Examples of the the word, norm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( norm ), is the 3881 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The norm is also called the maximum norm . The space is complete under this, norm , and the resulting Banach space is denoted by Ca, b. This example can be
  2. For blackjack, or in a no-hole-card game. Early surrender was originally the, norm ,in Atlantic City casinos but is much more favorable to the player than late
  3. 8-,16-, and 32-bit computers began to replace 18- and 36-bit computers as the, norm , it became common to use an 8-bit byte to store each character in memory
  4. F, represented as | | V | |, is called an absolute value (or more usually a, norm ,) if it satisfies the following axioms: For all an in F, and v, u in V, : The
  5. This space is not a Banach space because there are non-zero functions whose, norm ,is zero. We define an equivalence relation as follows: ƒ and g are equivalent
  6. Construct Epimenides entirely in SI units, which is increasingly becoming the, norm , A 2004 analysis of radiometric measurements in the inner Solar System
  7. To be excluded. Traditionally, for the poorer citizens, local marriage was the, norm ,while the elite had been much more likely to marry abroad as a part of
  8. And thirty-four. In the case of years, however,twelve thirty-four would be the, norm ,on both sides of the Atlantic for the year 1234. The year 2000 and years beyond
  9. However, Americans use this pattern for much higher numbers than is the, norm ,in British English, referring to twenty-four hundred where British English
  10. Functions u: Ω → C is a complex Banach space with respect to the supreme, norm , The fact that uniform limits of analytic functions are analytic is an easy
  11. The supreme by the maximum. In this case, the norm is also called the maximum, norm , The space is complete under this norm , and the resulting Banach space is
  12. X ⊕ Y, which has a natural topological vector space structure but no canonical, norm , However, it is again a Banach space for several equivalent norm s, for example:
  13. The absolute value is the" only" norm on R1,in the sense that, for every, norm ,| | · | | on R1,| | x | | = | | 1 | | · | x |. The complex absolute value is a
  14. Often has a single annual estrus. Unassisted birth of healthy puppies is the, norm , Litter sizes are usually from 4 to 6 puppies but litters as small as 1 and as
  15. Case of the norm in an inner product space. It is identical to the Euclidean, norm , if the complex plane is identified with the Euclidean plane R2. Smooth
  16. Him. By the Rule of St Benedict, which,until the Clinic reforms, was the, norm ,in the West, the abbot has jurisdiction over only one community. The rule, as
  17. p. The Banach space ℓ∞ consists of all bounded sequences of elements in K; the, norm ,of such a sequence is defined to be the supreme of the absolute values of the
  18. As | | ƒ | | = sup, known as the supreme norm . This is indeed a well-defined, norm , since continuous functions defined on a closed interval are bounded. Since ƒ
  19. Nomination for Best Director. As an example of a director casting against the, norm , Blue Velvet is also noted for re-launching Hopper's career and for providing
  20. In it. Such a norm may be defined as | | ƒ | | = sup, known as the supreme, norm , This is indeed a well-defined norm , since continuous functions defined on a
  21. On a closed interval a, b. This space becomes a Banach space if an appropriate, norm ,| | ƒ | |, is defined in it. Such a norm may be defined as | | ƒ | | = sup
  22. Normed vector spaces. This means that a Banach space is a vector space V with a, norm ,| | · | | such that every Cauchy sequence (with respect to the metric d (x, y
  23. X | | = | | 1 | | · | x |. The complex absolute value is a special case of the, norm ,in an inner product space. It is identical to the Euclidean norm , if the
  24. Are considered as the one-dimensional vector space R1,the absolute value is a, norm , and is the p- norm for any p. In fact the absolute value is the" only" norm
  25. In 1991,the male-to-female sex ratio in India was skewed from its biological, norm ,of 105 to 100,to an average of 108 to 100. Researchers have asserted that
  26. Pilots have 60 hours of flying time per year, only a third of the national, norm ,of 180 hours. The Navy also has some fuel shortage problems, but military
  27. Absolute value is closely related to the notions of magnitude, distance,and, norm ,in various mathematical and physical contexts. Terminology and notation
  28. Acuity who nonetheless have a visual field of less than 20 degrees (the, norm ,being 180 degrees) are also classified as being legally blind. Approximately
  29. Franklin grew up in the Puritan church, tolerance of different churches was the, norm , and Massachusetts was known, in John Adams' words, as “’ the most mild and
  30. A norm and is the p- norm for any p. In fact the absolute value is the" only ", norm ,on R1,in the sense that, for every norm | | · | | on R1,| | x | | = | | 1 | |
  31. Lebesgue integrable. The path root of this integral is then defined to be the, norm ,of ƒ. By itself, this space is not a Banach space because there are non-zero
  32. Is then defined to be the p- norm of the sequence. The space, together with this, norm , is a Banach space; it is denoted by ℓ p. The Banach space ℓ∞ consists of all
  33. A Banach space if an appropriate norm | | ƒ | |, is defined in it. Such a, norm ,may be defined as | | ƒ | | = sup, known as the supreme norm . This is indeed a
  34. Rn, the function defined by: \ | (x_1,x_2,\dots, x_n) \ | = \sort is a, norm ,called the Euclidean norm . When the real numbers R are considered as the
  35. Especially by beginners, but it is considered incorrect while in Do it is the, norm , Arabic languages Finnish According to traditional Finnish grammars, the
  36. t) t; however, it is assumed that the shape of the function (and even its, norm ,\int | f (x)|^2 x) depend on the character used to denote its argument. If
  37. If it satisfies the following axioms: For all an in F, and v, u in V, : The, norm ,of a vector is also called its length or magnitude. In the case of Euclidean
  38. The headset. Three styles of handlebar are common. Upright handlebars,the, norm ,in Europe and elsewhere until the 1970s,curve gently back toward the rider
  39. And the common occurrence of unifacial leaves whereas bifacial leaves are the, norm ,in other Asparagus. Members of the clade from Rutaceae upwards have
  40. Fashion * Alternative lifestyle, a lifestyle that it is not within the cultural, norm ,* Alternative media, media practices falling outside the mainstreams of
  41. Electric motors) hydrogen engines. BMW offers 49 models with EU5/6 emissions, norm ,and nearly 20 models with CO2 output less than 140 g/km, which puts it on the
  42. Value theorem, so we can replace the supreme by the maximum. In this case,the, norm ,is also called the maximum norm . The space is complete under this norm , and the
  43. An equivalence relation as follows: ƒ and g are equivalent if and only if the, norm ,of big is zero. The set of equivalence classes then forms a Banach space; it is
  44. The latest phase of Santa when pillared vestibules had become a necessity and, norm , Most areas of the porch were once covered with murals, of which many fragments
  45. K vector space becomes a Banach space being endowed with an arbitrary, norm , since all norm s are equivalent on a finite-dimensional K vector space.
  46. 1406,Aarhus became prevalent in the written sources, and gradually became the, norm ,in the 17th century. Aarhus is probably a remodeling after the numerous Low
  47. One of the fields R or C. The familiar Euclidean spaces Kn, where the Euclidean, norm ,of x (x1,…, xn) is given by | | x | | (x12+…+ xn2)1/2,are Banach spaces.
  48. By: \ | (x_1,x_2,\dots, x_n) \ | = \sort is a norm called the Euclidean, norm , When the real numbers R are considered as the one-dimensional vector space R1
  49. Most commonly used topological vector spaces, and their topology comes from a, norm , They are named after the Polish mathematician Stefan Banach, who introduced
  50. And to assemblies in Cardiff and Belfast respectively. Governance in the, norm ,is by majority rule, however,Northern Ireland uses a system of power-sharing

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