Examples of the the word, twist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( twist ), is the 3882 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To survey its territory. During a fall from a high place, a cat can reflexively, twist ,its body and right itself using its acute sense of balance and flexibility.
  2. Of the bow-hand) movement is reduced. Since, at full draw, the bow cannot, twist , as the string is (in theory) preventing such action, the effect is only
  3. Plunge motion was connected and acted as the fire button, the pull-up and, twist ,actions weren't used. Games There are 26 cartridges, termed 'Video carts '
  4. The chorus sings of how happy he was while dragging out his corpse. This last, twist ,of welcoming death is unexpected and contributes to the alienation. Another
  5. But served in a taller glass and topped up with Cola. * The Black Magic, a sour, twist ,on the Black Russian, can be made by adding a dash of lemon juice and a lemon
  6. And the thickness of the yarn. In general, yarns become stronger with more, twist ,(also called worst),longer fibers and thicker yarns (more fibers); for
  7. Symbol Λ (lambda) is used as a prefix to describe the left-handed propeller, twist ,formed by three identity ligands, as shown. Similarly, the symbol Δ (delta)
  8. Fight in the name of patriotism, while not voluntarily enlisting himself. In a, twist ,of fate, Kantorek is later called up as a soldier as well. He very reluctantly
  9. The Harmonies" ), he recorded cover versions of some of popular American, twist ,songs and rearrangements of Turkish folk songs in rock and roll form, marking
  10. When Giuseppe Piano introduced the space-filling curves, curved lines that, twist ,and turn enough to fill the whole of any square, or cube, or hypercube, or
  11. From the fully extended conformation (φ, ψ ) (– 180°,180°). The, twist ,is often associated with alternating fluctuations in the dihedral angles to
  12. Having lost his fortune, stolen by the now-imprisoned banker Drysdale (a plot, twist ,that many fans found unsettling for this good-natured show. ) Nancy Pulp had
  13. Then begins the twist ing rotation. At the completion of the required number of, twist ,rotations, the arm motion is reversed (the steering wheel is turned back)
  14. Existence of aberration also establishes the truth of that theory. In a final, twist , Bradley later went on to discover the existence of the notation of the Earth
  15. This seems to reference Achilles' fight with Penthesilea but gives it an extra, twist ,of Achilles' being" played" by a woman. Birth Achilles was the son of the
  16. The Empire Assyria was ruled by Babylon from 605 BC until 539 BC, and in a, twist ,of fate, Nabonidus the last king of Babylon was himself an Assyrian from Harlan
  17. To. The form was then draped with layers of ¼-inch wire mesh attached by, twist ,ties. Concrete was then sprayed onto the structure, building up a solid layer
  18. For example, two Z- twist yarns are usually plied with an S- twist . The opposing, twist ,relieves some yarns' tendency to curl up and produces a thicker
  19. A right-handed crossover chirality, which is strongly favored by the inherent, twist ,of the sheet. This linking loop frequently contains a helical region, in which
  20. Standing in front of me. I take a lot of liberties with things like that. I, twist ,them round and make them mine. " Aura Kaaba is the name of a DC Comics
  21. The myth that the Red Sox were" cursed. " This World Series loss had a strange, twist ,: Red Sox General Manager Lou Gorman was vice-president, player personnel, of
  22. Is calculated by a formula based on various factors such as the number of, twist ,and somersaults, the height, the group etc., and divers are free to submit new
  23. Its resistance to pilling, its hairiness (fuzziness),its tendency to, twist ,or un twist , its overall weight and drape, its blocking and felting qualities
  24. The strength of the spun yarn against breaking is determined by the amount of, twist , the length of the fibers and the thickness of the yarn. In general, yarns
  25. Is done by the arms, which are outstretched to the sides just before the, twist , When one arm is moved up and the other is moved down (like turning a big
  26. Publisher Dude Comics based on the story by Sheridan Le Fans, but with a modern, twist , In present day, Carmilla saves a girl named Laura from being raped and later
  27. That Harold is 'on the turn '. In The Fall and Rise of Reginald Person, a comic, twist ,was added to rhyming slang by way of spurious and fabricated examples which a
  28. Are round. The Australian 50 cent coin, for example, has twelve flat sides. A, twist ,on it is wavy edges, found in the two dollar and the twenty cent coins of Hong
  29. The previous 20 years of comics was a clone of the real Spider-Man. This plot, twist ,was massively unpopular with many readers, and was later reversed in the "
  30. By the Benedictine order at Monte Casino in Italy in 1099. By a strange, twist , the Benedictines were not a mendicant order, but a stable, monastery-based
  31. Open themselves but are visited by birds such as the too and bell bird which, twist ,the top of the ripe bud. That action releases a mechanism which causes the
  32. Of their component amino acids, all strands exhibit a" right-handed ", twist ,evident in most higher-order β sheet structures. In particular, the linking
  33. In Praise of Women" ). When she persuades him to blurt out the whole story,a, twist ,is revealed—Charlotte's little sister is a school friend of Anne's. Charlotte
  34. Falling cats often land on their feet, using an instinctive righting reflex to, twist ,their bodies around. Nonetheless, cats can still be injured or killed by a high
  35. Joke," First in war, first in peace, and last in the American League" ( a, twist ,on the famous" Light Horse Harry" Lee eulogy for George Washington:" First
  36. The symbol Δ (delta) is used as a prefix for the right-handed propeller, twist , Image: Delta-tris (
  37. Eight-way directional control. It can be used as both a joystick and paddle (, twist ,), and not only pushed down to operate as a fire button but also pulled up. The
  38. Size of the horns range between 75 and 99 centimeters (30–39" ). The horns, twist ,once. Like all other horns of antelopes, the core of a bongo's horn is hollow
  39. Consisting of a dodecahedron whose opposite faces correspond (with a small, twist ,). This was proposed by Jean-Pierre Lupine and colleagues in 2003 and an
  40. Could come from the Persian or Arabic word" Hazmat" meaning Great Lord with a, twist ,that makes it sound like" red" and" hazard" both indicative of danger.
  41. Number has either three, four or five digits: Three digits for dives without, twist ,and four for dives with twist s. In non- twist ing arm stand dives, the second
  42. Liz Mitchell and her line-up all through the 1990s and 2000s,but in a strange, twist ,of fate further Money M. productions in Germany could be faced with legal
  43. Through them, but at the navel, heart,throat and crown the two side channels, twist ,around the central channel. At the navel, throat and crown, there is a twofold
  44. Carol The second special was broadcast on Friday 23 December 1988. In a, twist ,on Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Black adder is the" kindest
  45. 5 Å However, β strands are rarely perfectly extended; rather, they exhibit a, twist ,due to the chirality of their component amino acids. The energetically
  46. On the Black Russian, can be made by adding a dash of lemon juice and a lemon, twist ,garnish. * When finished with a head of Guinness stout, the result is called an
  47. Or" diagonal gyrobicupola" ). If the halves are put back together with a, twist , so that triangles meet triangles and squares meet squares, the result is
  48. And thicker yarns (more fibers); for example, thinner yarns require more, twist ,than do thicker yarns to resist breaking under tension. The thickness of the
  49. DER2 can not only change its expression but also move its hands and feet and, twist ,its body. The" air servo system" which Kokomo Co. developed originally is used
  50. At which point the turn is imparted by a slight clockwise or anti-clockwise, twist ,of the handle from around the two or ten o'clock position to the 12 o'clock on

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