Examples of the the word, naive , in a Sentence Context

The word ( naive ), is the 8072 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Minimizing the effect of accuracy problems Because of the issues noted above, naive ,use of floating-point arithmetic can lead to many problems. The creation of
  2. Of set theory in other fields are sometimes referred to as applications of ", naive ,set theory ", but usually are understood to be justifiable in terms of an
  3. Covariance A slightly more accurate compensated version performs the full, naive ,algorithm on the residuals. The final sums \text style\sum x_i and
  4. With Russell's paradox, demonstrate that it is not possible to take a ", naive ,", or non-axiomatic, approach to set theory without risking contradiction, and
  5. All the Irish references. Because variants proliferate naturally, it is, naive ,to believe that there is such a thing as the single" authentic" version of a
  6. Winners Approval voting can be extended to multiple winner elections. The, naive ,way to do so is as block approval voting, a simple variant on block voting
  7. The rules. " Citation of the Rule under this meaning is often meant to make a, naive , weaker party aware of the dynamics of an interaction in which one party has
  8. The motivation for the formal axioms of set theory. This article develops a, naive ,theory. Sets are defined informally and a few of their properties are
  9. And so, no such S exists. Regularity does not resolve Russell's paradox In, naive ,set theory,Russell's paradox is the fact" the set of all sets that do not
  10. Similarly long ancestral exposure, indigenous Americans were immunologically, naive ,and extremely vulnerable. New South Wales Australian aborigines (Doors) have
  11. Is required to tell which sense is intended. Sets, membership and equality In, naive ,set theory, a set is described as a well-defined collection of objects. These
  12. Up a sweat and is an insufferable mama's boy. Finding Kelly May a lovely, naive ,Pollyanna, he courts her until she literally tosses him. Although the character
  13. Python) use specific cycle-detecting algorithms to deal with this issue. * In, naive ,implementations, each assignment of a reference and each reference falling out
  14. Peaks or troughs in color or intensity, that are smaller than one pixel. If a, naive ,rendering algorithm is used without any filtering, high frequencies in the
  15. And suffices for many purposes. Requirements In the sense of this article,a, naive ,theory is a non-formalized theory, that is, a theory that uses a natural
  16. Flaw of Algorithm I, it is easy to find data that reveal a major flaw in the, naive ,algorithm: Take the sample to be (109 + 4,109 + 7,109 + 13,109 + 16).
  17. There to be told in a straightforward common-sense way – now seems not merely, naive ,but culpably self-deluding ". Orwell's work has taken a prominent place in the
  18. To ... the name of writing. " This means that there is no room for the, naive ,theory of meaning and forgetting of the signifier that previously existed when
  19. Education" but nevertheless feels he is a bit of an idiot. Jethro is simply, naive ,in the first season of the show but becomes incredibly ignorant and pompous as
  20. Way to compute the same result more quickly: computing a DFT of N points in the, naive ,way, using the definition, takes O (N2) arithmetical operations, while an FFT
  21. The discussion of the foundations of mathematics. The informal content of this, naive ,set theory supports both the aspects of mathematical sets familiar in discrete
  22. 2000,O'Hanlon starred in the comedy series My Hero, in which he played a very, naive ,superhero from the planet Patron. His character juggled world-saving heroics
  23. Every statement on such a basis. The first development of set theory was a, naive ,set theory. It was created at the end of the 19th century by Georg Cantor as
  24. Empire builder, with a tendency to mislay his dress trousers. *O. Take:, naive , accident-prone Old Estonian and man-about-town. *Emilia Rustiguzzi: voluminous
  25. And hospital became hospital. *** The diaeresis (LE REMA) (e.g. naïf –, naive , Noel – Christmas) as in English, specifies that this vowel is pronounced
  26. What he termed a" continuum of allegory," ranging from what he termed the ", naive ,allegory" of The Faerie Queen, to the more private allegories of modern
  27. Has been observed. A knowledgeable forager of Hemothorax albipennis leads a, naive ,nest-mate to newly discovered food by the process of tandem running. The
  28. Computers become conscious that MRI will be testable (at least against ", naive ," Copenhagenism) via the reversible observation of spin. According to David
  29. Herbert Erlenmeyer as Lieutenant (Ensign) Werner, War Correspondent: The, naive , but honest narrator. Werner is mocked for his lack of U-boat experience.
  30. Music and jazz was common at Dada gatherings, signaling a return to nature and, naive ,primitivism. Legacy While broad, the movement was unstable. By 1924 in Paris
  31. That have been perceived in Steiner's philosophy: ... with regard to race,a, naive ,version of the evolution of consciousness, a theory foundational to both
  32. Sources for Fermi fields are themselves Grass man valued. Spin 1: Photons The, naive ,propagator for photons is infinite, since the Lagrangian for the A-field is:::
  33. Modify g in Example 4 to vanish at all rational numbers. If one uses a, naive ,version of the Riemann integral defined as the limit of left-hand or right-hand
  34. Of limitation of size. Some also question whether the Freeman formulation of, naive ,set theory (which was the system directly refuted by the Russell paradox) is
  35. Son. Hemingway claimed to dislike his name, which he" associated with the, naive , even foolish hero of Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest ".
  36. Of his Theologico-Political Treatise, Spinoza mounts an argument against a, naive ,interpretation of God's choice of the Jews. Bringing evidence from the Bible
  37. Angkor toward the end of the 13th century. Its unique relief carvings have a, naive ,dynamic quality that contrast with the rigidity of the figures typical of some
  38. His breast, his thighs, and every limb ... and talk of love ", while the boy, naive ,and unaware of Greek love practices, said that," You are deceiv'd, I am no
  39. Working with them. Furthermore, a firm grasp of set theoretical concepts from a, naive ,standpoint is important as a first stage in understanding the motivation for
  40. Of the Gothic is Jane Austen's novel North anger Abbey (1818) in which the, naive ,protagonist, after reading too much Gothic fiction, conceives herself a heroine
  41. Covariance Very similar algorithms can be used to compute the covariance. The, naive ,algorithm is:: \operator name (X, Y ) = \display style\franc. \! For the
  42. Population variance of 30 is computed correctly by Algorithm II, but the, naive ,algorithm now computes it as −170.66666666666666. This is a serious problem
  43. Free did explicitly axiomatize a theory in which the formalized version of, naive ,set theory can be interpreted, and it is this formal theory which Bertrand
  44. Did not find universal approval: Bowie described one song as" a simplistic, naive , radical, laying-it-down about the emergence of neo-Nazis "; in the view of
  45. A set of individuals ought to exist, so long as the individuals exist. Indeed, naive ,set theory might be said to be based on this notion. Although Zermelo's fix
  46. For example, tend to be more ecologically vulnerable and behaviorally ", naive ," to predation by feral cats. Feral cats have had a major impact on these
  47. Of modern paradox literature. In this perspective, the characters in a ", naive ," allegory are not fully three-dimensional, for each aspect of their individual
  48. In terms of an axiomatic system (normally the Carmelo–Frankel set theory). A, naive ,set theory is not necessarily inconsistent, if it correctly specifies the sets
  49. Deal with consistency or completeness of the axiom system. However, the term, naive ,set theory is also used in some literature to refer to the set theories studied
  50. A finite sample of n observations is:: s^2 = \display style\franc. \! Therefore, a, naive ,algorithm to calculate the estimated variance is given by the following:

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