Examples of the the word, blueprint , in a Sentence Context

The word ( blueprint ), is the 8065 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Recorded" I Know" in 1953,a song which has been called" a chord-for-chord, blueprint ,for" Earth Angel," and which featured the same Curtis Williams piano intro
  2. Factors are one of the groups of proteins that read and interpret the genetic ", blueprint ," in the DNA. They bind DNA and help initiate a program of increased or
  3. Angel based what they were doing in their formative years on the Possessed, blueprint ,laid down on the legendary Seven Churches recording. Possessed arguably did
  4. Socialist economies. O'Donnell (2003) set up a model that could be used as a, blueprint ,for transition economies, and the results suggested that although market
  5. In the Cold War for the next 20 years and has subsequently been labeled the ", blueprint ," for the Cold War. *Speech by James F. Byrnes, United States Secretary of
  6. Queensland state Liberal Party gave an announcement not to wait for a federal, blueprint ,but instead to merge immediately. The new party, the Liberal National Party
  7. Larger than in the reptiles. These odor pathways gradually formed the neural, blueprint ,for what was later to become our limbic brain. Emotions are thought to be
  8. Armor. The wearer should be protected from my talent. When I finish speaking,a, blueprint ,for this armor will download. " (Activated by Moira MacTaggert, Cyclops,and
  9. The living cell, with RNA serving only to aid in creating proteins from the DNA, blueprint , The RNA world hypothesis places RNA at center-stage when life originated. This
  10. Which tops the British charts; it is regarded as the first hard rock hit and a, blueprint ,for related genres, such as heavy metal. * John Coltrane releases A Love
  11. Play with artifacts, etc. In Leary's view the tarot trumps may be viewed as a, blueprint ,for the human race as it matures. Varieties A variety of styles of tarot decks
  12. Source of status for the abbey, but he was also responsible for drafting the, blueprint ,for Marmoreal’s institutional inviolability by appointing the abbot, Walbert.
  13. Of additional carriers in the short term. The Russian Navy expects to have a, blueprint ,for the next generation aircraft carrier by the end of 2010. United Kingdom The
  14. Rabelais never intended his satirical, fictional device to serve as a practical, blueprint ,for a real human society ... Our Thelma is that of The Book of the Law and the
  15. Is degraded. Messenger RNA (mRNA) is a molecule of RNA encoding a chemical ", blueprint ," for a protein product. mRNA is transcribed from a DNA template, and carries
  16. Queensland state Liberal Party gave an announcement not to wait for a federal, blueprint ,but instead to merge now. The new party, the Liberal National Party was formed
  17. Three proposed plans X, Y and Z he accepted in January 1939 the Plan Z. This, blueprint ,for the new German naval construction program envisaged building a navy of
  18. In some cases, Plato spoke as if the perfect circle functioned as the form or, blueprint ,for all copies and for the word definition of circle. In other discussions
  19. Socialists, have chosen to accept this imaginary society as the realistic, blueprint ,for a working nation, while others have postulated that More intended nothing
  20. Which, along with the signing of the December 29, 1996 final accord, form the, blueprint ,for profound political, economic,and social change. To that end, the U. S.
  21. The Roosevelt administration. They argue that there is no evidence of any such, blueprint ,for Roosevelt's programs; these contrarians assert that abundant evidence
  22. Of the game. He noted that the gameplay of Kid Icarus was" not the unique, blueprint ,for a video game ", but that it had been" fairly fresh back in 1987 ". He
  23. The Public, & Humanity to the Individual ". Mantra’s plan provided the original, blueprint ,for settlement. Records show the government was considering it in 1784. The
  24. The band would lose its core audience if they changed their successful musical, blueprint , Another likely factor in Love's antipathy to Pet Sounds was that Wilson
  25. Alphabet. Moshe Idea comments," This tradition in one form or another is the, blueprint ,of the later legend of the creation of the Golem by Eliayahu's famous
  26. Council launched a" Poppy for Medicines" project that provides a technical, blueprint ,for the implementation of an integrated control system within Afghan
  27. The pre-1945 number. While the new ex-colonial states appeared to follow the, blueprint ,of the idealized state - centralized government, territory enclosed by defined
  28. Was created prior to the creation of the world, and that it was used as the, blueprint ,for Creation. Modern biblical scholars believe its books were completed
  29. A startling introduction to the Jimi Hendrix Experience, and the album was a, blueprint ,for what had become possible on an electric guitar, basically recorded on four
  30. Gunman had no military experience. Being a classically educated Mandarin his, blueprint ,for the Xians Army was taken from a historical source — the Ming general Qi
  31. As foundational or breaking the ground for Peirce's" architectonic ", his, blueprint , for a pragmatic philosophy. In the categories one will discern, concentrated
  32. Progressive rock band from the 1980s and 1990s. Photography *Phenotype, or, blueprint , a monochrome photographic printing process that predates the use of the word
  33. Castro had no intention to bow to the US. " Even though he did not have a clear, blueprint ,of the Cuba he wanted to create, Castro dreamed of a sweeping revolution that
  34. Culture In Carl Sagan's novel" Contact ", a machine is constructed from a, blueprint ,received through an extraterrestrial radio transmission. An important (and
  35. For study, and often an area for community or educational use. There is no set, blueprint ,for synagogues and the architectural shapes and interior designs of synagogues
  36. With his ear for a catchy sample—helped move street-level hip-hop's sonic, blueprint ,into more accessible territory. Most important, though,were his skills as a
  37. Program. Environmental policymaking The NEAP, adopted in 1994,is the basic, blueprint ,for environmental protection. The plan focuses on solving a few
  38. More influential. It has been suggested that Led Zeppelin II largely wrote the, blueprint ,for heavy metal bands that followed it. Even though the band saw their albums
  39. Legitimacy whereas Israel effectively accepted the land for peace principle as, blueprint ,for resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict. Given Egypt’s prominent position
  40. DOJ the opportunity to clarify previously unclear rules. The agreement now is a, blueprint ,for all stadiums and other public facilities regarding accessibility. Paralyzed
  41. In object-oriented programming, a class is a construct that is used as a, blueprint ,to create instances of itself – referred to as class instances, class objects
  42. And top civil servants in implementing the Chief Executive's policy, blueprint ,and agenda in an executive-led government. Donald Sang described the
  43. Role-playing games. It spawned the Dragon Warrior franchise and served as the, blueprint ,for the emerging console RPG genre, inspiring the likes of Sega's Phantasm
  44. To" pedestrianize" the city. The scheme, entitled Transform Oxford, is only a, blueprint ,for public consultation at this stage, but county council officials are
  45. Of all time. In John Robb's description, the Clash's debut established the ", blueprint ,for the sound and the soul of what punk rock would be about .... The Clash were
  46. The Jesuit missionary methods along lines that subsequently became a successful, blueprint ,for his order to follow. His efforts left a significant impression upon the
  47. Quality of causation. A more simple example of the formal cause is the, blueprint ,or plan that one has before making or causing a human made object to exist.
  48. Normal growth and development of a multicellular organism. Using the genetic, blueprint ,inherited from its parents, a fetus begins to develop, at the moment of
  49. Strategy (CAS) for Yemen for the period FY 2006 to FY 2009,providing a, blueprint ,for fostering the country’s fiscal and human development improvement. The bank
  50. 26 February 2009,the U. S. Office of Management and Budget released the first, blueprint ,for the Financial Year 2010 budget. This document identified the LOAN system

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