Examples of the the word, sentencing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sentencing ), is the 8082 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Across the South was large, the number of cases leading to prosecution and, sentencing ,was relatively small. The overloaded federal courts were not able to meet the
  2. Of the notorious criminal James Field, finding him guilty in a robbery and, sentencing ,him to hang. Despite being now blind, John Fielding succeeded his older brother
  3. The federal government amended a section of the Criminal Code that pertains to, sentencing , Specifically, section 718.2. The section states (with regard to the hate
  4. 29,Lands listened with patience to the defendants' final pleas. For the, sentencing , according to Richard Chan in his history of Chicago's district court,"
  5. In the Holy Land Foundation case in Dallas, which concluded with the, sentencing ,of the two founders of the foundation to life in prison for funneling $12
  6. Aggravating circumstance that judges are required to take into account in, sentencing , as well as defining specific racist acts as crimes. Section 196 punishes
  7. February 1997,however, the Colombian Congress passed legislation to toughen, sentencing , asset forfeiture, and money-laundering penalties. In November 1997,the
  8. Court of Appeals upheld the murder conviction, but ordered a new capital, sentencing ,hearing over concerns that the jury was improperly instructed. And ordered the
  9. Contested this power and on 19 March 1543 the council decided that all, sentencing ,would be carried out by the government. In 1542,Calvin adapted a service book
  10. And biased attack on a man who has dedicated his life to peace. " At his, sentencing ,hearing, Hunt apologized and insisted that he no longer denies the Holocaust;
  11. Of heroin (approximately fifty doses) or 2.2 pounds (1 kg) of cannabis for, sentencing ,purposes at the federal level. See also the RAVE Act of 2003. World Health
  12. Delivered a unanimous guilty verdict after three hours of deliberations. In the, sentencing ,phase of the trial, Abu-Jamal read to the jury from a prepared statement. He
  13. The Klan was sensational coverage in 1913 of the trial, conviction and, sentencing ,of a Jewish factory manager from Atlanta named Leo Frank. In lurid newspaper
  14. Judge who wore what looked to be a bowler hat, a red undershirt, and suspenders, sentencing ,people to long jail time for some of the most silly misdemeanor" crimes ".
  15. The exception to murder, and will normally do so provide that the available, sentencing ,power of 2 years detention is adequate to punish the offender if found guilty.
  16. The federal amusement tax. One owner had refused to make restitution before, sentencing ,; he was fined $5,000. The owner who had tried to make his shortfall good was
  17. Ordered his officials to refer to the nearest regulation by analogy when, sentencing ,those found guilty of crimes for which the prescribed punishment was execution.
  18. On 2 charges of perjury, but pardoned by President George H. W. Bush before, sentencing , #Oliver North ® member of the National Security Council convicted of
  19. Extremists, ultimately arresting several thousand, prosecuting 1,200,and, sentencing ,about 900. Additional arrests followed in June 2004. That same month, the
  20. In an adversarial system, there is no more controversy and the case proceeds to, sentencing ,; though in many jurisdictions the defendant must have allocation of her or his
  21. Governors Association. As governor, Ashcroft helped enact tougher standards and, sentencing ,for gun crimes, increased funding for local law enforcement, and tougher
  22. Invalidated the procedure in many states and the federal courts that allowed, sentencing ,enhancement based on" a preponderance of evidence ", where enhancement could
  23. Fiction television show Babylon 5) and" It's a beautiful day. " At his, sentencing , Lamp expressed remorse for harm he had caused through his intrusions, with the
  24. Cities. ” In fact,Ressam's confessions were only brought up during his, sentencing ,in an attempt to mitigate the sentence he would receive, and he later recanted
  25. Under this statute, hate and bias have been taken into consideration in, sentencing ,in past cases. Hate crimes are not specifically tracked by German police, but
  26. Or neutral liquid),and the amount that can be considered with respect to, sentencing ,is the total mass of the drug and its medium. This discrepancy was the subject
  27. S 45-year sentence, as well as the $500,000 fine, and ordered that a new, sentencing ,hearing be held. On July 23, 1996,a North Carolina jury threw out a class
  28. Tool for alcoholism widely used by courts to determine the appropriate, sentencing ,for people convicted of alcohol-related offenses, driving under the influence
  29. In 1633,on a grave suspicion of heresy. But perhaps the real reason for his, sentencing ,was that he had in his book insulted the Pope and that Copernican astronomy did
  30. Appeals, the Court commented on the impact of the Alford guilty plea on later, sentencing , In the 1999 South Carolina Supreme Court case State v. Gaines, the Court held
  31. Increased in the UK. Lesser degrees of mental impairment may be reflected in, sentencing ,or the partial defense of diminished responsibility, which results in a
  32. Lawbreakers (as evidence of the defendant's state of mind during trials, sentencing , and parole hearings). In political science, emotions are examined in a number
  33. It is typically unpaid and voluntary. However, it can be part of alternative, sentencing ,approaches in a justice system, and it can be required by educational
  34. Over theology, astronomy and philosophy culminated in his trial and, sentencing ,in 1633,on a grave suspicion of heresy. But perhaps the real reason for his
  35. A ruling that the plea was entered into voluntarily is implied by the act of, sentencing , In October 2008,the United States Department of Justice defined an Alford
  36. Register. Juries only decide questions of fact. They have no role in criminal, sentencing ,or awarding damages in libel cases. It is not necessary that a jury be
  37. Common law the courts can take any aggravating factor into account when, sentencing ,someone found guilty of an offense. There is specific legislation dealing with
  38. Absence, a sentence may potentially be overturned, with the result that a new, sentencing ,hearing must be held. In the federal system, Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure
  39. Will rarely have the opportunity to speak. The right of victims to speak at, sentencing ,is also sometimes referred to as allocation. Specific jurisdictions United
  40. Parliament having to tell him to do so, and had included that view in his, sentencing , " Despite this ruling, a bill to add discrimination based on subculture
  41. For 75 years, the Vatican excommunicated Tito and the Yugoslav government for, sentencing ,Seminar to 16 years in prison on charges of assisting State terror and of
  42. The defendant's sentence beyond the maximum otherwise allowed by statutes or, sentencing ,guidelines. This invalidated the procedure in many states and the federal
  43. Trial by a committee of three subordinated to NKVD -NKVD troika-with, sentencing ,carried out within 24 hours. Many military leaders were convicted of treason
  44. Can only be tried on indictment at the Crown Court where the widest range of, sentencing ,powers is available to the judge. In relation to some indictable offenses, for
  45. The Falasha, Mitzvot,and spirit of the teaching (" Torah" ) that guided his, sentencing , In this way, it brings to everyday reality the practice of the mitzvot as
  46. May be overruled by the court of first instance if the facts suggest that the, sentencing ,powers of a magistrate' Court would be inadequate to represent the
  47. Specific on-the-record ruling that the pleas were voluntary – provided that the, sentencing ,judge acted appropriately in accordance with the rules for acceptance of a plea
  48. By penalty One can categorize crimes depending on the related punishment, with, sentencing , tariffs prescribed in line with the perceived seriousness of the offense. Thus
  49. Then on their beliefs. Lands tried the case in Rockford, and found all guilty, sentencing ,all but three to a year and a day in jail, the maximum sentence, the remaining
  50. Impeached and convicted for taking over $150,000 in bribe money in exchange for, sentencing ,leniency. The Senate did not bar Hastings from holding future office, and

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