Examples of the the word, deck , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deck ), is the 3862 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Weights than is possible with a vertical or rolling takeoff on a short flat, deck ,on STAR carriers. A ski jump works by converting some forward rolling
  2. In the case of merchant aircraft carriers, were bulk cargo ships with a flight, deck ,added on top. Light aircraft carriers were carriers that were fast enough to
  3. Usually has more than seven rods. There are two beads on each rod in the upper, deck ,and five beads each in the bottom for both decimal and hexadecimal computation.
  4. Very few carriers have been designed or built without an island. The" flush, deck ," configuration proved to have very significant drawbacks, complicating
  5. An upwards vector is provided by a ski-jump at the forward end of the flight, deck , Which form of assistance provided is dependent on aircraft design and
  6. Carrier. By size * Fleet carrier, the standard sized carrier of a navy. Flight, deck ,As" runways at sea," modern aircraft carriers have a flat-top deck design
  7. And fueled aircraft such as the Harrier would not be possible on a smaller flat, deck ,ship before either stalling out or crashing directly into the sea. Although
  8. Flight deck s As" runways at sea," modern aircraft carriers have a flat-top, deck ,design that serves as a flight deck for the launch and recovery of aircraft.
  9. Vimanam – Vinyl siding – Visionary architecture – Visitor center – Void, deck ,– Volute – Complex building – Poussin W Walk-in bathtub – Wall – Water damage
  10. Carriers steam at speed, for example up to (), into the wind during flight, deck ,operations in order to increase the wind over the deck to exceed a safe minimum
  11. In 1910 by the first experimental take-off of such an airplane from the, deck ,of a United States Navy vessel (cruiser),and the first experimental landings
  12. Motion of the aircraft into a jump into the air at the end of the flight, deck , the jump combined with the aiming of jet thrust partly downwards by swiveling
  13. Launching aircraft. The handler works just inside the island from the flight, deck ,and is responsible for the movement of aircraft before launching and after
  14. Formation overlooking Lake Austin on the Colorado River, with an observation, deck ,about below its summit. From the observation deck , many homes are visible. The
  15. Rely upon a tail hook that catches on arrestor wires stretched across the, deck ,to bring them to a stop in a short distance. Helicopters and V/STOL (
  16. Although STOVL aircraft are capable of taking off vertically from a spot on the, deck , using the ramp and a running start is far more fuel efficient and permits a
  17. Prominently features an integrated storage device, either a compact cassette, deck ,or 3" floppy disk drive. The main units were only sold bundled with a color
  18. On the port side and then using their hover capability to move over the flight, deck ,and land vertically without the need for arresting gear. Conventional ("
  19. Of cheating known as card marking. In poker, for example, the top card of the, deck ,stub is burned at the beginning of each betting round, so that players who
  20. As this would eliminate one or more helicopter landing areas, this flat, deck ,limits the loading of USMC Harriers but is somewhat mitigated by the longer
  21. Fuel and weapons load from a ski jump. Another disadvantage is on mixed flight, deck ,operations where helicopters are also present such as a US LHD or LA
  22. Bridge, flight control tower) are concentrated on the starboard side of the, deck ,in a relatively small area called an" island ", a feature pioneered on the HMS
  23. Is an aircraft's main body section containing the crew cockpit or flight, deck , and any passenger cabin or cargo hold. In single- and twin-engine aircraft, it
  24. Attitude, and airspeed, and transmit that data to the pilot. Before the angled, deck ,emerged in the 1950s,Los used colored paddles to signal corrections to the
  25. River, with an observation deck about below its summit. From the observation, deck , many homes are visible. The soils of Austin range from shallow, gravelly clay
  26. Airborne again without the risk of hitting aircraft parked forward. The angled, deck ,also allows simultaneous launching and recovery of aircraft. The superstructure
  27. But is somewhat mitigated by the longer rolling start provided by a long flight, deck ,compared to many STOVL carriers. Aircraft carriers in service Aircraft carriers
  28. Has five lanes of motor traffic, bicycle lanes, and sidewalks on its upper, deck ,; and a pair of tracks for the Bloor–Danforth subway line. Some double- deck er
  29. Being washed over. After an hour's rest, an exhausted Newton returned to the, deck ,to steer for the next eleven hours when he pondered what he had said. About
  30. Voice calls to approaching pilots by radio. To facilitate working on the flight, deck ,of a U. S. aircraft carrier, the sailors wear colored shirts that designate
  31. Of the Bay Bridge, Alameda trains ran directly to San Francisco on the lower, deck ,of the bridge, the ferries having been rendered unnecessary. Alameda was the
  32. It into Carina (the keel, or the hull, of the ship),Puppies (the poop, deck ,), and Vela (the sails). When Argo Davis was split, its Bayer designations
  33. Responsibilities. There are at least seven different colors worn by flight, deck ,personnel for modern United States Navy carrier air operations. Carrier
  34. The wind during flight deck operations in order to increase the wind over the, deck ,to exceed a safe minimum. This increase in effective wind speed provides a
  35. Aircraft in the air near the ship, and the movement of planes on the flight, deck , which itself resembles a well-choreographed ballet ". The captain of the ship
  36. For most smaller carriers, has a ski-jump ramp at the forward end of the flight, deck , A ski jump is a fixed ramp at the end of the flight deck with a curved incline
  37. Tower which stands on insulators, and has a restaurant and an observation, deck ,above ground, which is reachable by a windowed elevator. Politics Berlin is the
  38. Other nations use similar color schemes. Key personnel involved in the flight, deck ,include the shooters, the handler, and the air boss. Shooters are naval
  39. Gains, such as in The Settlers of Satan. Other games such as Sorry! Use a, deck ,of special cards that, when shuffled, create randomness. Scrabble does
  40. And Marco Avionics. Communications connect the flight, deck ,to the ground and the flight deck to the passengers. On-board communications
  41. Communications connect the flight deck to the ground and the flight, deck ,to the passengers. On-board communications are provided by public address
  42. To port of the axial line of the ship. The primary function of this" angled, deck ," is to allow aircraft that miss the arresting wires, referred to as a bolter
  43. Sufficient condition of the genre, though card games that do not use a standard, deck ,of cards (as well as games which use neither cards nor a game board) are
  44. Notes In card games, a burn card is a playing card dealt from the top of a, deck , and discarded (" burned" ), unused by the players. Burn cards are almost
  45. End of the flight deck . A ski jump is a fixed ramp at the end of the flight, deck ,with a curved incline. This was first developed to help launch short takeoff
  46. Modern aircraft carriers have a flat-top deck design that serves as a flight, deck ,for the launch and recovery of aircraft. Aircraft are launched in a forward
  47. Keyboards. CPC464 The CPC464 featured 64 KB RAM and an internal cassette tape, deck , It was introduced in June 1984 in the UK. Initial suggested retail prices for
  48. Weight requires either a longer takeoff roll than is possible on a carrier, deck , or catapult assistance, although the Su-33 does launch with a light fuel and
  49. Abacus The Russian abacus, the school (счёты),usually has a single slanted, deck , with ten beads on each wire (except one wire which has four beads, for
  50. A Barbara came in only two models, a one person and a two-person seat. The, deck ,was made with a sturdy chamber, the sides of the craft were nearly vertical and

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