Examples of the the word, companion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( companion ), is the 3877 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Had assaulted and battered her after she refused to leave his doorway. Her, companion ,testified that she saw Marque prostrate outside his apartment. Because Marque
  2. That were present came away deeply impressed by the courage of Ginsberg and his, companion ,Ken Mesa. They vowed not to attack the next day's protest march, and
  3. S Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes. Athena is also a shrewd, companion ,of heroes and the goddess of heroic endeavor. She is the virgin patron of
  4. Binary, being the distance between the center of gravity and the outlying, companion , Some older references use the confusing and now discontinued designation of
  5. He also struck a note for gay marriage by listing Peter Trotsky, his lifelong, companion , as his spouse in his Who's Who entry. Subsequent gay writers saw his frank
  6. Silphium. The cultivated plants in this category are almost all considered good, companion ,plants, as the umbrella of tiny flowers attracts omnivorous beneficial insects
  7. This simple principle, that if woman be not prepared by education to become the, companion ,of man, she will stop the progress of knowledge and virtue; for truth must be
  8. For help to defeat his Kurdish rival UK. *1997 – Diana, Princess of Wales, her, companion , Dodi Al-Fayed and driver Henri Paul die in a car crash in Paris. *1998 – North
  9. A 4th century martyr *Androids of Alexandria, a soldier, martyr,saint, and, companion , of Faustus, Abibus and Dionysus of Alexandria *Coptic Pope Androids of
  10. Abu Bakr that Muhammad said," Stick to speaking the truth because truth is a, companion ,of bird (righteousness) and both these are in Paradise; and abstain from
  11. And the fall of Achilles Following the death of Patrols, Achilles ' closest, companion ,was Nestor's son Antioch. When Demon, king of Ethiopia slew Antioch
  12. The Acts of the Apostles. Tradition holds that the text was written by Luke the, companion ,of Paul (named in Colossians) and this traditional view of Luka authorship
  13. Declares herself his widow. He surrenders her to Billy, his last remaining, companion ,from Alaska. When he tries to delay the execution by reminding the people of
  14. Working worldwide to preserve and revive the Aramaic language. Titus was a, companion ,of Saint Paul, mentioned in several of the Pauline epistles. Titus was with
  15. Competitor in dog agility trials as well as an intuitive therapy dog and, companion , Genomic studies have pointed to the Afghan Hound as one of the oldest of dog
  16. Is much greater than the observed separation between stars A and B. This, companion ,is Proxima Centauri, Proxima, or α CEN C. If it were bright enough to be seen
  17. Of the binary α CEN AB. As viewed from Earth, there is probably an additional, companion ,located 2.2° away from the AB star system, whose distance is much greater than
  18. Life. God in Search of Man God in Search of Man: A Philosophy of Judaism is a, companion ,volume to Man is Not Alone. In this book Herschel discusses the nature of
  19. Had no more than one companion : they two were in the cave, and he said to his, companion ," Have no Fear, for Allah is with us ": then Allah sent down His peace upon him
  20. The apparent gravitational center of the main binary system relative to other, companion ,star (s) in any multiple star system. " AB-C" refers to the orbit of Proximal
  21. Of 0.6 (3) a, an observer on the planet would see this intensely bright, companion ,star circle the sky just as we see with the Solar System's planets.
