Examples of the the word, na , in a Sentence Context

The word ( na ), is the 3872 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Report on paramilitary activity that two groups, styling themselves as Satire, na , hÉireann and Belief Na Hermann, had been formed after a split in the
  2. Was founded on 8 September 1933 following the merger of its parent party Human, na , nGaedheal, the Natio na l Center Party and the Natio na l Guard, popularly known as
  3. Died out. Perhaps the most outstanding example of this genre is Leather, na , nGenealach/The Great Book of Irish Genealogies, by Dubhaltach MacFhirbhisigh (
  4. Pupa rivers in Croatia ending with short continental road from Nonporous (Broad, na , Kupi) to Tartaric (Treat, Rijeka) at the coast of Adriatic. Germany Several
  5. Of the Irish Free State Army is shot dead during an Anti-Treaty ambush at Deal, na , mBláth, County Cork, during the Irish Civil War. *1926 – Gold is discovered in
  6. The" Banks of the Boyle Hallowe’en Carnival" ( known in Irish as File, na , Samh na ) in Derry are a huge tourism boost for the city. The carnival is
  7. Way in Hebrew, פוארו ). In the Portuguese New Year's special comedy show Crime, na , Pensão Estrella (starring Portuguese top comedian Herman José),there is a
  8. less) can also be used with perso na l na mes like in Portuguese, as la Maria (or, na , Maria ). Verbs are conjugated according to tense and mood similarly to other
  9. Otherwise known as the Continuity IRA (CIA) and styling itself as Belief, na , hÉireann, is an Irish republican paramilitary organization that aims to bring
  10. Of a greater level of violent and other crime ". Like the IRA and Belief, na , hÉireann, it too sought funds for expansion. It is also known to have worked
  11. In हरकत (heir. Kat, meaning movement or activity) and सरकना (Sarah., na , meaning to slide). Similarly, the sequence धड़कने in दिल धड़कने लगा (the
  12. Radio and several other CPP delegates. (source: Zvonimir Kulundžić Agent, na , Stjepa na Radical/The assassi na tion of Stefan Radio) Radio was left for dead
  13. Cruz: rock band singing in Galician language Folk/traditio na l based music *Lu na r, na , Lubre: a band inspired by traditio na l Celtic music. They have collaborated with
  14. To),Nairobi (opposite). * Accusative: SKZ (e) (through),pro (for),Na, ( to/for). * Vocative: o (around, about ), na (on),PRI (into, in,around
  15. Style" font-size:14pt;" >व VA, style " font-size:14pt;" >न, na , style" font-size:14pt;" >च ca, style " font-size:14pt;" >ल la
  16. In the Irish Civil War and is still used by republicans today. The" Coach, na , Saoirse" medal, which was awarded to IRA Volunteers after 1941,bears a ribbon
  17. The preposition" Na" and be in the accusative case (Repeat see Soho/coho, na , koho/co). Counting and declension The third factor affecting noun declension
  18. Heavenly Christmas Tree" (" Мальчик у Христа на ёлке" " MAL'chip u Christa, na , elke ",1876) *"The Peasant Mary" (" Мужик Марей" " Muzak Mary ",1876)
  19. To float long" ( Carr, page 19" ). Fijians today regard those times as ", na , gau na NI tenor" ( time of the devil). The ferocity of the cannibal lifestyle
  20. Ending added to show affection. These constructions are all referred to as ", na , galeno" ( lit. " Caressing" form): *Maya (mother) → machine; take (
  21. A with BEO Nam measg than Ann a spiral bràthaireil. *Irish: Solitary, na , daoine mile Saar ages comhio na nn I na digit ages I na Gareth. Ta BUA a reason
  22. Gaelic football clubs, Na Dian na Ladies and Men Gaelic Football Club and Clan, na , nGael Ladies and Men Gaelic Football Club. Both are members of the North
  23. An inherited French (Napoleonic code) legal code, and customary law (Mila, na , ntsi). Village elders, kadis or civilian courts settle most disputes. The
  24. Activity that two groups, styling themselves as Satire Na Hermann and Belief, na , hÉireann, had been formed after a split in the Continuity IRA. Congo, Kongo,or
  25. Language radio stations which can be picked up in the Dublin area: RTE Radio, na , Gaeltachta, and Radio Na Life 106.4 fm,both of which have studios in the city.
