Examples of the the word, sore , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sore ), is the 6363 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mid-1970s,Listerine was also marketed as preventive and remedy for colds and, sore ,throats. In 1976,the Federal Trade Commission ruled that these claims were
  2. With its European neighbors have been good or improving, with Belarus being a, sore ,point. Name" France Joins Poland and Germany on Wider/IN"> Unity"/> The
  3. Without changing from his wet clothes. Friday morning, he awoke with a severe, sore ,throat (either quinsy or acute epiglottis) and became increasingly hoarse
  4. That" contrary to prior advertising, Listerine will not help prevent colds or, sore ,throats or lessen their severity. " For a short time, beginning in 1927,the
  5. Had" no efficacy" at either preventing or alleviating the symptoms of, sore ,throats and colds. Warner-Lambert was ordered to stop making the claims, and to
  6. Mare and stallion. * AI allows mares or stallions with health issues, such as, sore ,hocks which may prevent a stallion from mounting, to continue to breed. *
  7. Teaspoons of the brine/juice may be mixed with hot water to make a remedy for, sore ,throats. A jar of such preserved kumquats can last several years and still keep
  8. Statins as the alternative and more effective preventive medication. And with, sore ,throat pain, for those who had it. The effects of aspirin were
  9. Changed to prevent such a thing happening again. The incident has long been a, sore ,point between Australia and New Zealand. Chappell’s decision was taken against
  10. Press and cricket authorities declared the Australian protests to be a case of, sore ,losing and" squealing ". It was only with the return of the English team and
  11. Uses. It was used as an ointment for rashes and burns, and to help soothe, sore ,throats when no other medicinal practices were available. Religious
  12. Themselves whether they like it or not. They cannot remain as they are. The, sore ,spot requires the application of the surgeon's knife for the good of the
  13. Therefore, I have the flu. But having the flu is not the only cause of a, sore ,throat since many illnesses cause sore throat, such as the common cold or strep
  14. And search out by wisdom concerning all things that are done under heaven: this, sore ,travail hath God given to the sons of man to be exercised therewith" (). "
  15. Advantages over established treatment. Nor does antibiotic treatment help, sore ,throats. The use of antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin to treat bronchitis is to
  16. Seven bowls are poured onto Earth: ####First Bowl: A" foul and loathsome, sore ," afflicts the followers of the beast. (16:1-2) ####Second Bowl: The sea
  17. Tactic. Some concluded that the Australian cricket authorities and public were, sore ,losers. Of the four fast bowlers in the tour party, Gubby Allen was a voice of
  18. Symptoms such as fever, lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes),pharyngitis (, sore ,throat),rash, myalgia (muscle pain),malaise, and mouth and esophageal
  19. China Daily News published a pro-bodyline editorial, denouncing Australians as, sore ,losers. An Australian journalist reported that several business deals in Hong
  20. Despite its name, not a successor protocol of Nutella, but rather a fork. A, sore ,point with many Nutella developers is that the" Gnutella2" name conveys an
  21. Form of raphides. Reactions to these chemicals include sweating, tingling and, sore ,mouth or throat; swelling of the lips, tongue and face; rash; vomiting and
  22. Treatment, usually given as a small pill. On occasion, neck tenderness or a, sore ,throat may become apparent after a few days, if moderate inflammation in the
  23. Or even actively irritates their vaginal walls and leaves the vagina, sore ,and/or irritated whereas condomless sex does not. Religious The Roman Catholic
  24. Song, the rest of the cast attributed the gravelly quality of his voice to a, sore ,throat. In the background, during the rest of the song, it is possible to hear
  25. By the community. The controversy surrounding their marriage remained a, sore ,point for Jackson, who deeply resented attacks on his wife’s honor. With his
  26. Medicine. For throats Honey has also been used for centuries as a treatment for, sore ,throats and coughs and, according to recent research, may be an effective
  27. Melissa. Propolis, a hive product also known for its sweet fruity taste, cures, sore , throats,and there are many modern proprietary medicines which use honey as an
  28. Worse by entering a trapshooting competition). Worst of all, Wagner,who had a, sore ,thumb throughout the season, injured his right leg in September and was never
  29. Has begun racing at new tracks, and ceased racing at some traditional ones — a, sore ,spot for the traditional fan base. Most recently, NASCAR has been challenged on
  30. Number of landmines in the world. The Devil's Gardens have stuck out like a, sore ,thumb; unfortunately everyone in the government noticed but neglected them and
  31. The flu is not the only cause of a sore throat since many illnesses cause, sore ,throat, such as the common cold or strep throat. The following is a more subtle
  32. Entry of tax inspectors into private homes to count hearths was a very, sore ,point, and it was promptly repealed with the Glorious Revolution in 1689. It
  33. Be felt and numbing the pain that can. One may step into the tub to relieve, sore ,calves, quads,hams, and connective tissues from hips to toes will gain the
  34. Smoker of Tosca no cigars and cigarettes, Puccini began to complain of chronic, sore ,throats towards the end of 1923. A diagnosis of throat cancer led his doctors
  35. To portray him or her as a strong unstoppable force, a lucky underdog,a, sore ,loser, or any other characterization. Sometimes non-wrestling vignettes are
  36. He flees. Alma hides and writes down the words of Abenaki. After a period of, sore ,repentance, Alma begins to preach the words of Abenaki and the doctrine of
  37. He is the patron saint of brewers, printers,theologians, the alleviation of, sore ,eyes, and a number of cities and dioceses. Many Protestants, especially
  38. Effusions, pulmonary and systemic eosinophilic, chest pain, lung trauma, sore ,throat, asthma,hoarse voice, dyspnea (shortness of breath),and an aching
  39. well-balanced diet, allowing time for recovery, and " icing" ( applying ice to, sore ,muscles or taking an ice bath). Foot blisters are also common among runners.
  40. Will comfort (in Hebrew – yeNaHamainu יְנַחֲמֵנו) from our work and our hands, sore ,from the land that the Lord had cursed ”, by saying Noah heralded a new era of
  41. Convincing, as in the following example:: If I have the flu, then I have a, sore ,throat.: I have a sore throat.: Therefore, I have the flu. But having the flu
  42. Sitting in a fake tree to witness the battle between Kong and a T. rex. She was, sore ,for days after. Many of the scenes featuring Way in the articulated hand were
  43. The coinage problem which reached the culminating point in 1888 AD. Another, sore ,point in Nepal-Tibet relations was Nepal’s decision to provide refuge to
  44. Lit. Ivan him aches the throat, and me aches the head): Transl.: Ivan has, sore ,throat, and I have a headache. Except the above examples, clitic doubling is
  45. Drawing" will sound like" draw-ring "," saw it" will sound like ", sore ,it "," the tuner is" and" the tuna is" will both be /ðə tjʉːnərɪz/. *For
  46. The following example:: If I have the flu, then I have a sore throat.: I have a, sore ,throat.: Therefore, I have the flu. But having the flu is not the only cause of
  47. Produces minor symptoms; these may include upper respiratory tract infection (, sore ,throat and fever),gastrointestinal disturbances (nausea, vomiting,abdominal
  48. Lozenge candies that are considered by folk medicine to aid digestion, sooth, sore , throats,and relieve inflammation. As an invasive weed Horehound was introduced
  49. He died. He is considered the patron saint of brewers, printers,theologians, sore ,eyes, and a number of cities and dioceses. Catholic theologians generally
  50. Oregano (O. dictates) is still used today in Greece as a palliative for, sore ,throat. It also has shown antimicrobial activity against strains of the

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