Examples of the the word, universally , in a Sentence Context
The word ( universally ), is the 8067 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- By all physicists, including Max Planck and Niels Bohr. This idea only became, universally ,accepted in 1919,with Robert Millikan's detailed experiments on the
- The Orpheus which followed, evinced the great advance he had made. The work was, universally ,applauded, and laid the foundation of his fame. Several groups succeeded this
- That enables them to obtain the nectar from flowers. They have antennae almost, universally ,made up of 13 segments in males and 12 in females, as is typical for the
- Authority on matters of faith and morals is infallible when what he teaches is, universally ,taught by all the college of bishops in communion with the Bishop of Rome (the
- Glance that any classification is necessarily uncertain; however, it is almost, universally ,acknowledged as Afro-Asiatic on the basis of the surviving glosses, and widely
- Be described by naming the positions where dots are raised, the positions being, universally ,numbered 1 to 3,from top to bottom, on the left, and 4 to 6,from top to
- Logical axioms These are certain formulas in a formal language that are, universally ,valid, that is, formulas that are satisfied by every assignment of values.
- Then any competing system, most of which were not nearly as expandable and were, universally ,proprietary. Even the game port was unusually powerful and could be used for
- Substitutable for x\, in \phi\, the formula \for all x \, \phi \to \fix_t is, universally ,valid. Where the symbol \fix_t stands for the formula \phi\, with the term t\
- The Computer Revolution is very new, and all the good ideas have not been, universally ,implemented. Lectures at OOPS LA 1997 conference and his ACM Turing Award talk
- Be a first-order language. For each variable x\, the formula x = x\, is, universally , valid. This means that, for any variable symbol x\, the formula x x\, can be
- Sri Aurobindo criticized the Gandhian concept of AHIMA as unrealistic and not, universally ,applicable; he adopted a pragmatic non-pacifist position, saying that the
- Within algebraic geometry itself, his theory of schemes has become the, universally ,accepted language for all further technical work. His generalization of the
- New Testament apocrypha—books similar to those in the New Testament but almost, universally ,rejected by Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants—include several gospels and
- The Biblical account of the 8th to 7th centuries is widely, but not, universally , accepted as historical, while the verdict on the earliest period of the United
- In Stoke-on-Trent, there came Christmas v Mastermind, which flopped and is now, universally ,regarded as Ayckbourn's greatest disaster. His fortunes began to revive in
- Other sanctioning bodies were established to regulate the sport and establish, universally ,recognized champions. Rules The Marquess of Queens berry rules have been the
- Van Score, Masaccio, de Wit and others) and/or to wear, as it is almost, universally ,the practice today, baptismal robes. These robes are most often white
- IEC binary naming convention has been adopted by a few, but this is not used, universally , One of the stated goals of the introduction of the IEC prefixes was" to
- S body weight divided by the square of his or her height. The formulae, universally ,used in medicine produce a unit of measure of kg/m2. BMI can also be determined
- Designed to look and act like a human. Although" android" is used almost, universally ,to refer to both sexes, and those of no particular sex," Android" technically
- Basque Government" for" the government of the BAC" are commonly though not, universally ,employed. In particular in common usage the French term Pays Basque (" Basque
- Of −273.15 °C Values of this order for the absolute zero were not, however, universally , accepted about this period. Pierre-Simon Laplace and Antoine Lavoisier, in
- Prior three years, suggested that the two events be combined. Monte Carlo was, universally ,acknowledged as the site of the World Backgammon Championship and has remained
- Substitutable for x\, in \phi\, the formula \fix_t \to \exists x \, \phi is, universally ,valid. Non-logical axioms Non-logical axioms are formulas that play the role of
- Story may be any length up to 10,000 words, but these word lengths are not, universally ,established. Comic books or graphic novels are books in which the story is not
- Versions available—labeling them Ur text editions—their conclusions are not, universally ,accepted. In his monograph" Beethoven—the ninth symphony ", Professor David
- Be iconically doubled for, say,Korean vs. Note however that Korean is nearly, universally ,transcribed as vs., with the details of voice onset time given numerically.
- Stacks are: LMP,L2CAP and SDP. Additionally, these protocols are almost, universally ,supported: HCI and RFC OMM. LMP (Link Management Protocol) Used for control of
- Evidenced also in the common Christian practice of infant baptism, baptism was, universally ,seen by Christians as in some sense necessary for salvation, until Aldrich
- Before the close of the 5th century, at least in the East, abbots seem almost, universally ,to have become deacons, if not priests. The change spread more slowly in the
- 34a),one of which—that regulating the sounding of the scholar—has since been, universally ,adopted, and is referred to by medieval Jewish casuists as" Wakkanai R. Abbey
- Extended his prohibition to all other writings. This prohibition was not, universally ,obeyed. The abbreviations found it to their own convenience and interest to use
- To school" or" being in school ". US law students and medical students almost, universally ,speak in terms of going to" law school" and" med school ", respectively.
- Resolution compared to other measurement methods, and as such are almost, universally ,employed for the detailed study of turbulent flows, or any flow in which rapid
- They also emphasize his close relationship with St Anthony, who is almost, universally ,revered throughout Christendom. St Gregory Gaziantep,330-390,begins Or. 21
- The experimental method to astronomy and astrophysics. He disproved the, universally ,held opinion that the Moon reflects sunlight like a mirror and correctly
- As theorems). Logical axioms are usually statements that are taken to be, universally ,true (e.g., ( A and B) implies A),while non-logical axioms (e.g., ) are
- Later, their use of the symbols which became 2,7 and 9 was recorded. The first, universally ,accepted inscription containing the use of the 0 glyph is first recorded in the
- Used as slang for anal sex. However, homosexual anal sex was far from a, universally ,accepted practice in Ancient Greece. It was the target of jokes in surviving
- Place and time of the introduction and development of bronze technology is not, universally ,synchronous. Man-made tin bronze technology requires set production techniques.
- Above the transition) and the ratio of these two values is found to be, universally ,given by 2.5. * BCS theory correctly predicts the Meissner effect,i.e. the
- Was founded on the ninth day of the month Pharmuthi, which was 21 April, as, universally , agreed. The Romans add that about the time Romulus started to build the city
- 2001 when it was 3.9 %, As the national language, Spanish is understood almost, universally ,in Barcelona. 95 % of the population understand Catalonia's native Catalan
- Intended to turn his fleet away from any mass torpedo attack (that being the, universally ,accepted proper tactical response to such attacks, practiced by all the major
- Will acknowledge anything, that all human life must perish, were his principles, universally ,and steadily to prevail. " (Hume 1974:426) He concludes the volume by setting
- Vaccination. At the time, the germ theory of disease was very new and far from, universally ,accepted. Moreover, no one knew enough about the human immune system to
- Countries are caused by the lack of Western systems of laws and well-defined and, universally ,recognized property rights. De Soto argues that because of the legal barriers
- Of localized particles (quanta). Einstein's light quanta were nearly, universally ,rejected by all physicists, including Max Planck and Niels Bohr. This idea only
- The installation of their products. Mango software and components are almost, universally ,detected as adware nowadays. Examples of adware Devices The Amazon Kindle 3
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