Examples of the the word, socialist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( socialist ), is the 3861 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To" eliminate exploitation and other anti-social features. " In practice the, socialist ,objective was a dead letter. Only once has a federal Labor government attempted
  2. Played important role in 1950s. In the 1967 state assembly elections all, socialist ,parties were eliminated and CPI lost opposition party status. N. G. Ranga's
  3. Critical of Soviet Communism. This criticism of Communism caused him to lose, socialist ,friends, especially when he made a clean break with it in Detour de L'U. R. S.
  4. Ideal. Because this approach made environmental issues a taboo subject in, socialist ,Bulgaria, the degree of damage by postwar industrial policy went assessed
  5. Democratic Party, but its constitution stipulates that it is a democratic, socialist ,party. The light on the hill is a phrase used to describe the objective of the
  6. Christian socialist movement, although he himself was not in any real sense a, socialist ,but," a Tory paternalist with the unusual desire to theories his acceptance of
  7. Not to get involved with the LPF). They allied themselves with the federalist, socialist ,sections of the International, who advocated the revolutionary overthrow of the
  8. Men's College. His work was instrumental in the establishment of the Christian, socialist ,movement, although he himself was not in any real sense a socialist but," a
  9. Obtained for capital goods as they were merely internal transfers of goods in a, socialist ,system and not" objects of exchange," unlike final goods. Therefore, they
  10. Some associated with the Communist Party. Hawks declared publicly that ", socialist ,is not a word I would use to describe myself" and his approach to government
  11. Industrial growth as a vital sign of social welfare and progress toward the, socialist ,ideal. Because this approach made environmental issues a taboo subject in
  12. Donizetti Isaiah and N. Kiran Kumar Reddy. Until 1962,the CPI, along with, socialist ,parties, played an important role as opposition parties. Parties namely Prada
  13. Economic calculation problem The economic calculation problem is a criticism of, socialist ,economics. It was first proposed by Max Weber in 1920. This led to Ludwig on
  14. Party. He was a brilliant orator and skilled parliamentary leader of the, socialist ,opposition to the regime of the ruling Tsar, Nicholas II. February Revolution
  15. As a result,Labor's Federal Conference in 1922 adopted a similarly worded ", socialist ,objective," which remained official policy for many years. The resolution was
  16. On proportional representation similar to that which existed in the former, socialist ,regime - is charged with conducting foreign, economic,and fiscal policy. The
  17. Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth" that the pricing systems in, socialist ,economies were necessarily deficient because if government owned the means of
  18. Won the most number of seats, they actually received fewer votes than the, socialist ,Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF). Castillo was unwilling to form a
  19. In 1935 and married Lizbeth North while living on the island. At age 8, socialist , writer Martin Andersen Next moved to the island, and took his last name after
  20. Into East Berlin, as well as visits by GDR citizens and citizens of other, socialist ,countries into West Berlin, provided that they held the necessary permits.
  21. Despite the reconstruction of the tram line crossing, it has retained its, socialist ,character, including the much-graffitied" Fountain of Friendship between
  22. Predictions about the consequences of Marxist rule that the rulers of the new ", socialist ," Marxist state would become a new elite had proved all too true. The victory
  23. Net importer of food. Industry remains greatly overstaffed, a holdover from the, socialist ,economic structure of Yugoslavia. Yugoslav President Josie Bros Tito had pushed
  24. As a young boy. The family arrived in the Second Aliyah and settled in a, socialist , secular community where, despite being Masai supporters, they were known to be
  25. Up to and during the Stalin era before World War II. Orwell, a democratic, socialist , was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to Moscow-directed Stalinism
  26. Fit Polish conditions. His practical experience as a farm manager combined with, socialist ," single-tax," and Slavic communal ideas shaped his world view. He proposed a
  27. In 1965. Under Ben Bella, the government had already become increasingly, socialist ,and authoritarian, and this trend continued throughout Boumédienne's
  28. From neoclassical economics during the economic calculation debate with, socialist ,economists. Ludwig on Miles and his student Friedrich A. Hayek represented the
  29. Accordingly," libertarian socialism" is sometimes used as a synonym for, socialist ,anarchism, to distinguish it from" individualist libertarianism" (
  30. Of distribution according to need. Anarcho-communist developed out of radical, socialist ,currents after the French Revolution but was first formulated as such in the
  31. Was portrayed in the TV series Band of Brothers. * Santeria Ortega, Finnish, socialist , politician and journalist, who edited Over (" The Comrade" ) in Astoria in
  32. Of the Socialist International, the ALP is affiliated with democratic, socialist , social-democratic and labor parties in many countries. The party was
  33. An example; Communist parties grew at the expense of anarchism and other, socialist ,movements. In France and the United States, for example, members of the major
  34. S Theatre) in 1937. It lasted until 1939. From 1937 to 1939 he wrote for a, socialist ,paper, Alger-Républicain. His work included an account of the peasants who
  35. Fascist elements conspiring to prevent the" will of the people" in building a, socialist ,state in East Germany. In practice, the Wall served to prevent the massive
  36. And labor parties in many countries. The party was historically committed to, socialist ,economic policies, but this term was never clearly defined, and no Labor
  37. In that it pursued social-democratic policies rather than democratic, socialist ,policies, a precursor to the party's current third way position. Under the
  38. By U. S. Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer for their communist or, socialist ,activities and agendas (see Palmer Raids). It also opposed attacks on the
  39. In 1889,Wallace read Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy and declared himself a, socialist , These ideas led him to oppose both social Darwinism and eugenics, ideas
  40. During most of this period,1975–1990,the MPA organized and maintained a, socialist ,regime. Despite the ongoing civil war, the model functioned to a certain degree
  41. May have played a role in these isolated acts. The dismemberment of the French, socialist ,movement, into many groups and, following the suppression of the 1871 Paris
  42. Mayor of Chicago (d. 1859) * 1803 – Flora Tristan, French feminist and, socialist ,philosopher (d. 1844) *1848 – Randall Thomas Davidson, Archbishop of
  43. With the Marxists to push the First International in a more revolutionary, socialist ,direction. Subsequently, the International became polarized into two camps
  44. This criticism argue it is a refutation of socialism and that it shows that a, socialist ,planned economy could never work in the long term for the vast bulk of the
  45. Can be formed. This in turn can be made into a Nisha adjective ", socialist ,", from which an abstract noun" socialism" can be derived. Other recent
  46. Economics was used as a theoretical weapon against socialism and statist, socialist ,policy. Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk, a colleague of Merger, wrote one of the first
  47. The Soviet Union, through its Intercosmos program, allowed people from other ", socialist ," (i.e. Warsaw Pact and other Soviet-allied) countries to fly on its
  48. Held by the High Court to be unconstitutional. However, the idea that only the, socialist ,working class formed Labor is untrue. Analysis of the early NSW Labor caucus
  49. No taxes, such cooperative organizations (labor unions, communes, voluntary, socialist , associations wherein the product of the labor and of the capital goods of
  50. Queensland * Anderson Dawson (1899,world's first leader of a parliamentary, socialist ,government) South Australia Tasmania Victoria * Joan Corner (1990–92,first

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