  26. Smaller Irish Citizen Army of James Connolly, along with 200 members of Human, na , mBan—seized key locations in Dublin and proclaimed the Irish Republic
  27. e) (through),pro (for),Na (to/for). * Vocative: o (around, about ), na , ( on),PRI (into, in,around),v (in),PO (after, around ). *Instrumental
  28. Which can be picked up in the Dublin area: RTE Radio Na Gaeltachta, and Radio, na , Life 106.4 fm,both of which have studios in the city. Sport The city is host to
  29. To be the legitimate continuation of the 'Irish Republican Army' or Belief, na , hÉireann. This argument is based on the view that the surviving anti-Treaty
  30. For example k Jill (to eat – dative) (as in German sum Essen) becomes, na , jídlo (accusative),as it is in Slovak Na jello. It is a common misconception
  31. Helped the second-strongest party. In 1947 the rapid rise of new party Clan, na , Poblachta threatened the position of the governing party Fian na Fáil. The
  32. Emperor and Autocrat of all Bulgarians and Romans" ( Tsar i samodarzhets, na , vsichki Bulgari i parts in the modern ver na cular). The" Roman" component in
  33. Can be slid around the back, offering " reverse-pressure massage ". Massage Too, na , ( 推拿) massage: a form of massage akin to acupressure (from which shiatsu
  34. Has many forms. The words the and desk are used to predicate sentences, while,Na, and de are particles used within sentences to modify or connect. Japanese
  35. Later writers The work of Beachcomber is in some ways parallel to that of Myles, na , gCopaleen, and the influence of both writers is evident in the Peter Simple
  36. Gone there from the United States the previous year with the support of Clan, na , Gael leader John Devon, and after discussions with the German Ambassador in
  37. The incident. In October 2010’T with the Maggie's released the song Domi na nt, na , Fola (Irish for Bloody Sunday),written by Aired NI Mhao na igh and Tri na NI
  38. 10th CE. A grammar of Irish origi na ted in the 7th century with the Auraicept, na , n-Éces. Arabic grammar emerged from the 8th century with the work of In Abi
  39. Legend nowoczesności (Modern Legends, War Essays); Kraków: WE * 1997: Cycle, na , wyspach (Life on Islands); Kraków: NAK * 1997: Raised przydrożny (Roadside
  40. Injuring their opponents. Grappling is called dog in Eskimo. The term chin, na , in Chinese martial arts deals with the use of grappling to achieve submission
  41. Used the word in his 1857 article Ry's ergonomic chili Nazi op racy, opartej, na , prawdach poczerpniętych z Nazi Parody (The Outline of Ergonomics, i. e.
  42. By the antiquary George Low in Shetland in 1774),and excavations at Lock, na , Berie on the Isle of Lewis show signs of a further, second floor (e.g. stairs
  43. As in German sum Essen) becomes Na video (accusative),as it is in Slovak, na , jedlo. It is a common misconception that the use of Standard Czech in everyday
  44. In Lübeck (1463); the painting at the back wall of the chapel of SV. Maria, na , Škrili na ma in the Historian town of Beam (1471),painted by Vincent from
  45. Or a change of position is expressed, prepositions of place such as NAD, mezi, na , and pod are used with the accusative case. The second factor affecting noun
  46. Promote the language in the city are funded by various sources, notably Forms, na , Gaeilge, an all-Ireland body funded by both the Irish and British governments.
  47. Resources, including electricity generation services belonging to the ESB, Bord, na , Mó na and Born Gas, in combi na tion with use of money in the Natio na l Pensions
  48. Congo region describe baseness, in the local Lin gala language, as MBA, na , basɛ́nzi. Translated, this means" dogs of the savages ", or " dogs of the
  49. Beltane or Niche Beltane is May Eve, and LA Beltane is May Day. MI, na , Bealtaine, or simply Beltane is the na me of the month of May. In Neopaganism
  50. Se Soho/coho),and that the thing being asked about follow the preposition ", na ," and be in the accusative case (Repeat see Soho/coho Na Soho/co). Counting

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