Examples of the the word, handling , in a Sentence Context

The word ( handling ), is the 3875 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Methods, such as vaccination, can also induce stress because of the extra, handling ,and injection. The aquaculture or farming of piscivorous fish, like salmon
  2. He prevented British recognition of the Confederacy by skillfully, handling ,the Trent affair late in 1861. He issued his Emancipation Proclamation in 1863
  3. Simply another part of the Ellis complex. An unclassified memo on the safe, handling ,of F-117 Nighthawk material was posted on an Air Force website in 2005. This
  4. Leakage in confined spaces, and emphasizes the need for proper use, storage and, handling , Arsenic is a chemical element with the symbol As, atomic number 33 and
  5. Beryllium-containing alloys, the manufacturing of electronic devices, and the, handling ,of other beryllium-containing material. A successful test for beryllium in air
  6. Like a regular air conditioner but has several added benefits: * When the air, handling ,unit turns on, room air is drawn in from various parts of the building through
  7. Filling (Ghassan),which renders it safe to transport and use, given proper, handling , Alfred may refer to: *Alfred Tethering (died 1036),son of King Ethelred II
  8. Moon, making it a promising site to search for prebiotic chemistry. Safety and, handling ,Acetylene is not especially toxic but when generated from calcium carbide it
  9. To be raised or lowered depending on the range to the target. It also makes, handling ,of larger shells easier. Each requires a totally different type of breech to
  10. Recording the album herself at her home on an analog 8-track reel to reel, and, handling , much of the artwork and packaging design for her 2004 album Educated Guess
  11. Scientists genetically modified tomatoes to be more resistant to mechanical, handling , More recently, genetic engineering is being employed in various parts of the
  12. S The Safari Party. In 2002,following a dispute over the Duchess Theatre's, handling ,of Damsels in Distress, Ayckbourn sharply criticized both this and the West End
  13. Passing, protected objects and nondeterministic select statements),exception, handling , and generics. Ada 95 added support for object-oriented programming, including
  14. To handle events inside the brain—but are less effective at empathizing by, handling ,events generated by other agents. An extension, the extreme male brain theory
  15. Will face a temperature of 33 K, the mirror is made of beryllium, capable of, handling ,freezing better than glass. Beryllium contracts and deforms less than glass
  16. There is an understanding that is reached with the material as a result of, handling ,it, which facilitates one's thought processes. A common view is that the, was
  17. Dominates the sport both in speed events and in competition that emphasizes the, handling ,of live cattle. However, sprint races were also popular weekend entertainment
  18. Of only millimeters to a few square centimeters in size and that are capable of, handling ,tiny fluid volumes down to less than PICO liters. Standards Standard
  19. And executing the most daring offensive strategy, and his tactical skill in the, handling ,of troops, whether in wide turning movements, as at Würzburg and Zürich, or in
  20. Of Apache is to reduce latency and increase throughput, relative to simply, handling ,more requests, thus ensuring consistent and reliable processing of requests
  21. The original melodic material, its main interest lies in the deft and varied, handling ,of orchestral colors. La Folio was the most monumental set of orchestral
  22. Law practice. Prairie lawyer Lincoln returned to practicing law in Springfield, handling ," every kind of business that could come before a prairie lawyer ". Twice a
  23. The King, the Queen and their people to Buddhism. They were naturally not, handling ,state affairs after him. In his old age, he seems to have come under the spell
  24. And zinc-containing alloys, and so brass fittings should not be used for, handling ,the gas. Liquid ammonia can also attack rubber and certain plastics. Ammonia
  25. As a theologian despite his juridical training and his comparatively late, handling ,of Biblical and doctrinal subjects. His spiritual successor, Augustine,whose
  26. Sewing machines, and bicycles, saw expeditious improvement in materials, handling , machining, and assembly during the 19th century, although modern concepts such
  27. Another method is NASA's urine-to-water distillation system. Waste Sewage, handling ,is not attractive, but it is essential for public health. Many diseases are
  28. Environment on a per kg of production basis. Local concerns include waste, handling , side effects of antibiotics, competition between farmed and wild animals, and
  29. Ratio is significantly lower than admiralty pattern anchors, their ease of, handling ,and stowage aboard large ships led to almost universal adoption. In contrast to
  30. Even after the invention of the automobile, horses were still irreplaceable for, handling ,livestock on the range. Thus, major Texas cattle ranches, such as the King
  31. Southeast of Lakes Field. The airfield also has a small commercial terminal, handling ,scheduled and chartered passenger flights from other islands in the archipelago
  32. Set of adjustments made to the vehicle to optimize its behavior (performance, handling , reliability, etc.). Adjustments can occur in suspensions, brakes
  33. The petroleum off-loading facility includes two tanks, one tank capable of, handling ,two barges and five truck off-loading simultaneously. There is also a general
  34. Legally handle international flights; however the Málaga Airport is dominant, handling ,60.67 percent of passengers and 85 percent of its international traffic. The
  35. Its duty to enforce the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (which governs, handling ,of dangerous materials. ) They also sought detailed information about the
  36. Actually helped protect the palate and lessen stress. Another possibility for, handling ,large prey is that theropods like Allosaurus were" flesh grazers" which could
  37. The human brain suggests that the left and right hemispheres differ in their, handling ,of abstraction. For example, one meta-analysis reviewing human brain lesions
  38. Consequences. In 2005,Clinton criticized the Bush administration for its, handling ,of emissions control, while speaking at the United Nations Climate Change
  39. The city also offers waste management services, with Recycle Ann Arbor's, handling ,recycling service. Other utilities are provided by private entities. Electrical
  40. Headhunting, whirling dervishes, whether there were real Hobbit people, snake, handling , and glossolalia (speaking in tongues),just to list a few. At the same time
  41. Engines, spares and parts, IT services and networks, airport equipment, airport, handling , services,sales distribution, catering,training, aviation insurance and other
  42. To be simple and reliable under a wide range of conditions with convenient, handling ,characteristics. In 1949, it was therefore adopted by the Soviet Army as '7.62 mm
  43. International Airport, near São Paulo, is the largest and busiest airport, handling ,the vast majority of popular and commercial traffic of the country and
  44. The system could easily vent the normal pressure, it was utterly incapable of, handling ,the extra increase in pressure (to at least 29 psi absolute) caused by the
  45. The California Proposition 65 limits by an average factor of 19,assuming, handling ,twice a day. In April 2001 manufacturers agreed to reduce lead content to 1.5 %
  46. From lapdog to quite fierce. Lifelong socialization and firm but gentle, handling ,are critical. Well socialized and trained, they can be good with other dogs
  47. Or its alloys; these materials are therefore unsuitable for installations for, handling ,acetylene. Rapper chemistry Walter Rapper discovered that in the presence of
  48. Keep the material warm. The backs of tippers carrying asphalt, as well as some, handling ,equipment, are also commonly sprayed with a releasing agent before filling to
  49. Then the cost of capital),airports earned 10 %, catering companies 10-13 %, handling ,companies 11-14 %, aircraft lessors 15 %, aircraft manufacturers 16 %, and
  50. To human skin. ) Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by, handling ,them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural

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