Examples of the the word, disabilities , in a Sentence Context
The word ( disabilities ), is the 8066 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities , disorders, syndromes,infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and
- And public law changes for Americans with physical, mental and cognitive, disabilities , It was intended to be a flexible set of laws that could only be strengthened
- Of assistive technologies, improving quality of life for those with learning, disabilities ,and visual impairments. Spell assist programs and voice-recognition facilities
- Run/fun, fell/fall, to/too, who/how etc.). Comorbidities Some learning, disabilities ,often occur with dyslexia, but it is unclear whether these learning
- Countries, it led to civil and political discrimination against Jews, legal, disabilities , and in some instances to physical attacks on Jews which occasionally ended in
- U. S. take steps to ensure functionally equivalent services for consumers with, disabilities , notably those who are deaf or hard of hearing and those with speech
- It is suggested that it can be an adjunct to psychotherapy for people with, disabilities , Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, panic attacks, stuttering,and chronic pain
- The year 2020. The nation also has one of the highest incidences of people with, disabilities , with an estimated one million handicapped people. About 80,000 citizens have
- Through their websites without substantial extra efforts that persons without, disabilities ,were not required to perform. These represent a major potential expansion of
- System, whereby the second teacher takes over a group of children with, disabilities ,within the class. A popular alternative is cooperation between special schools
- But are able to live independently; one-third are severely disabled. Permanent, disabilities ,range from minor tremors and ataxia to signs of severe brain damage, such as
- Their business presence on the Internet were sued because its customers with, disabilities ,could not reserve hotel rooms through their websites without substantial extra
- Which neither slows down the typical students nor neglects the students with, disabilities , Social activities, outings,and many sports and arts activities are performed
- J. Rappaport, was to create civil rights law protections for people with, disabilities ,that would be permanent, would not be able to be reversed or weakened, and
- Bears striking resemblance to the personalities of those with learning, disabilities , Cause Since the symptoms of dyslexia were first identified by Oswald Bergman
- A medical affiliation as well as packages designed especially for people with, disabilities , Debian 4.0 (etch) was released April 8,2007, for the same number of
- Hot spots" in Vietnam and to expand humanitarian services for people with, disabilities ,there. On September 16, 2010,Senator Patrick Leah (D-VT) acknowledged the
- Hawaii provides year-round sports training for individuals with intellectual, disabilities ,such as Down syndrome. Notable individuals * Danny Sabbath, Australian actor
- And weaknesses, and developmental patterns for specific types of intellectual, disabilities , AAC can be used to aid both spoken and written language, and can supplement or
- Problems are perhaps the most important risk factor for disinhibition; learning, disabilities ,and neurological disorders are also significant risks. Most reports of
- Would prohibit all discrimination. It was also intended so that Americans with, disabilities ,would be kept in the mainstream in terms of scientific and medical research and
- Rights Act, provides for monetary damages to private plaintiffs, persons with, disabilities ,do not obtain direct financial benefits from suing businesses that violate the
- Cushions, therapeutic seats). * Standing products to support people with, disabilities ,in the standing position while maintaining/improving their health (standing
- Or mental limitations of disabled employees, not advancing employees with, disabilities ,in the business, and/or not providing needed accommodations in training.
- Standing wheelchair, active stander). * Walking products to aid people with, disabilities ,who are able to walk or stand with assistance (canes, crutches,walkers, gait
- Point out that technology is often created without regard to people with, disabilities , creating unnecessary barriers to hundreds of millions of people. Even the
- From dysarthria, the inability to articulate any speech, and with many other, disabilities , Predicted chances of recovery are variable owing to different techniques used
- Call center location, which increasingly allows people with physical or other, disabilities ,that prevent them from leaving the house, to work. Cloud Computing for Call
- To the wider public. Toys that have been adapted to be used by children with, disabilities ,might have advantages for non-disabled children as well. The Letter movement
- Gait trainers). * Advanced technology walking products to aid people with, disabilities , such as paraplegia or cerebral palsy, who would not at all able to walk or
- Claim is that individuals who are diagnosed with one of the so-called" lesser, disabilities ," are being" accommodated" when they should not be. On the other hand, court
- A wide variety of other nonmusculoskeletal conditions, including ADHD/learning, disabilities , dizziness, high blood pressure, and vision conditions. Other reviews have
- Large print, Braille,& speech recognition computer software. People with, disabilities ,often develop personal or community adaptations, such as strategies to suppress
- It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with, disabilities ,as the Civil Rights Act of 1964,which made discrimination based on race
- 2008,but children continue to be born with high lead levels, causing learning, disabilities , impaired physical growth and kidney failure. Provinces and municipalities The
- That includes assistive, adaptive,and rehabilitative devices for people with, disabilities ,and also includes the process used in selecting, locating,and using them. AT
- And community transport services for the elderly or those with developmental, disabilities ,are provided by agencies such as the Central Arkansas Transit Authority and the
- Learning disabilities share underlying neurological causes with dyslexia. These, disabilities ,include, but are not limited to: * Dysmorphia — a disorder which expresses
- To millions” that would not necessarily improve the lives of people with, disabilities , Quotations On signing the measure, George H. W. Bush said: On the debate of
- With carts, and travelers and workers with pull-type bags. People with learning, disabilities ,like dyslexia or dysmorphia can find text-to-speech (TTS) software useful for
- Peter Begin argues that" anti-depressants 'work' by causing mental, disabilities ,such as apathy and euphoria that are misinterpreted as improvements "
- Cognitive subtypes of dyslexia: auditory, visual and attentional. Reading, disabilities , or dyslexia, is the most common learning disability, although in research
- Is made on a case by case basis. Certain specific conditions are excluded as, disabilities , such as current substance abuse and visual impairment which is correctable by
- Additional legal risks for employers who then quietly avoid hiring people with, disabilities ,to avoid this risk. And such researchers claim to have documented a sharp drop
- Often occur with dyslexia, but it is unclear whether these learning, disabilities ,share underlying neurological causes with dyslexia. These disabilities include
- Of the person with the condition. To abort a fetus with one of these, disabilities , intending to have another child who will not be disabled, is to treat fetuses
- Return (" De Credit" ). Decides' plea for his return and removal of civil, disabilities , #http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext? Lookup=An doc. +3+1 On the Peace
- States founded by Kathryn McGee in 1960; MEN CAP advocating for all with mental, disabilities , which was founded in the UK in 1946 by Judy Fred; and the National Down
- Provincial taxation in addition to a variety of tax deductions for persons with, disabilities , students, and the aged. Alberta's municipalities and school jurisdictions
- Were a" program" under ADA and must be made accessible to persons with, disabilities , The ruling was later appealed to the U. S. Supreme Court which refused to hear
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