Examples of the the word, screening , in a Sentence Context

The word ( screening ), is the 3864 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Classmate of Woodrow Wilson at Johns Hopkins University. Dixon arranged a, screening ,at the White House, for then-President Wilson, members of his cabinet, and
  2. For antibody screening in blood transfusion preparation and also for antibody, screening ,in antenatal women. Multiple sclerosis, psoriasis,and many forms of cancer
  3. At 07:18. Both men set off the metal detector and were put through secondary, screening , Moved continued to set off the alarm, so he was searched with a hand wand. The
  4. Nuclear charge +Z, and lower it by -1 (due to the electron's negative charge, screening ,the nuclear positive charge). The energy gained by an electron dropping from
  5. Birth of the cinema as a commercial medium, because the Skladanowsky brothers ', screening ,used an extremely impractical dual system motion picture projector that was
  6. Whom the diagnosis is unclear. The Combs test is also used for antibody, screening ,in blood transfusion preparation and also for antibody screening in antenatal
  7. Lumiere factory. First film screening s The Lumiere held their first private, screening ,of projected motion pictures in 1895. Their first public screening of films at
  8. Utility is primarily seen when combined with a test for the 14-3-3 protein., screening ,tests to identify infected asymptomatic individuals, such as blood donors, are
  9. One of heavy alcohol use. The Michigan Alcohol Screening Test (MAST) is a, screening ,tool for alcoholism widely used by courts to determine the appropriate
  10. Between the converging bodies of the Grand Fleet. At 17:38,the scout cruiser, screening ,Hood's oncoming battlecruisers, was intercepted by the van of the German
  11. Then 5 % of ballots is dropped from future elections. In some instances,the, screening ,committee had restored their names to later ballots, but in the mid-1990s
  12. Can also be approximately predicted. Also, if the empiric electron-nuclear, screening ,factors for many atoms are known, many other spectral lines can be deduced from
  13. So for s electrons, which move at relativistic velocities as they penetrate the, screening ,electrons near the core of high Z atoms. This relativistic increase in momentum
  14. Documentary and Animated Feature Film in which movies are selected by special, screening ,committees made up of members from all branches. In the special case of Best
  15. 1,1895,in Berlin). Nevertheless, film historians consider the Grand Café, screening ,to be the true birth of the cinema as a commercial medium, because the
  16. Retirement, any player with 10 years of major league experience who passes a, screening ,committee (which removes from consideration players of clearly lesser
  17. Of his heavy drug use and the belief that he was mentally unstable. After, screening ,the movie, the head of Warner Bros. complained about the use of the word "
  18. And high-fidelity quantification and subcellular localization (high-content, screening , cytohistopathology, Bioimage informatics) * determining the real-time
  19. Pryor) – sick *January 9,1976, episode (host: Elliott Gould) - audience test, screening ,In 1976 he appeared in his first mainstream film role, in Martin Scorsese's
  20. The bow or stern, where armor was believed to be the thinnest. Of Yamato, screening ,force, the light cruiser and four of the eight destroyers were also sunk. In
  21. To intense research into producing antibacterials at large scales. Following, screening ,of antibacterials against a wide range of bacteria, production of the active
  22. Aborted. The Indian government passed an official ban of pre-natal sex, screening ,in 1994 and banned sex-selective abortion in 2002,although it had already
  23. Finds promising applications in such areas as * genetic testing (or genetic, screening ,): techniques in molecular biology detect genetic diseases. To test the
  24. But a general melee that became the film's most recognized scene and a regular, screening ,at Bosworth Battlefield Heritage Center. The film depicts the clash between the
  25. Back & Forth was originally shown in the Millennium Dome in 2000,followed by a, screening ,on Sky One and the same year (and later on BBC1). It is set on the turn of the
  26. And these orbit at Z 2. Each one sees the nuclear charge of Z 3 minus the, screening ,effect of the other, which crudely reduces the nuclear charge by 1 unit. This
  27. Al-Haznawi and IAD Jar rah. Some reports suggest Hawaii was pulled aside for, screening ,while others claim there is no record of whether any of the four were screened;
  28. The most common. The Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT),a, screening ,questionnaire developed by the World Health Organization, is unique in that it
  29. To infinity. This is the theoretical phenomenon of electromagnetic charge, screening ,which predicts a maximum nuclear charge. Emission of such positrons has been
  30. Many as 18 % of Americans may be affected by one or more of them. Standardized, screening ,tools such as Sung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale, Beck Anxiety Inventory, and HAM-A
  31. However, none of these blood tests for biological markers is as sensitive as, screening ,questionnaires. Prevention The World Health Organization, the European Union
  32. Mass storage drive inserted in a case breakout. In order to simplify the EMC, screening ,process, the edge connectors of the previous models have been replaced with
  33. Penetrate more effectively toward the nucleus, where they are subject to less, screening ,from the charge of intervening electrons. Thus, in atoms of higher atomic
  34. Like eye contact may be inappropriate for a different culture. Although genetic, screening ,for autism is generally still impractical, it can be considered in some cases
  35. Security checkpoint at 07:35. The hijackers were also all selected for extra, screening ,of their checked bags. Hand Hangout, Khalid al-Mihdhar, and Mated Moved were
  36. Private screening of projected motion pictures in 1895. Their first public, screening ,of films at which admission was charged was held on December 28, 1895,at Salon
  37. Creatinine levels and if patient is on lithium, lithium levels are taken. Drug, screening ,includes recreational drugs, particularly cannabinoids, and exposure to toxins.
  38. The High Seas Fleet similarly adopted a line ahead formation, with close, screening ,by torpedo boats either side and a further screen of five cruisers surrounding
  39. Z" with" Z - b" or" n" with" n - b" where b is constant representing a, screening ,effect due to the inner-shell and other electrons (see Electron shell and the
  40. Some over diagnosis of children with uncertain symptoms. Conversely, the cost of, screening ,and diagnosis and the challenge of obtaining payment can inhibit or delay
  41. Was seen by the imperial princes Tsunami Takeda and Akihito Midas during a, screening ,made by mastermind Shirt Ishim. During the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials the
  42. Libraries of peptides for use in drug discovery through high-throughput, screening , Biosynthesis In plants, nitrogen is first assimilated into organic compounds
  43. The studio's history. Schaefer brought Welles to New York City for a private, screening ,of the film with the New York corporate heads of the studios and their lawyers.
  44. Against atomic number (however, for silver, Z 47,the experimentally obtained, screening ,term should be replaced by 0.4). Notwithstanding its restricted validity did
  45. Unless there is a specific medical indication. Several rating scales for the, screening ,and evaluation of BD exist, such as the Bipolar spectrum diagnostic scale.
  46. Board the flight without incident, with only his checked bags requiring extra, screening ,for explosives. Due to the flight's delay, the pilot and crew were notified of
  47. Superconductor and the variation of the penetration depth (the extent of the, screening ,currents flowing below the metal's surface) with temperature. This had been
  48. Explanation. Later, people realized that the effect was caused by charge, screening , with an inner shell containing only 2 electrons. In the experiment, one of the
  49. Repulsions of electrons are taken into account somewhat by the phenomenon of, screening , The electrons in outer orbits do not only orbit the nucleus, but they also
  50. On convoy escort tasks, airfield defense, fighting reconnaissance patrols and, screening ,operations. During the Anglo-Iraqi War,some units located in the

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