Examples of the the word, lodge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lodge ), is the 3879 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Then disbanded. Masonic lodge s existed in Iraq as early as 1919,when the first, lodge ,under the UGLY was opened in Basra, and later on when the country was under
  2. Because the Queen often spends the first few days of her summer vacation in the, lodge , Each weekend in the summer it is a lucrative source of income due to tourists
  3. The beavers are difficult, especially if the dam is downstream of an active, lodge , Beavers can rebuild such primary dams overnight, though they may not defend
  4. S request to provide details of income, the Trustee may have grounds to, lodge ,an Objection to Discharge, which has the effect of extending the bankruptcy for
  5. Will have a Tyler, or Tiler, ( who guards the door to the lodge room while the, lodge ,is in session),sometimes elected and sometimes appointed by the Master. In
  6. The banks of the River Thames. 'Crave Cottage' was originally a royal hunting, lodge ,and has history dating back over 300 years. The stadium has been used by the
  7. Vice President Francisco Santos made the claim that FARC have attempted to, lodge ,ties with ETA for an attack in Spain. The FARC's contacts with ETA and drug
  8. The United States," with George Washington (who was a member of a Virginian, lodge ,) as the first Grand Master, but the idea was short-lived. The various state
  9. Is not by invitation only. In fact, in many jurisdictions, the brothers of the, lodge ,are not allowed to ask potential candidates to join (in these jurisdictions
  10. Being, promises to obey the law of his sovereign state, promises to attend his, lodge ,if he is able, promises not to wrong, cheat nor defraud the Lodge or the
  11. Settled on current name in 1169. This hamlet was endowed with a royal hunting, lodge ,and a chapel by Louis VII in the middle of the twelfth century. A century later
  12. School, in Chippenham, Wiltshire is so named because King Alfred's hunting, lodge ,is reputed to have stood on or near the site of the school. *The King Alfred
  13. Times his salary as a comptroller. Chaucer was also appointed keeper of the, lodge ,at the King’s park in Beckham, which was a largely honorary appointment. In
  14. He noticed two Russian signs labelled Швейцарская (švejtsarskaja, a porter's, lodge ,– from швейцар svelter, a porter) and Кондитерская (konditerskaja, a
  15. Turn back from following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you, lodge , I will lodge ; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you
  16. Of Grey stead, West Northumberland, England. It was built in 1850 as a shooting, lodge ,and was part of the Merseyside estate (Merseyside house is situated in the
  17. Front Range Urban Corridor. Turnpike Lodge () was an early Victorian hunting, lodge ,situated in the parish of Grey stead, West Northumberland, England. It was built
  18. Lincoln Park in 1994,2003,2004,2008 and 2009. As of fall 2009 a new beaver, lodge ,has appeared on North Pond's northwest bank. Outside San Francisco, in
  19. Food pile, providing a location where beavers can breathe when outside their, lodge , Fossil remains of beavers are found in the peat and other superficial deposits
  20. Addition of the word 'Grand' somewhere in the title. For example, where every, lodge ,has a 'Junior Warden ', Grand Lodges have a 'Grand Junior Warden' ( or
  21. Rule and was known under its Italian name Flume. * On Staten Island, Masonic, lodge , #1130 at 236 Main Street is named after him. * He got past the laws to ban
  22. Treasurer. All lodge s will have a Tyler, or Tiler, ( who guards the door to the, lodge ,room while the lodge is in session),sometimes elected and sometimes appointed
  23. Be filed on the same day the court order is made. If the bankrupt fails to, lodge ,the document within a certain period of time, he or she can be prosecuted and
  24. Building the dams and lodge structures. There are typically two dens within the, lodge , one for drying off after exiting the water, and another, drier one where the
  25. Sufi order; evidence for this claim comes from his intimate knowledge of its, lodge ,in Cairo and from a graffito referring to himself as" Evliya-yı Gulden" (
