Examples of the the word, gentleman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gentleman ), is the 3870 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Son of a noble family and he builds the Fox Tor house to be the impressive, gentleman ,'s residence suggested by William Crossing rather than the humble cottage which
  2. When a Glasgow newspaper reported in 1842 an accident in which an anonymous ", gentleman ,from Dumfries-shire ... bestride a velocipede ... of ingenious design" knocked
  3. Courtier (1528,English 1561 by Sir Thomas Holy),but chess should not be a, gentleman ,'s main passion. Castiglione explains it further: And what say you to the game
  4. Who saw Heisenberg as a guarantor of a strong euro. Tensions were abated by a, gentleman ,'s agreement in which Heisenberg would stand down before the end of his mandate
  5. Cemetery. Charles Dickens described him" as stately and complete a, gentleman ,of nature's making as ever I beheld. " *Phillip Martin (March 13
  6. Century society, such as how Barry tries to learn the correct behavior for a, gentleman , and pays a huge price when he does so. Kubrick also changed the plot. The
  7. Early education concentrated on horsemanship, hunting and learning to be a, gentleman , Beatty had a close relationship with his elder brother Charles, who became his
  8. In the name of God Amen. I, Henry Purcell, of the City of Westminster, gentleman , being dangerously ill as to the constitution of my body, but in good and
  9. The Tramp" is a vagrant with the refined manners, clothes,and dignity of a, gentleman , Ar buckle contributed his father-in-law's bowler hat ('derby' ) and his own
  10. In a very orderly and solemn manner, so much so, as to occasion an observing, gentleman ,acquainted with other countries as well as this, to say that such an assembly
  11. Percival at Manchester and Dr. Darwin at Litchfield. Franklin belonged to a, gentleman ,'s club (designated" honest Whigs" by Franklin),which held stated meetings
  12. The Springs Gloria produced in 1638," Christmas" appears as" an old reverend, gentleman ,in furred gown and cap ". The character continued to appear over the next 250
  13. Or a staffer),yearn for and love your sovereign (and/or boss). " The, gentleman ,The term June ({ {ZH|c= was bound up with the concept, and gentlemen were
  14. Castiglione (The Book of the Courtier) laid out his vision of the ideal, gentleman ,and lady, while Machiavelli cast a jaundiced eye on" la verity effectual Dell
  15. Work, an epithet having much the same meaning and evolution as the English ", gentleman ,". A virtuous plebeian who cultivates his qualities can be a" gentleman "
  16. Were so mingled among their enemies that sometime there were five men upon one, gentleman , There was taken the lord of Pompadour and ^ the lord Bartholomew de Burghersh
  17. Know. In later scholarship Antoninus in many ways was the ideal of the landed, gentleman ,praised not only by ancient Romans, but also by later scholars of classical
  18. 1859–15 July 1923) came from a Bavarian peasant family. The marriage of a, gentleman ,to a lower class woman occurred only because Heinrich Ernst Göring was a
  19. During the voyage. A sequence of inquiries led to Charles Darwin, a young, gentleman ,on his way to becoming a rural clergyman, joining the voyage. Beagle was
  20. Bihar, in India. His great-grandfather Charles Blair had been a wealthy country, gentleman ,in Dorset who had married Lady Mary Fine, daughter of Thomas Fine,8th Earl of
  21. Country gentlemen" ( i.e. landowners, farmers and merchants):“ A country, gentleman ,as a member of a Grand Jury ... levied the local taxes, appointed the nephews
  22. Plot summary Don Quixote, the protagonist of the novel, is a retired country, gentleman ,nearing fifty years of age, living in an unnamed section of La Manchu with his
  23. To the King. Alvaro begged for his life while Hernando responded: -"You're a, gentleman ,with an illustrious name; do not display compassion; It marvels me that a man
  24. But not necessarily one male and one female, referred to as the gent, gentleman ,or man, and lady or woman. Couples interact primarily with an adjacent couple
  25. Be considered a female version of that staple of British detective fiction,the, gentleman ,detective. This education, history,and background are hinted at in the
  26. Of his uncle who showed him great affection and kindness. Thomas was himself a, gentleman ,of His Majesty's chapel, and arranged for Henry to be admitted as a chorister.
