Examples of the the word, deployment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deployment ), is the 3865 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Skydiving equipment, including two parachutes (main and reserve),and, deployment ,components. Later on, specialized equipment and techniques were developed that
  2. Was positioned at the northern exit to bar the way to Calais. English, deployment ,Early on the 25th,Henry deployed his army (approximately 1,500 men-at-arms
  3. In Europe but has not met full acceptance in the United States because cost of, deployment ,does not meet return on investment figures. In 2005 the Federal Communications
  4. Baggage and tents of the French camp carelessly left there after the initial, deployment , The Allied commander ordered his cavalry forward against the now heavily
  5. Units and formations. In addition to these troops Belarus was the area of, deployment ,for units subordinated directly to the USSR Defense Ministry and chiefs of
  6. Future ballistic missile defense programs. In the end, the council recommended, deployment ,of early warning and surveillance systems as well as regionally controlled
  7. Officers,10 combat engineers and 31 drivers. Throughout the length of the, deployment , there was one Armenian wounded and no deaths. The Armenian government extended
  8. Higher jumps involving free fall. This method is similar to the paratrooper's, deployment ,system, also called a PCA (Pilot Chute Assist). Legal issues The legal issues
  9. By the UK with another source for its seeker. After protracted development, deployment ,of AMRAAM (AIM-120A) began in September 1991 with USAF F-15 Eagle squadrons.
  10. With the remainder getting the IM-99B. However, in March 1960,HQ USAF cut, deployment ,to eight sites in the US and two in Canada. In 2002,the concrete at the site
  11. Him with three corps. From 06:00 Wellington was in the field supervising the, deployment ,of his forces. At Wave, the Prussian IV Corps under Below was designated to
  12. Or changing these objects can fundamentally change and/or disrupt a, deployment , Schema changes automatically propagate throughout the system. Once created, an
  13. Formation (six columns of four ships each) into a single battle-line. The, deployment ,could be on either the westernmost or the easternmost column, and had to be
  14. Spacewalk. *1985 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev declares a moratorium on the, deployment ,of middle-range missiles in Europe. *1989 – Soviet submarine Komsomolets sinks
  15. Access for international humanitarian relief efforts, and the eventual, deployment ,of a peacekeeping force in the region. Fighting continued, however,until May
  16. Return to strategic parity with the US. This was achieved with the operational, deployment ,of the A-35 ABM system and its successors, which remain operational to this day
  17. Of his trainees during their basic training in preparation for their, deployment , Paul later figures that the training taught by Himmelstoß made them" hard
  18. And dismissal of the prime minister and other ministers, declaration of war, deployment ,of troops outside of Bulgaria, and ratification of international treaties and
  19. German ships. This period of peril and heavy traffic attending the merger and, deployment ,of the British forces later became known as" Windy Corner ". Arbuthnot's
  20. Have very small areas in which to land. A beginner skydiver, after parachute, deployment , may have a three minute or more parachute ride to the ground. A BASE jump from
  21. Of intercepting an ICBM, even if it is in range. A new system, scheduled for, deployment ,during 2009,is U. S. Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAD) system. It
  22. Radar systems. When this proved infeasible for economic reasons, a much smaller, deployment ,using the same systems was proposed, namely Safeguard (described later). The
  23. Or tactical advantage over an adversary, either by threat or by actual, deployment , Like some chemical weapons, biological weapons may also be useful as
  24. The bombers could drop their payloads on industrial regions. It involved the, deployment ,of tactical stations armed with Board missiles along the east and west coasts
  25. Were retired by 1989,and all types of nuclear depth bombs were removed from, deployment , Most other U. S. Navy and allied navy destroyers, destroyer escorts, frigates
  26. Notable exception is a 1967 memo from CIA director Richard Helms regarding the, deployment ,of three OXCART aircraft from Groom to Arena Air Base to perform
  27. Refueling procedures for later employment by trial-and-error. This, deployment ,with the 1 SOW/CC as Task Force commander was directed from the office of the
  28. Range for in-atmosphere interceptions. The new Spartan missile changed the, deployment ,plans. Previously, the Nike systems were to have been clustered near cities as
  29. And difficult tactical command decisions of the entire war, Jellicoe ordered, deployment ,to the east at 18:15. Windy Corner Meanwhile, Hipper had rejoined Sheer, and
  30. To allow U. S. and allied forces to deploy troops into Saudi territory. The, deployment ,angered Bin Laden, as he believed the presence of foreign troops in the" land
  31. The Moscow ABM defense system was, or is, based on: Apart from the main Moscow, deployment , Russia has striven actively for intrinsic ABM capabilities of its late model
  32. Of Palestine spread. British troops stationed in Palestine arrived fresh from, deployment ,in the Russian civil war, fighting alongside the genocidal antisemitic White
  33. Has built up to enable aerodynamic stability. On low BASE jumps, parachute, deployment , takes place during this early phase of flight, so if a poor" launch" leads
  34. And they retreated. Mechanical problems, poor mobility and piecemeal tactical, deployment ,limited the military significance of the tank in World War I and the tank did
  35. Of the Soviet armed forces During the Cold War, Azerbaijan had been the, deployment ,area of units of the Soviet 4th Army whose principle formations included three
  36. In ICBM technology essentially rendered the points moot. This was the, deployment ,of the Multiple Independently targetable Reentry Vehicle (MIRV) system
  37. Problems described resulted in the ABM treaty of 1972,which restricted the, deployment ,of strategic (not tactical) anti-ballistic missiles. By the ABM treaty and a
  38. Column, and had to be carried out before the Germans arrived; but early, deployment ,could mean losing any chance of a decisive encounter. Deploying to the west
  39. At Issue in 333 BC, his first confrontation with Darius, he used the same, deployment , and again the phalanx at the center pushed through with the advantage of its
  40. Anchor in those spaces and engage the French without reply. In addition,the, deployment ,of his fleet prevented the rear from effectively supporting the van due to the
  41. Projectile. The George W. Bush administration accelerated development and, deployment ,of a system proposed in 1998 by the Clinton administration. The system is a
  42. Balls from bouncing far, and the French gunners covered Wellington's entire, deployment , so the density of hits was low. The idea was not to cause a large amount of
  43. Yerevan and ratified by the Armenian Parliament on December 13, 2003. The sixth, deployment ,of Armenian peacekeepers departed for Kosovo on November 14, 2006. In 2008,the
  44. And domain are the logical divisions in an Active Directory network. Within a, deployment , objects are grouped into domains. The objects for a single domain are stored
  45. Add protection from aircraft, artillery,and small arms fire for front line, deployment , Anti-aircraft guns are usually mounted in a quickly-traversing turret with a
  46. Enemy units are expected to pass, and which gives reasonable cover for the, deployment , execution, and extraction phases of the ambush patrol. A path along a wooded
  47. Non-stop, refueling four times in-flight. Refueling support for the Guam, deployment ,was provided by KC-135 crews from the 305th Air Refueling Wing from Frisson AFB
  48. Army has been the most influential of the services because of its size, deployment , and historical development. Not only did senior army generals occupy the
  49. In both World Wars reflected Bahamian doctrine, the details of battleship, deployment ,were more complex. Unlike the ship of the line, the battleships of the late
  50. Access for international humanitarian relief efforts, and the eventual, deployment ,of a peacekeeping force in the region. Fighting continued, however,until May

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