Examples of the the word, frightening , in a Sentence Context

The word ( frightening ), is the 8083 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Enchantress, in contrast to the past where succubi were generally depicted as, frightening ,and demonic. Etymology The word is derived from Late Latin succubi" strumpet "
  2. The character's adventures. Dressed as a bat, Batman deliberately cultivates a, frightening ,persona in order to aid him in crime-fighting, a fear that originates from the
  3. When sacrificing to him. Since to many, simply to say the word" Hades" was, frightening , euphemisms were pressed into use. Since precious minerals come from under the
  4. Other white, furry objects. In the real world, fear can be acquired by a, frightening ,traumatic accident. For example, if a child falls into a well and struggles to
  5. Resonance imaging has replaced nuclear magnetic resonance in order to avoid, frightening ,patients with the word nuclear (even though MRI scanning does not involve the
  6. Himself to Feldman that night. He encountered Feldman abruptly, startling and, frightening ,him, which may have induced Feldman's heart attack. Dragons has recounted the
  7. Killed them. By the 5th century BC, classical Greek ghosts had become haunting, frightening ,creatures who could work to either good or evil purposes. The spirit of the
  8. In the amygdala when patients were shown threatening faces or confronted with, frightening ,situations. Patients with a more severe social phobia showed a correlation with
  9. 5 stars, Playlouder called it 'fucking crap ', and Yahoo! Launch labeled it 'a, frightening ,insight into the vacuous state of 21st century culture '. An acoustic cover of
  10. Of the dead. For this reason, death,as an outcome of disease, may not seem as, frightening ,to Spiritualists as it does to those who practice other religions. According to
  11. Psychosomatic) afflictions—such as persistent terror (on account of some, frightening ,experience),which may be likewise cured by similar methods. Usually in most
  12. Point eight million words. Equivalent to about 100 books. Suddenly I'm, frightening ,myself. (And the" 20 per week" number is my low estimate. )" Asimov wrote
  13. When you're talking about God, this is serious, this is the most wonderful and, frightening ,reality that we could imagine, more wonderful and frightening that we can
  14. Of Georgia is under martial law and life there has taken on a new and more, frightening ,tone. For protection, Scarlett keeps Frank's pistol tucked in the upholstery
  15. Is because the shadow has taken on Ged's own shape and has gone before him, frightening ,the islanders. Increasingly despondent, Ged lands on the island of Offish and
  16. Of developmental theorists to project a masculine image, and one that appears, frightening ,to women, goes back at least to Freud ..." She sees Freud's criticism of
  17. Who was known for his skills with the sword. Because of his reputation as a, frightening ,warrior and a heartless general, he was sent to curb the riots in the Av anti
  18. Of buildings" that was Stockholm, for example, Le Cor busier saw only “, frightening ,chaos and saddening monotony. ” He dreamed of" cleaning and purging" the city
  19. Students," When sin or sickness seems true to material sense, impart without, frightening ,or discouraging (your) the patient (being treated metaphysically by
  20. Whose ages ranged between four and sixteen, reported that they found clowns, frightening ,and disliked clowns as part of hospital decor. Clown costumes tend to
  21. The earlier Godzilla films, especially the original, portrayed Godzilla as a, frightening , nuclear monster. Godzilla represented the fears that many Japanese held about
  22. Premonitions of the hotel's danger to his family and begins seeing ghosts and, frightening ,visions from the hotel's past, but puts up with them in the hope that they are
  23. Montana (future Pope Paul VI),saying," the massacres of the Jews reach, frightening ,proportions and forms. " The Cardinal Secretary of State replied that the
  24. Wonderful and frightening reality that we could imagine, more wonderful and, frightening ,that we can imagine. "" Thy kingdom come" The request for God's kingdom to
  25. Of mania is ultimately often quite unpleasant and sometimes disturbing, if not, frightening , for the person involved and for those close to them, and it may lead to
  26. Acknowledged that this building has secrets of its own. It is this gloomy and, frightening ,scenery, which sets the scene for what the audience should expect. Without a
  27. Repeatedly complained to the BBC in the 1970s over what she saw as the show's, frightening ,or gory content; however, the program became even more popular—especially
  28. Her way back from a job interview in Allah. She described the incident as ", frightening ," and claimed Israeli official treated her like a criminal and denied her an
  29. To the Civil War of the Finns is well symbolized by the most modern and, frightening ,weapon used in the turmoil: an armored train, carrying light cannons and heavy
  30. Certain ideas literally unthinkable. The adjective Orwellian refers to the, frightening ,world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the state controls thought and
  31. Received envelopes with photographs of car accidents, brain surgery and other, frightening ,illustrations. After the KGB harassment in Zurich, Solzhenitsyn settled in
  32. By authors such as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell to make serious and even, frightening ,commentaries on the dangers of the sweeping social changes taking place
  33. Especially in his later years),and was by all accounts often intimidating and, frightening ,when expressing anger or displeasure. Mingus was prone to clinical depression.
  34. Love/ But to be loved alone. " Diaghilev was known as a hard, demanding,even, frightening ,taskmaster. Nanette de Valois, no shrinking violet, said she was too afraid to
  35. Schedule throughout the second half of the year. Neal recalled," It was almost, frightening , the reaction that came to Elvis from the teenaged boys. So many of them
  36. Had become much grittier over the past ten to fifteen years, and found it ", frightening ," that parents let their young children watch. In July 2006,former cast member
  37. That his idyllic town is a constructed reality designed to protect him from the, frightening ,fact that he lives on a then-future Earth (circa 1998) that is at war with
  38. Sailing, Ahab finally appears on the quarter-deck one morning, an imposing, frightening ,figure whose haunted visage sends shivers over the narrator. One of his legs is
  39. And had a Satanic agenda. As described by Freemasonry Disclosed in 1897:: With, frightening ,cynicism, the miserable person we shall not name here Tail declared before an
  40. Grand Googol: a horror show, named after a French theater famous for its, frightening ,plays and bloody special effects. (Googol can be used in French to describe a
  41. Stage in the first performance of the Eumenides, the chorus of Furies were so, frightening ,in appearance that they caused young children to faint, patriarchs to urinate
  42. The literature of the unnatural and supernatural, with the aim of unsettling or, frightening ,the reader, sometimes with graphic violence. Historically it has also been
  43. Head. Nobody was hurt in the crash, but Schumacher said the crash had been ", frightening , " It was the first season since his debut season in 1991 that Schumacher
  44. Georgian) is an Anglicization of Guru, derived from the Persian word for the, frightening ,and heroic people in that territory. However, chronicles describing the land as
  45. It was a look as cold as steel, in which there was something threatening, even, frightening , and it struck me like a blow. The Tsar's gaze! The look of a man who stood
  46. User to adrenaline. In this state, a sudden surge of adrenaline (e.g., from a, frightening ,hallucination or run-in with the law),can cause a fatal cardiac arrhythmia.
  47. Race, Ernie Iran lost control of his #28 Havoline Ford Thunderbird, igniting a, frightening ,crash that saw Earnhardt's #3 Chevrolet hit the tripodal wall nearly head-on
  48. A number of pieces delving into electronica and jazz. Chosen because of his ", frightening ,amount of musical knowledge about TV dramas overseas," Composed, arranged and
  49. Sean with the other. Spears claimed that the situation happened because of a, frightening ,encounter with paparazzi, and that it was a mistake on her part. She publicly
  50. Deafness since 1792. Near the end of his life, he became reclusive and produced, frightening ,and obscure paintings of insanity, madness,and fantasy, while the style of the

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