Juries Second
  22. Speak English as their first language used the lowest percentage of aggressive, persuasive ,tactics (threats, warnings,and punishments totaled only 1 percent) of all 15
  23. Was Ledbetter's ticket out of prison. It was quite a testament to his, persuasive ,powers, as Jeff had run for governor on a pledge not to issue pardons (pardon
  24. Of how the mind works draws directly from ideas that found their first, persuasive ,author of modern times in Chomsky. There are three key ideas. First is that the
  25. Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead, proposed the idea and were so, persuasive ,that Candler signed a contract giving them control of the procedure for only
  26. In The Treasure of the City of Ladies, Christine highlights the, persuasive ,effect of women’s speech and actions in everyday life. In this particular text
  27. Michael Trotter blamed over-reliance by American lawyers on binding and, persuasive ,authority, rather than the merits of the case at hand, as a major factor behind
  28. Decisions. Decisions from similar jurisdictions can also be cited for their, persuasive ,value. Magistrates’ courts decisions do not become precedent since these are
  29. Customary courts today (local courts). Written works of eminent authors have, persuasive ,value in the courts of Lesotho. These include writings of the old authorities
  30. Since then, many jurisdictions have been swayed by Justice Traynor's strongly, persuasive ,arguments on behalf of the strict liability rule in Escolar, Greenman, and
  31. School science classrooms under the jurisdiction of that court. This sets a, persuasive ,precedent, based on previous Supreme Court decisions in Edwards v. Aguilar
  32. What historian David Button described in 2001 as" the most impressive and, persuasive ,single-volume biography" of Chamberlain (completed during the war and
  33. Are not generally binding on courts within the United Kingdom, having only, persuasive ,authority, but are binding on all courts within any other Commonwealth country
  34. Strictly binding on Hong Kong courts at all, for all that such decisions are, persuasive ,and will be treated with great respect, depending on all relevant circumstances
  35. He channeled his feelings into love poems that were exclamatory rather than, persuasive , and wrote prose that showed his contempt for men who pursue women. Upon her
  36. Rather than force a man's conscience, government should recognize the, persuasive ,force of the gospel. " Divorce His thinking on divorce caused him considerable
  37. Found that the evidence for the discovery of a new nuclear process was not, persuasive ,enough to start a special program, but was" sympathetic toward modest support
  38. Precedent that is not mandatory but which is useful or relevant is known as, persuasive ,precedent (or persuasive authority or advisory precedent). Persuasive
  39. Was to shoot Odysseus, his anger was eventually diffused by Odysseus's, persuasive ,powers and the influence of the gods. Odysseus returned to the Arrive camp with
  40. Women to embrace this identity by counteracting misogynist thinking through, persuasive ,dialogue. Simone de Beauvoir wrote in 1949 that Elite AU Died d'Amour was "
  41. This was due partially to his inherent curiosity as well as his rather, persuasive ,peer and friend Sheikh Meh tab. The idea of vegetarianism is deeply ingrained in
  42. Or most definitive message. More generally: which kinds of arguments should be, persuasive ,to Christians, and which do not possess the weight necessary to determine
  43. Step 4: Secure your commitments In order to safeguard the longtime success of a, persuasive ,decision, it is vital to deal with politics at both the individual and
  44. Episcopal class to administer the sacraments. Yet such arguments may not be, persuasive ,to the apostolic churches. Some favoring the traditional ecclesial see the
  45. In our lives (Prime Observer),while others see God as a subtle and, persuasive ,spirit (Prime Mover). Pandeism combines elements of deism with
  46. By far the highest percentages of promises and recommendations, using these, persuasive ,strategies unusually heavily. They were also at the end of the scale on the
  47. Potter calls the allegations against Iran" mere assertions" and state:" no, persuasive ,evidence of the claim that Iran was the primary culprit of using chemical
  48. Person or ideas. (Bearded, Ingram,& Laforge 1998) #An informative or, persuasive ,message carried by a non-personal medium & paid for by an identified sponsor
  49. Radio telescopes for signals from intelligent extraterrestrial life-forms. So, persuasive ,was he that by 1982 he was able to get a petition advocating SET published in
  50. Failure to give notice may negate resolutions passed at a meeting, because the, persuasive ,oratory of a minority of directors might have persuaded the majority to change

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