  27. And he asked his friend and superior, Captain Francis Beaufort, to seek a, gentleman ,naturalist as a self-financing passenger who would give him company during the
  28. Gentleman ". A virtuous plebeian who cultivates his qualities can be a ", gentleman ,", while a shameless son of the king is only a" small man ". That he admitted
  29. Gather together under the leadership of Ambrosia, who is described as" a, gentleman ,who, perhaps alone of the Romans, had survived the shock of this notable storm.
  30. My friend (female); Mon Died!: my God!; monsieur (pl. messieurs): a man,a, gentleman , Also used as a title, equivalent to Mr. or Sir.; montage: editing; LE:" the
  31. To Axis refugees during the war. According to Shaw" The voice of the Irish, gentleman ,and Spanish grandee was a welcome relief from the chorus of retaliatory rancor
  32. The company of a friend. In The Café Concert, shown at right, a sophisticated, gentleman ,sits at a bar while a waitress stands resolutely in the background, sipping her
  33. In a European male silhouette are galvanized in theaters of European war, where, gentleman , officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles: an example is the "
  34. Whose older brother Thomas Purcell (d. 1682) was also a musician, was a, gentleman ,of the Chapel Royal and sang at the coronation of King Charles II of England.
  35. Also mentioned Tommy Lee Jones as source of trouble:" Jim Carrey was a, gentleman , and Tommy Lee was threatened by him. I'm tired of defending overpaid
  36. In reference to something on fire or burned.; flambe: a lit torch; flâneur: a, gentleman ,stroller of city streets; an aimless idler; fleur-de-lis: a stylized-flower
  37. Yet cunning granduncle Alexander I, who coveted the title of" the first, gentleman ,of Europe ". Although an enthusiastic amateur musician and patron of the ballet
  38. In the mail, containing several pounds of genuine europium oxide. The elderly, gentleman ,had turned out to be Herbert Newly McCoy who had developed a famous method of
  39. Though colors and patterns of textiles changed from year to year, the cut of a, gentleman ,'s coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the pattern to which a lady's
  40. Lamp he wrote his philosophical dissertations by. You know Epictetus? / -An old, gentleman , said Stephen coarsely, who said that the soul is very like a bucketful of
  41. In Last Street in The Borough ... he was a fat, good-natured,kind old, gentleman , with a quiet old wife "; and he had a very innocent grown-up son; these three
  42. Filial piety and loyalty where these are due; The great exemplar of the perfect, gentleman ,is Confucius himself. Perhaps the tragedy of his life was that he was never
  43. Focus to a seemingly uncouth laborer who, it soon develops, is really a wealthy, gentleman ,in hiding from his overly affectionate wife. He needs the freedom gained by
  44. The result. He was lecturing on the rare earths in the 1930s when an elderly, gentleman ,approached him with an offer of a gift of several pounds of europium oxide.
  45. Softest of rackets ”. Bogart had been raised to believe acting was beneath a, gentleman , but he enjoyed stage acting. He never took acting lessons, but was persistent
  46. Taylor, considered the Essendon Cricket Ground" to be suitable only for the, gentleman ,'s game of cricket ", Essendon moved to East Melbourne. This move away from
  47. Fine voice of the Rev. John Jostling, then at Canterbury, but afterwards a, gentleman ,of His Majesty's chapel. Purcell wrote several anthems at different times for
  48. Never been aware that Gerard was a priest, she had presumed he was a" Catholic, gentleman ,", and she did not know of his whereabouts. The homes of the conspirators were
  49. His business and returned to Russia. There he attempted to live the life of a, gentleman , which brought him into contact with Ekaterina Lynching, the niece of one of his
  50. To feudal or pre-industrial values, such as the ideals of" the perfect, gentleman ," or" the autonomous aristocrat ", though paradoxically, the dandy required an

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