Examples of the the word, simultaneously , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simultaneously ), is the 3871 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Presses forward on the retainer button at the rear of the receiver cover while, simultaneously ,lifting on the rear of the cover to remove it. The operator then pushes the
  2. To do so when he promised not to hold the bishoprics of York and Worcester, simultaneously , He helped secure the election of Sultan as his successor at Worcester.
  3. The second stage engine in" abort mode," in which the ascent engine is fired, simultaneously ,with the jettison of the descent stage. This capability was made available
  4. Process may be sharply criticized within some anarchist tendencies and, simultaneously ,lauded in others. On a tactical level, while propaganda of the deed was a
  5. Genesis" Augustine took the view that everything in the universe was created, simultaneously ,by God, and not in seven calendar days like a plain account of Genesis would
  6. A weapon more suited to a man, whereupon Cupid wounds him with a golden dart;, simultaneously , however, Cupid shoots a leaden arrow into Daphne, causing her to be repulsed
  7. In aqueous solutions. Neptunium has valence states from 3 to 7,which can be, simultaneously ,observed in solutions. The most stable state in solution is +5,but the valence
  8. Allows all men the choice to accept the Gospel of Jesus through faith, simultaneously ,allowing all men to resist. * Election is conditional: Arminius defined
  9. League baseball teams (the New York Yankees and the Atlanta Braves) while, simultaneously ,playing in the NFL. In 1991,the Falcons drafted Brett Favre as the
  10. Different occasions from the same spot of the earth; or when one looks at it, simultaneously ,from two distant places from the surface of the earth. " He made the first
  11. Into the bow ", exerting force with both the bow arm and the string hand arm, simultaneously , especially when using bows having draw weights from 100 lbs to over 175 lbs.
  12. Of a drama. Shānta-rasa functions as an equal member of the set of ragas but is, simultaneously ,distinct being the most clear form of aesthetic bliss. Abhinavagupta likens it
  13. Providence in the Bahamas; it was ceded by Spain after the Treaty of Paris and, simultaneously ,recovered by British Loyalists in 1783. Gálvez' actions led to the Spanish
  14. A form of price discrimination, in order to sell air services at varying prices, simultaneously ,to different segments. Factors influencing the price include the days remaining
  15. Sufficient troops to defeat the Americans on the battlefield but not enough to, simultaneously ,occupy the colonies. This manpower shortage became critical after French and
  16. And early 1990s. Software was often developed for the Amiga and the Atari ST, simultaneously , since the ST had a similar CPU architecture. Amine was created in 1992 and
  17. Body; she is able to demonstrate realistic facial expressions and sing while, simultaneously ,dancing. In South Korea, the Ministry of Information and Communication has an
  18. Video editing systems such as the Video Toaster. The Amiga's native ability to, simultaneously ,play back multiple digital sound samples made it a popular platform for early "
  19. Extragalactic detection Ammonia has been detected in external galaxies, and by, simultaneously ,measuring several lines, it is possible to directly measure the gas temperature
  20. Córdoba, where got only as far as Motrin. In 1127,he reconquered Longhairs, but, simultaneously , lost all his Castilian possessions to Alfonso VII. He confirmed a treaty with
  21. Smaller branches called telodendria. Along these the bifurcated impulse travels, simultaneously ,to signal more than one other cell. Initial Segment The axon initial segment (
  22. The 1990s,some scholars have advanced the concept of New antisemitism, coming, simultaneously , from the left, the right, and radical Islam, which tends to focus on opposition
  23. A" of the logotype echoed the" bite" in the logo. This logo was developed, simultaneously ,with an advertisement and a brochure; the latter being produced for
  24. Revolution and cultural/political revolutions The role of fine art has been to, simultaneously ,express values of the current culture while also offering criticism, balance
  25. Of the White House in 1834. It was the only time in history when two women, simultaneously ,acted as unofficial First Lady. Sarah took over all hosting duties after Emily
  26. In the 1960s while he was publicly known to be writing Cancer Ward, he was, simultaneously ,writing The Gulag Archipelago. The KGB found out about this. Finally, aged 42
  27. Into vacuum. The cabin was then very slowly purged (vented to space and, simultaneously ,replaced with 100 % oxygen),so the nitrogen concentration fell asymptotically
  28. Line or bar appears to move across the screen,“ wiping” away the image while, simultaneously ,revealing the first image of the subsequent scene. As a transitional device, it
  29. To cater for the Airbus A380. The airport is designed to handle 27 aircraft, simultaneously ,and is capable of processing 3,000 passengers per hour. Unusually for a major
  30. To have inspired modern LAN games which became popular in the early 90s. Games, simultaneously ,released on the Amiga that had identical graphics and sound were often accused
  31. For failing to inform tourists of the crocodile sanctuary and danger, while, simultaneously , promoting tourism. Demographics For information on the indigenous languages
  32. To the demonym" American" ( a citizen of the United States) that do not, simultaneously ,mean any inhabitant of the Americas. One uncommon alternative is" Bosnian "
  33. Camus later came to tout the idea that the absence of religious belief can, simultaneously ,be accompanied by a longing for" salvation and meaning ". This line of
  34. Sets of collections of polynomials, meaning the set of all points that, simultaneously ,satisfy one or more polynomial equations. For instance, the two-dimensional
  35. Pieces or sections which confound expectations and may be or are interpreted, simultaneously ,in different ways are ambiguous, such as some poly tonality, polymeter, other
  36. System such as an alphabet. There are only a few aspects which are produced, simultaneously , such as tone in some languages, or vowel and consonant harmony, and which are
  37. An assembly line, car assembly is split between several stations, all working, simultaneously , When one station is finished with a car, it passes it on to the next. By
  38. Consequences. The lack of basic security leads to chronic poverty when it, simultaneously ,affects several aspects of people’s lives, when it is prolonged and when it
  39. Early in the war, the Howe brothers served as peace commissioners while, simultaneously ,conducting the war effort, a dual role which may have limited their
  40. In many processes in which both a particle and its antiparticle are created, simultaneously , as in particle accelerators. This is the inverse of the particle-antiparticle
  41. Reason for anything coming about can be attributed to four different types of, simultaneously ,active causal factors: *Material cause describes the material out of which
  42. Broke out. In 458 BC, the Athenians blockaded the island of Regina, and, simultaneously , defended Regard from the Corinthians by sending out an army composed of those
  43. A dictionary, knowledge base, repository,reference, and thesaurus. * SNEPS,a, simultaneously ,a logic-based, frame-based,and network-based knowledge representation
  44. Was highly innovative in that it consisted of two 16 mm-films being projected, simultaneously , with two different stories being shown in tandem. From the projection booth
  45. Theatre. With the advent of television, the 1953–1957 awards took place, simultaneously ,in Hollywood and New York first at the NBC International Theatre (1953) and
  46. In America. The British also had the difficult task of fighting the war while, simultaneously ,retaining the allegiance of Loyalists. Loyalist support was important, since
  47. The 1990s. Besides Applejack and TCP/IP, any Ethernet network could also, simultaneously ,carry other protocols such as Decent, NetBEUI, and IPA. Networking model
  48. On board (The gag being that Mitchell is playing both Poirot and the captain, simultaneously ,via split screen, prompting Robert Webb to complain about the scene),and in
  49. Began developing the Soyinka Plot plans to implode a dozen American airliners, simultaneously , to assassinate Pope John Paul II and President Bill Clinton, and to crash a
  50. And sixteen possible endings, and House & Garden, where two plays take place, simultaneously ,of two different stages, as well as diversifying into children's theater (

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