Examples of the the word, venus , in a Sentence Context
The word ( venus ), is the 8068 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Seymour has recently obtained a mysterious plant that looks like a large, venus , fly trap. While he was browsing the wholesale flower district, a sudden eclipse
- Capillus-veneris, the Southern maidenhair fern, black maidenhair fern, and,Venus, hair fern, is a species of fern in the genus Quantum with a subcosmopolitan
- The lowlands Image: Price Sicily Italy 26. JPG|Remains of the ancient temple of, venus , Image: Venus fountain Price Sicily Italy 01. JPG|Venus fountain Image: Venus
- Montoya's necklace, causing it to permanently scar her chest with the dual, venus , symbol. (Gotham Central #32) Written by Greg Ruck. Art by Steve Lieder. A
- Was justified, which appealed to many artists and their patrons. Over time, venus , came to refer to any artistic depiction in post-classical art of a nude woman
- Improvement (HI) bundle * 4. Selection of Optimal site for Central, venus , Catheter (CVC) - Disinfection of intravenous access ports before use National
- Estonia Image: Moravian ska_Venus. JPG|Venus of Moravian Image: MAL'ta (, venus , figurine ). GIF|MAL'ta Venus Image: Malignant face. JPG|Venus of Malignant
- Macaulay 1908:166). Except a 74 line letter" unto cupid and to, venus ," in Book VIII, Gower did not adopt the new pentameter with which Chaucer had
- Central library supplemented by two others, and a theatrical and concert, venus , in the shape of Then Mun Town Hall. Public utilities Numerous facilities are
- Attractive and popular with shell-collectors. A few species that still have ", venus ," as part of their common name, but which are no longer in the genus Venus are:
- Career. The band still struggled for fan notice, playing approximately 60 small, venus , and releasing their second single," Seaside Michigan ANSI NATU" (" The
- Song with piano (1905) and with orchestra (1906) * 48,Les grands vents, venus ’d'outrigger, song with piano after Henri de Régnier (1906) * 49,La cloche
- Evidence of host plant specialization; whilst the South African species Let, venus , is restricted to the tree Virginia census this may be a case of" ecological
- As southern maidenhair-fern) and threatened species in Kentucky (as, venus , hair fern),due to loss of Appalachian habitat., full title, is a long-running
- Are: * the Sunday Venus, Macrocallista Mimosa, ( Light foot) * cross barred, venus , Chine cancellable, ( Linnaeus) * lady in waiting Venus, Chione intapurpurea
- As a jaguar. * Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli - destructive god of the morning star (, venus , ),dawn, and of the east. One of the sky bearers * Tlaloc (also Nuhualpilli) -
- Priers, included his poems, which are of small merit, the Traits DES square, venus , cardinales acres Unique, and a translation of the Lysis of Plato. In 1558
- When it wants something attending to, such as shelves putting up or the giant, venus , fly traps in the castle garden feeding. Berk has two companions, Boni and Draft
- Name Venus mercenaries; this species is indeed in the family Venetian,the, venus , clams. Confusingly, the " ocean quahog" is a different species, Arctica
- Renamed Venus, which IGN wrote is a combination of" Venus" from the plant, venus , flytrap and" spur" from dinosaur. Venus, known as the Seed Pokémon, is the
- Call for Pre-Germanic *Veneto. Etymologically related words include Latin, venus , -Eris 'love, passion,grace '; Sanskrit veins- 'lust, zest ', vani- 'wish
- Europa 1369. Contains a recording of Bases may (4 voices and 6 voices) and O, venus , bant by Joaquin DES Prey. *2007 – Salve Mater Salve Jesus. Chant and Polyphony
- As a result it was renamed Venus, which IGN wrote is a combination of ", venus ," from the plant Venus flytrap and" spur" from dinosaur. Venus, known as
- The winner was Joshua Flows, who designed a shirt with a microphone and a, venus , symbol combined on it.: For the American author, F. Marion Crawford, see
- Fleurs, song with piano after Paul Gravelly (1903) * 48,Les grands vents, venus ’d'outrigger, song with piano after Henri de Régnier (1906) * 50,Histories
