Examples of the the word, taxpayer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( taxpayer ), is the 3867 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of statement such as" they say X is Y" or" most people are into Z" or" the, taxpayer ,is angry" while allowing statements such as" a clear majority of people say X
  2. J. Michael's said the attacks came because the book" threatens billions of, taxpayer ,dollars that go into the global change kitty every year. " Journalist Ronald
  3. To be taken. " Capitation here means a tax of a uniform, fixed amount per, taxpayer , Direct tax means a tax levied directly by the United States federal government
  4. Does not have the right to run up large debts and then throw the burden on the, taxpayer ,: ... It is to the property of the citizen, and not to the demands of the
  5. Deduction or itemized deductions. One personal exemption is allowed per, taxpayer , and additional such deductions are allowed for each child or certain other
  6. 5.12 %; and income over $27,000,at 6.84 %. The standard deduction for a single, taxpayer ,is $5,700; the personal exemption is $118. Nebraska has a state sales tax of
  7. The amount of income recognized is generally the value received or which the, taxpayer ,has a right to receive. Certain types of income are specifically excluded from
  8. Activity, or a variety of factors, and are generally imposed on the type of, taxpayer ,for whom such tax base is relevant. Thus, property taxes tend to be imposed on
  9. Of the taxpayer , who may make representations to the IRS on behalf of the, taxpayer , Taxpayers have certain rights in an audit. Upon conclusion of the audit, the
  10. On examination, the IRS may request additional information from the, taxpayer ,by mail, in person at IRS local offices, or at the business location of the
  11. The pensions made by members of the legislative assembly, which take 16, taxpayer , dollars for every dollar contributed by the Member of the Legislative Assembly
  12. And require foreign nationals seeking employment to purchase a foreign, taxpayer ,ID card once they have passed a criminal background check. " Texas can no
  13. Numerous http://www.irs.gov/localcontacts/index.html local offices providing, taxpayer ,services and administering tax examinations. Examination Tax returns filed with
  14. Direct taxes may be adjusted to the individual characteristics of the, taxpayer , whereas indirect taxes are levied on transactions irrespective of the
  15. Risky, market environment, but under legal monopoly protection and using, taxpayer ,'s money, which means, according to the new entrants, that Less ought not to
  16. Are allowed for each child or certain other individuals supported by the, taxpayer , The standard deduction amount varies by taxpayer filing status. Itemized
  17. Sales taxes on purchases of equipment, machinery tools, or supplies used in the, taxpayer ,'s business in the Enterprise Zone. Innovative Programs Fort ZED is growing to
  18. Activity being carried out before 25 June 2009 and that is reorganized by the, taxpayer ,in the name of a different entity for the purpose of benefiting from the scheme
  19. Was a major automaker headquartered in Toledo until 1953. In 2001,a, taxpayer ,lawsuit was filed against Toledo that challenged the constitutionality of tax
  20. 1,2006,Kentucky imposed a tax on intangible personal property held by a, taxpayer ,on January 1 of each year. The Kentucky intangible tax was repealed under House
  21. Modest means and it caused him great anguish that many believed he was taking, taxpayer ,money he did not need. Another blow was a break-in at his home. Despite his
  22. In 2003,the companies were protected from any further liability. The UK, taxpayer ,therefore had to foot the rest of the bill. This undermined the argument that
  23. On the IRS, *Private letter rulings on specific issues, applicable only to the, taxpayer ,who applied for the ruling
  24. By the EPA under the Superfund law, most of this cost will be borne by the US, taxpayer , The health impacts of coal pollution have enormous economic costs, through
  25. People say X always coexists with Y" or" most people approve of Z" or" the, taxpayer ,doesn't like measure Q" or" lots of taxpayer s express anger about Q ".
  26. Person at IRS local offices, or at the business location of the taxpayer . The, taxpayer ,is entitled to representation by an attorney, CPA,or enrolled agent, at the
  27. Individuals supported by the taxpayer . The standard deduction amount varies by, taxpayer ,filing status. Itemized deductions by individuals include home mortgage
  28. Amount and timing of deductions for business expenses is determined under the, taxpayer ,'s tax accounting method, which may differ from methods used in accounting
  29. Implementation of a school voucher system is its lack of accountability to the, taxpayer , In many states, members of a community's board of education are elected by
  30. Taking legal action against the council. Unison estimate that the cost to the, taxpayer ,of early termination could be as much as £50m. The political composition of the
  31. Tax base is adjusted gross income reduced by a fixed deduction that varies by, taxpayer ,filing status. Itemized deductions of individuals are limited to home mortgage
  32. Supreme Court and the federal courts of appeals may impose penalties where the, taxpayer ,'s appeal of a U. S. Tax Court decision was" maintained primarily for delay "
  33. To representation by an attorney, CPA,or enrolled agent, at the expense of the, taxpayer , who may make representations to the IRS on behalf of the taxpayer . Taxpayers
  34. Difficult to meet the argument that it is unfair to ask the British, taxpayer , already overwhelmed with taxation, to bear the cost of imposing on Palestine
  35. This time limit, including substantial understatement of income and fraud. The, taxpayer ,and the IRS may http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-tege/form872.pdf agree to allow the
  36. This dynamic in the first place. This has led many reform advocates to suggest, taxpayer ,dollars be used to replace private campaign contributions; these reforms are
  37. July 2010,the British government agreed to help pay for the new airstrip using, taxpayer ,money. A minibus offers a basic service to carry people around Saint Helena
  38. To Panama. Critics argue that about half the aid was a gift from the American, taxpayer ,to American businesses, as $400 million consisted of incentives for U. S.
  39. Allowable on loans to finance residential property in Gibraltar occupied by the, taxpayer , The allowance is restricted on loans issued on or after 1 July 2008 to a
  40. By mail, in person at IRS local offices, or at the business location of the, taxpayer , The taxpayer is entitled to representation by an attorney, CPA,or enrolled
  41. The British government within a framework of objectives that had to stand up to, taxpayer ,scrutiny and Cook often claimed territories for the British crown. In the 20th
  42. U. S. Tax Court decision was" maintained primarily for delay" or where" the, taxpayer ,'s position in the appeal is frivolous or groundless. " In a non-criminal case
  43. New stadium. We do not have the bonding capacity. We don't have the voters or, taxpayer ,who can support a $60 million stadium. One-third of the people in Baltimore pay
  44. Constructions such as" they" or" most people" or" the public" or" the, taxpayer ,". E-Prime disallows forms of statement such as" they say X is Y" or" most
  45. The tax owed by a household to below zero, and result in a net payment to the, taxpayer ,beyond their own payments into the tax system. Examples of refundable tax
  46. Status Federal and state income tax is calculated, and returns filed, for each, taxpayer , Two married individuals may calculate tax and file returns jointly or
  47. There are multiple local taxing jurisdictions with respect to a particular, taxpayer ,or property. For property taxes, the taxing jurisdiction is typically
  48. IRS additional time to conclude an audit. If the IRS proposes adjustments,the, taxpayer ,may agree to the adjustment, appeal within the IRS, or seek judicial
  49. Present additional accountability concerns. With voucher systems,a, taxpayer ,owing money to the state instead donates that money to a private, nonprofit
  50. And early 2000s,Mayor Heather Fargo made several abortive attempts to provide, taxpayer ,financing of a new sports arena for the Aloof brothers, owners of the

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