Examples of the the word, briefing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( briefing ), is the 3876 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of its merits, but their conversion was announced by Werner von Braun at a, briefing ,in June 1962. NASA's formal decision in favor of FOR was announced on July 11
  2. Ends. Except in death penalty cases and other cases in which the Court orders, briefing ,from the respondent, the respondent may, but is not required to, file a
  3. According to the future CIA Director and Defense Secretary Robert Gates, he was, briefing ,a US arms negotiator on the improbability of armed conflict in the region when
  4. S good offices' mission ", especially the work by Ibrahim Bambara (During a, briefing ,to the Security Council in November, Gambari admitted that no timeframe had
  5. Largest acquisition by any administration. Her husband created the modern press, briefing ,room over Franklin Roosevelt's old swimming pool. Nixon added a single-lane
  6. In the wording of this rule from 1 January 2007,the current FISH umpires ', briefing ,instructs umpires not to change the way they interpret this rule. Obstruction
  7. Success compared to its predecessors. An Overseas Development Institute, briefing ,paper of April 1979 highlights one reason for success as being down to the 1973
  8. A diaphragm wall design came out. *The keyword to this project is: time. With a, briefing ,in a limited detail, the structural engineer needed to start work The diaphragm
  9. And kill more civilians. Tuesday,September 18 *12:30 PM Rudy Giuliani press, briefing ,: 49,553 tons removed to Fresh Kills Landfill in 3,788 trucks. 218 confirmed
  10. Distance of west Asia. *2:20 PM approx. Rudy Giuliani and George Atari press, briefing ,: two lanes of Brooklyn Bridge into city to open Thursday. The government is
  11. 2:30 PM ARI Fleischer press, briefing , The U. S. intends to go after terrorism whenever it threatens the United
  12. Second lieutenant after completing basic training. He served as an intelligence, briefing ,officer for a dive bomber squadron in the Solomon Islands and Bougainville.
  13. African government would make a decision regarding the name, however,a media, briefing ,regarding name changes, where it may have been discussed, was cancelled shortly
  14. Programme party leader Dick Spring was proposing. However, as she read the, briefing ,notes, she began to realize that the program was aimed at her. After some
  15. Anymore. This upsets Charles and annoys him later on when he overhears Cyclops, briefing ,X-Factor on the situation. He also approaches the New X-Men in an attempt to
  16. Unequivocally that there was" some evidence of faking ". Gardner described his, briefing ,in his 1945 Fairies: A Book of Real Fairies: Until 19 August the weather was
  17. Physicist Hans Bethe went to Livermore in February 1983 for a two-day, briefing ,on the X-ray laser, and " Although impressed with its scientific novelty, Bethe
  18. It In 1996 Gregory Stanton, the president of Genocide Watch, presented a, briefing ,paper called" The 8 Stages of Genocide" at the United States Department of
  19. Co-operation among developing countries. An Overseas Development Institute, briefing ,paper written in 1979 focuses its attention on the key issues regarding the
  20. 1950s onward, he worked as an advisor to NASA, where one of his duties included, briefing ,the Apollo astronauts before their flights to the Moon. Sagan contributed to
  21. 10th and sent to the CDC. See 2001 anthrax attacks. * 3:45 p. m. EDT Ashcroft, briefing ,: A complaint was filed against someone for lying to federal investigators.
  22. From the Eighth Air Force to" strafe anything that moved. " During the mission, briefing ,he whispered to Major Donald H. Bosch," If we are going to do things like
  23. With a history of erratic behavior. * 3:30 p. m. EDT: At a White House press, briefing , Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson states that a 63-year-old
  24. Lower courts significantly misapplied precedent and reverse the case without, briefing ,or argument) are an illustration that the conservative justices have not been
  25. On May 24, 2006,after missing all the group's meetings, including a, briefing ,from General David Petrels, former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former
  26. Beginning of the House's campaign in the Dune 2000 (1998) video game before, briefing ,the player on the first mission. The mantra is also sampled by industrial band
  27. During the September 11, 2001 attacks were outlined in a Pentagon press, briefing ,on September 15, 2001. Within three hours of the start of the first hijacking
  28. Gave them their own room inside, effectively inventing the presidential press, briefing , The grateful press, with unprecedented access to the White House, rewarded
  29. Excluded. If four Justices vote to grant the petition, the case proceeds to the, briefing ,stage; otherwise, the case ends. Except in death penalty cases and other cases
  30. German and Austrian Jews had emigrated. This information was taken from a, briefing ,paper prepared for him the previous week by Eichmann who, after his experience
  31. Conservative backbench MSP Brian Montana has the whip withdrawn for, briefing ,against his leader to the Scotland on Sunday newspaper. *Liberal Democrats Home
  32. And third floors and rooms adjacent to the Oval Office, including the press, briefing ,room. The renovation included repainting walls, refinishing floors, repairing
  33. Keyboard in the Boca Raton, Florida offices of the tabloid The Sun. In a press, briefing , John Ashcroft states that the FBI has sealed the building is working with the
  34. And Roosevelt Room. In 2007,work was completed on renovations of the press, briefing ,room, adding fiber optic cables and LCD screens for the display of charts and
  35. For new adventures and found them in the forests of South America. After a, briefing ,of several of his own expeditions, he persuaded Roosevelt to commit to such an
  36. States, not all terrorism. *2:50 PM US Attorney General John Ashcroft press, briefing ,: 96,000 tips. There may have been more than four planes targeted for hijacking.
  37. Appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions and are given an orientation, briefing ,before climbing. During the climb, attendees are secured to the bridge by a
  38. More than 7,000 petitions the Court receives each year, it will usually request, briefing ,and hear oral argument in 100 or fewer),the Court employs an internal case
  39. Ore from companies operating mines in the Belgian Congo. In order to avoid, briefing ,US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthaler Jr. on the project, a special
  40. AFB, as chief designer of Air Force exhibits. While he was at a, briefing , the spacecraft was described to him as a" lunar-orbiting vehicle with an
  41. The bombs. The World Service reported the lack of detonations after receiving a, briefing ,on the matter from a Ministry of Defense official. He describes the BBC as
  42. Is politically and emotionally charged. In this regard, Angus Martyn, briefing ,the Australian Parliament, stated that" The international community has never
  43. Developments would tip the war once more in Germany's favor while, briefing ,the Führer. At the end of the war, the German submarine fleet was by far the
  44. Contact the Irish president has with the Irish government is through a formal, briefing ,session given by the Taoiseach (prime minister) to the President. However, he
  45. Muralitharan formally announced his retirement from Test cricket at a media, briefing ,in Colombo. He confirmed that the first Test Match against India due to
  46. Developments, showing that this was an act of terrorism. * In a White House, briefing , ARI Fleischer says that the U. S. has no intention of making all their
  47. Gene Hackman) is too simplistic. *2007: In Lions for Lambs, during a military, briefing ,in Afghanistan Lt. Col. Falcon (Peter Berg) says:" Remember your on
  48. Dropped after religious overtones were pointed out by a reporter at a press, briefing ,All times, except where otherwise noted, in New York Time (EDT). This is four
  49. Dangerous” and a planner of 9/11. - John B. Bellinger III in a June 2007, briefing , on Guantánamo Bay. *Abu Zubaydah was a trainer, a recruiter, understood
  50. Bad). After meeting with Diefenbaker, Kennedy accidentally left behind a, briefing ,note suggesting he" push" Diefenbaker on several issues, including the

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