  26. By Prince Leopold. In 1771 Blessing was initiated into Freemasonry in the, lodge ," EU den era Rose" in Hamburg. In 1776, he married Eva König, who was then a
  27. Following you; For wherever you go, I will go; And wherever you lodge , I will, lodge ,; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God. Where you die, I will
  28. 2010) On 4 June 2009,Franz Wilmer confirmed that he had used the name to, lodge ,an entry for the 2010 Formula One season as a cost capped team under the new
  29. Functions of the lodge 's work. The Worshipful Master (essentially the, lodge ,President) is always an elected officer. Most jurisdictions will also elect
  30. Architecture – Oriel window – Orthodox temple – Overthrow – Overthrow P Pacific, lodge ,– Pack horse bridge – Pagoda – Pairing – Palace – Lafitte – Calais de justice
  31. Of weeds and mud until the dam impounds sufficient water to surround the, lodge , They are known for their alarm signal: when startled or frightened, a swimming
  32. Be lodge d, a minimum debt of $5,000 is required. All bankrupts are required to, lodge ,a Statement of Affairs document with ITS, which includes important information
  33. With market-women. " Chekhov began writing his play The Seagull in 1894,in a, lodge ,he had built in the orchard at Melikhovo. In the two years since moving to the
  34. Musical resources of a town to draw on, the forces available at a hunting, lodge ,were smaller and more fixed in their level of ability. This was a spur to
  35. Masonic Lodge elects certain officers to execute the necessary functions of the, lodge ,'s work. The Worshipful Master (essentially the lodge President) is always an
  36. In fact born in 1748. However, 1723 was the year that Weishaupt's freemasonry, lodge ," Theodor sum gluten Reith ", was founded. Adam Washout is also mentioned ("
  37. Screening of locally produced films, screen printing, basket weaving, sweat, lodge , water slides, human pyramid, hot tub, frisbee golf, spear throwing, Kubb
  38. The side with the hearth in the middle. The bedrooms were at the back of the, lodge , Fishing, hunting and gathering were the only way Aleuts could find food.
  39. Beaver lodge s with the beavers who made them). A very small amount of the, lodge ,is actually used as a living area. Contrary to popular belief, beavers actually
  40. Becoming a Mason begins when a candidate for Freemasonry formally petitions a, lodge , The brethren will then investigate the candidate, to assure themselves of his
  41. Represented in several ways. The eagle nest is represented by the fork of the, lodge ,where the dance is held. A whistle made from the wing bone of an eagle is used
  42. Their dens with underwater entrances after they finish building the dams and, lodge ,structures. There are typically two dens within the lodge , one for drying off
  43. Embolize to the heart or brain, or they may serve as a focus where bacteria can, lodge , thus causing infective endocarditis. Name Robbins/> Another form of
  44. High regard for the Masonic Order and often praised it, but he seldom attended, lodge ,meetings. He was attracted by the movement's dedication to Enlightenment
  45. Roberts opposed the society on moral grounds and stated," The god of the, lodge ,is not the God of the Bible. " Roberts believed Freemasonry was a" mystery "
  46. He had directed three films in the early 1930s),although he was permitted to, lodge ,at the St. Aegis Hotel in Manhattan. Working with Irwin Shaw, John Cheever and
  47. To garnishee the bankrupt's wages. If that is not possible, the Trustee may, lodge ,an Objection to Discharge, effectively extending the bankruptcy for a further
  48. Arrangement of the monastic buildings followed the ordinary type. The prior's, lodge ,was almost invariably attached to the S. W. angle of the nave. The above plan
  49. And ponies. History King Robert II of Scotland (1316–1390) had a hunting, lodge ,in the area. A house at Balm oral was built by Sir William Drummond in 1390. The
  50. As hard as stone, and neither wolves nor wolverines can penetrate it. The, lodge ,has underwater entrances to make entry nearly impossible for any other animal (

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