- Her as the equivalent of the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Name The noun form, venus , means " love" and" sexual desire" in Latin, and has connections to venerate
- Bien surprise lost'IL né put retriever one see minute: LES disease patient, venus , qui ancient tout mange. (Ch. Perrault) ":" He believed he'd easily find his
- Rousseau,1881):: Carbonnier's Durex * Durex scoop Dillon,1817: False, venus , comb,woodcock Durex; Subgenus Durex (Procure) Ponder & Votes,1988; Species
- That all scenes that feature blood, or any blood-like thing, such as the, venus , flytrap saliva, as well as a brief nudity scene, be redrawn. Of interest is the
- And in several other dungeons thereafter. * are carnivorous plants, with a, venus , fly trap-like mouth, and sprout from the ground whenever their roots detect any
- One such advertisement from 1989 titled Venus Fly Trap saw a man feed a, venus , fly trap a Peperoni. Unilever recently decided to drop its ad agency of 16
- Dessert, or consumed raw when young. The Romans knew several varieties such as, venus , ram, and Punic chickpeas. They were both cooked down into a broth and roasted
- Cross barred Venus, Chione cancellable, ( Linnaeus) * lady in waiting, venus , Chine intapurpurea, ( Conrad) The shell of generics varies in shape, and
- Part, be considered an autodidact., and cites primary influences as prehistoric, venus , figurines,and Central American folk art. Riff worked on design and
- Belles! Belles!, his first hit * Venus in Blue Jeans (Mark Winter): Ma, venus , en blue Jeans * I'll Be Around (The Spinners): Studied IL NE rest EU'one
- Nobody ever told him he can't. Venus Another of Iris's many pets, Venus is a, venus , flytrap. When Venus first appeared, she was very voracious and typically acted
- And Ivory Carvings While it is the rounded female statutes, dubbed,Venus, figurines,that have garnered the most attention, sculpted objects also
- 1952,Denzel) / Interviews by Michel Mall *Le Brazil, des Homes sent, venus , ( 1952,Monaco, Les Documents d'Art) *Noel aux 4 coins Du mode (1953,Robert
- Face. JPG|Venus of Malignant Image: Burnt (, venus , figurine ). GIF|Stylized Venus of Court Image: Venus Romania. PNG|Venus
- Gulls, a 13-16 lb size sch napper ground off Mt Martha Point, mutton fish or, venus ,ear-bait, coatfish, parrot fish, leather jackets, flathead,dog fish, sting
- Frenzy, and mental disturbance. Lucretius calls this form of sexual pleasure, venus , in contrast to armor, passionate love. The best sex is that of happy animals
- Crack grants Rachel two new morphs; a giant, carnivorous,self-regenerating, venus , flytrap and a monstrous version of herself (dubbed Super-Rachel) with
- Custodial Dolphin. JPG|Maximilian Dolphin (1924) Image: Custodial Russian, venus , JPG|Russian Venus (1926) Image: Купчиха и домовой. JPG|Donovan Peeping at
- Their lives (such as corals),and there are plants (such as tumbleweeds, and,Venus, fly traps) that exhibit more mobility than is customarily associated with
- Call for Pre-Germanic *Veneto. Etymologically related words include Latin, venus , -Eris 'love, passion,grace '; Sanskrit veins- 'lust, zest ', vani- 'wish
- Their common name, but which are no longer in the genus Venus are: * the Sunday, venus , Macrocallista Mimosa, ( Light foot) * cross barred Venus, Chione cancellable
- To the tropical jungles of Venus and find Earth cold, but are quite savage., venus , is inhabited by other savage creatures, some which resemble Pre-Historic
- On a rotating stalk. *Terror Troopers – A tank-like vehicle with a large, venus , flytrap-like mouth mounted on the body. *Gun Troopers – A vehicle with a
- Will have come" ), je series venue (" I fem. Will have come" ); nous sermons, venus , ( " We masc. Or mixed will have come" ), nous sermons venues ('We fem. Will
- Where their ranges overlap. Other species within the genus include the, venus , clam M. Simpson found in north Pacific waters. All these species were
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