  22. Companion Plants Almost every widely cultivated plant of this group is a, companion ,plant. In large part, this is because the tiny flowers forming the umbels, for
  23. Death in 1917. Early subjects included fellow sculptor Jules Dale (1883) and, companion ,Camille Claude (1884). Later, with his reputation established, Rodin made
  24. Elder Becket Architects & Engineers, was designed with too few wheelchair and, companion ,seats, and the ones that were included did not provide sight lines that would
  25. Passing his signet ring to Predicts, one of his bodyguard and leader of the, companion ,cavalry, in front of witnesses, thereby possibly nominating Predicts as his
  26. And also his children, borne by Aphrodite, according to Hesiod. The sister and, companion ,of the violent Ares is Eris, the goddess of discord, or ENSO, the goddess of
  27. Of the Greek skeptics. Life Anaxarchus was born at Andrea in Thrace. He was the, companion ,and friend of Alexander the Great in his Asiatic campaigns. According to
  28. An − 1xn − 1+ ··· + a0,then q (x) is the characteristic polynomial of the, companion ,matrix:
  29. Actaeon was a hero archetypes (" hero-founder" ) The righteous hunter,the, companion ,of Artemis, seeing her bathing naked at the spring, was moved to try to make
  30. Such as the novelist Joseph Conrad, who called it his" favorite bedside, companion ," and used it as source of information for several of his novels, especially
  31. Reductions. Beneficial weed Pig weed can be a beneficial weed, as well as a, companion ,plant, serving as a trap for leaf miners and some other pests, as well as
  32. And both these are in Paradise; and abstain from lying because it is a, companion ,of four (sin) and both these are in Hell. " It is reported in Sudan Abu
  33. The family hired a young woman who spoke nothing but French to be her nanny and, companion , Agatha made up stories from a very early age and invented a number of
  34. In Paris, which was established by Dina Kearny,Maillol's model and Platonic, companion ,during the last 10 years of his life. His home a few kilometers outside Banjul
  35. Was Caparisons, a descendant of Heracles. Apollo gave him a tame deer as a, companion ,but Caparisons accidentally killed it with a javelin as it lay asleep in the
  36. Psychic abilities are far greater than those shown in the books. A 256-page, companion , volume,Shadow Knight, was published in 1993. This supplemental rule book
  37. However, Uderzo felt that the small sized hero needed a strong but dim, companion ,to which Skinny agreed. Hence, Obelix was born. Despite the growing
  38. Mario Corbin, Italian physicist (d. 1937) *1877 – Alice B. Tools, American, companion , of Gertrude Stein (d. 1967) *1883 – Jaroslav Hayek, Czech novelist (d. 1923
  39. Of the St. George, Selkirk served on the galley Cinque Ports, the St. Georges, companion , as a sailing master serving under Thomas Straddling. Castaway In October 1704
  40. Some interest in their hearts. I entreat them to assist to emancipate their, companion , to make her a help meet for them! Would men but generously snap our chains
  41. A variety of high-profile intellectuals and artists. He married his life-long, companion , Rose Beret, in the last year of both their lives. His sculpture suffered a
  42. Faithful Florence. " In her later years, Miss Marple has a live-in, companion ,named Cherry Baker, who was first introduced in The Mirror Crack'd From Side
  43. Ibn Abi Quaff) (, c. 573 CE unknown exact date 634/13 AH) was a senior, companion ,(Sahara) and the father-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He ruled
  44. Him. An element of the earlier myth made Actaeon the familiar hunting, companion ,of Artemis, no stranger. In an embroidered extension of the myth, the hounds
  45. Patrols from Antioch, the son of Nestor, Achilles grieved over his beloved, companion ,'s death and held many funeral games in his honor. His mother Thesis came to
  46. Indeed help him; when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one, companion ,: they two were in the cave, and he said to his companion " Have no Fear, for
  47. Faster rotational period than our Sun's 25 days. Alpha Centauri B is the, companion ,star or secondary, slightly smaller and less luminous than our Sun. This main
  48. In Aristophanes' comedy the Thesmophoriazusae. Marathon was the lifelong, companion ,of Ananias, with whom he appears in both the Symposium and in Plato's
  49. Philippic, which contains a dialogue between King Midas and Silents,a, companion ,of Dionysus. Silents describes the Mermaids, a race of men who grow to twice
  50. Met Jules Dale and Alphonse Negros. In 1857,Rodin submitted a clay model of a, companion ,to the Grand Cole in an attempt to win entrance; he did not succeed, and two

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