Examples of the the word, proportional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( proportional ), is the 8069 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With increasing focal length, it follows that the deterioration of the image is, proportional ,to the ratio of the aperture to the focal length,i.e. the relative aperture.
  2. Projection. In pinhole projection, the magnification of an object is inversely, proportional ,to its distance to the camera along the optical axis so that a camera pointing
  3. In order, the party's preferred MPs. The number of seats allocated is, proportional ,to the popular national vote, and this determines the cut-off point. The ANC
  4. Do not cast their vote. The Chamber's 150 representatives are elected under a, proportional ,voting system from 11 electoral districts. Belgium has compulsory voting and
  5. And variations thereof),assigns a cost to every machine operation, proportional ,to the number of bits involved The latter is more cumbersome to use, so it's
  6. And destroy a radar antenna or transmitter with minimal aircrew input. The, proportional ,guidance system that homes in on enemy radar emissions has a fixed antenna and
  7. In ET AAS a transient signal is generated, the area of which is directly, proportional ,to the mass of analyte (not its concentration) introduced into the graphite
  8. Of unlimited recursion. This also implies that its running time is at least, proportional ,to its output, and so is also extremely huge. In actuality, for most cases the
  9. Number of observers in each universe, N (X) (e.g., this might be taken as, proportional ,to the number of stars in the universe). The probability of observing value X
  10. Of the Jena glasses by E. Abbé and O. Scott. In using glasses not having, proportional ,dispersion, the deviation of a third color can be eliminated by two lenses, if
  11. And the candidates with the most approval votes win. This does not provide, proportional ,representation and is subject to the Burr dilemma, among other problems. Other
  12. Agree with the labor theory. He believed that prices of goods and services are, proportional ,to marginal utility rather than to labor amounts in free market. And he did not
  13. Been devised. Among these are proportional approval voting for determining a, proportional ,assembly, and Minimal Approval for determining a consensus assembly where the
  14. Proportion. Head heights can vary as long as the remainder of the body remains, proportional , Most anime characters are about seven to eight heads tall, and extreme heights
  15. Width, varying from one to three Stadia and separated by rings of land, proportional ,in size. The Atlantes then built bridges northward from the mountain, making
  16. On temperature in that case. Since at constant temperature, the entropy is, proportional ,to the volume, the entropy increases in this case, therefore this process is
  17. Pop (t). In practice the formal definition should specify that the space is, proportional ,to the number of items pushed and not yet popped; and that every one of the
  18. Are positioned at a distance from the (trig. ) adjacent side by an amount, proportional ,to the product. To provide the product as an output, a third element, another
  19. There are 140 deputies in the Assembly, which are elected through a party-list, proportional ,representation system. The President of the Assembly (or Speaker) has two
  20. And the House of Representatives (seventeen seats; members are elected by, proportional ,representation to serve five-year terms). Antigua and Barbuda has a long
  21. Crystal are proportional to T 3,while the enthalpy and chemical potential are, proportional ,to T 4. (Guggenheim, p. 111) These quantities drop toward their T = 0
  22. For infinitely distant objects the radius Of the chromatic disk of confusion is, proportional ,to the linear aperture, and independent of the focal length (vide supra
  23. Is categorized as the difference between 'arithmetic' and 'geometric' ( i.e., proportional ,) equality. Democracy was far from being the normal style of governance and the
  24. V) and charge (Q),and discovering that for a given object they are, proportional , This may be called Volta's Law of capacitance, and likely for this work the
  25. To this end. For instance, binary search is said to run in a number of steps, proportional ,to the logarithm of the length of the list being searched, or in O (log (n)
  26. Electronic analog computer, however,manipulates electrical voltages that are, proportional ,to the magnitudes of quantities in the problem being solved. Accuracy of an
  27. Scan coils wrapped around the CRT tube. These coils produce a magnetic field, proportional ,to the changing current, and this deflects the electron beam across the screen.
  28. Program, exhibits a linear growth rate. The program's run-time is directly, proportional ,to its input size. Doubling the input size doubles the run time, quadrupling
  29. Kinetic energy K of a massive rotating body is given by: K = I\omega^2/2 it is, proportional ,to the square of the angular velocity. Conservation of angular momentum In a
  30. The plate is incubated for 48 hours. The antigenicity of a substance is, proportional ,to the number of colonies observed. Identification of carcinogens Early studies
  31. Mechanics, for a body with constant mass, the acceleration of the body is, proportional ,to the net force acting on it (Newton's second law):: \math bf m\math bf \quad
  32. Number of stars in the universe). The probability of observing value X is then, proportional ,to N (X) P (X). (A more sophisticated analysis is that of Nick Bottom. )
  33. The data corresponds to the number of saved bits. This compression progress is, proportional ,to the observer's internal reward, also called curiosity reward. A
  34. Of the game controller, Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was, proportional ,to the resistance of the game controller, and used a software loop to measure
  35. Obtained analytically. The magnification for a spherical emitter is inversely, proportional ,to the radius of the tip, given a projection directly onto a spherical screen
  36. The various styles continued expanding well in to the 19th and 20th centuries, proportional ,to the influx of immigrants from many foreign nations; such influx developed a
  37. From a kickoff device (such as a wheel) positioned at a radius on the disc, proportional ,to the second variable. (A carrier with a pair of steel balls supported by
  38. Approval voting to multiple winner elections have been devised. Among these are, proportional ,approval voting for determining a proportional assembly, and Minimal Approval
  39. Of 50 members is elected by the citizens, and follows the policy of, proportional ,representation. It is responsible for approving tax levels, preparing the
  40. National) has 223 members, elected for a four-year term,130 members by, proportional ,representation,90 members in provincial districts, and 3 members to represent
  41. The Lever, stating," Magnitudes are in equilibrium at distances reciprocally, proportional ,to their weights. ": Archimedes uses the principles derived to calculate the
  42. The party has a platform of participatory democracy, with policies supporting, proportional ,representation and citizen-initiated reference. Many important internal issues
  43. Past the cups in any horizontal direction turned the cups in a manner that was, proportional ,to the wind speed. Therefore, counting the turns of the cups over a set time
  44. Atoms fit the Bohr theory's demand that the frequency of the spectral lines be, proportional ,to a measure of the square of Z. To do this, Moseley measured the wavelengths
  45. Momentum and energy, its distance from the nucleus (i.e., their radii) being, proportional ,to its energy. Under this model an electron could not spiral into the nucleus
  46. Elected for four-year terms: 56 members in single-seat constituencies and 75 by, proportional ,representation. The proportional -representation seats in the National Assembly
  47. Using the Deb ye model, the specific heat and entropy of a pure crystal are, proportional ,to T 3,while the enthalpy and chemical potential are proportional to T 4. (
  48. Summed over time giving as a result the product of current and time, which is, proportional ,to the energy transferred with that current. These can be used for energy
  49. Of the game controller, Wozniak used a simple timer circuit whose period was, proportional ,to the resistance of the game controller, and used a software loop to measure
  50. The two pairs of colors ac and bc. Until recently no glasses were known with a, proportional ,degree of absorption; but R. Blair (Trans. Edwin. Soc.,1791,3,p. 3),P.

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