Examples of the the word, complicated , in a Sentence Context

The word ( complicated ), is the 3878 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Death. Some Buddhists have argued on this basis that the act of killing is, complicated , and its utilization is predicated upon intent. Some have argued that in
  2. That the response is a power law (see Stevens' power law). Magnitude is, complicated ,by the fact that light is not monochromatic. The sensitivity of a light
  3. Do this with the ship's limited power supply and time factor. This was further, complicated ,by the fact that the reduced power levels in the LM caused internal
  4. Or j. However, such apparent simplifications can perversely make a script more, complicated , In later Pahlavi papyri, up to half of the remaining graphic distinctions of
  5. To encompass the Arab world, defines an Arab as: The relation of and is, complicated ,further by the notion of" lost Arabs" mentioned in the Qur'an as punished for
  6. Been already discussed for axial points; but in this case they are much more, complicated , The course of the rays in the meridional section is no longer symmetrical to
  7. Matrix optimizations APL was unique in the speed with which it could perform, complicated ,matrix operations. For example, a very large matrix multiplication would take
  8. In the New England Journal of Medicine attributed his death to typhoid fever, complicated ,by bowel perforation and ascending paralysis, Natural-cause theories also tend
  9. Roles. These can be as simple as a searchlight for a police helicopter or as, complicated ,as the tactical system for an Airborne Early Warning platform. History The term
  10. Particle mixing through processes such as the one pictured here, which is a, complicated ,example of mass renormalization. Properties of antiparticles Quantum states of
  11. Were computed by the ancient Greeks, but computing the surface area of a more, complicated ,shape usually requires multivariable calculus. Area plays an important role in
  12. Equations specify conic sections, and more complicated equations describe more, complicated ,figures. Usually, a single equation corresponds to a curve on the plane. This
  13. Capable of being solved instantaneously by imperial ukase. It contained very, complicated ,problems, deeply affecting the economic, social and political future of the
  14. It has never been scientifically described. The multiplicity of early names, complicated ,later research, with the situation compounded by the terse descriptions
  15. X and y specify lines, quadratic equations specify conic sections, and more, complicated ,equations describe more complicated figures. Usually, a single equation
  16. Years of semi-secret support. For the British, the war had now become much more, complicated , Philadelphia campaign Having secured New York City in 1776,General Howe
  17. In integrated circuit design and verification. Since the Pentium FDI bug,the, complicated ,floating point units of modern microprocessors have been designed with extra
  18. Alan Skoal attempting to show that American humanities professors invoke, complicated , pseudoscientific jargon to support their political positions. ) Some observers
  19. This" triangle arbitrage" is so simple that it almost never occurs. But more, complicated ,foreign exchange arbitrages, such as the spot-forward arbitrage (see interest
  20. Maximize profitability. The pricing of airline tickets has become increasingly, complicated ,over the years and is now largely determined by computerized yield management
  21. The language, probably derived from Middle Ages Deeds documents, and has a very, complicated ,structure and vocabulary which is generally reserved only for such documents.
  22. Tedious algebra and extensive time. Since the randomization-based analysis is, complicated ,and is closely approximated by the approach using a normal linear model, most
  23. Deeper soils allowed farming of cereals suitable for livestock. The more, complicated ,morphology of the Baltic Cordillera makes it more heterogeneous, with the most
  24. Clauses have been upheld repeatedly as well. In insurance law, arbitration is, complicated ,by the fact that insurance is regulated at the state level under the
  25. And dosage suitable for a certain case and a certain person is a lengthy and, complicated ,process, requiring the knowledge of a professional. Certain antidepressants can
  26. Referred to as" old school" or" toadstool" style) scene ASCII art. More, complicated ,routines in JavaScript generate more elaborate Aspirations showing effects
  27. Subjected to corrupt leaders and unreliable neighbors. Typically, he devises a, complicated ,and highly fanciful escape from an intolerable situation. Thus, Dikaiopolis in
  28. Saying that they lead to a great wealth of geometric facts. The truth of these, complicated ,facts rests on the acceptance of the basic hypotheses. However, by throwing out
  29. By government or church. Washout is also mentioned among the mishmash of, complicated ,conspiracies in the PC game Deus Ex. During JC Denton's escape from Versa life
  30. Commented, : " ... The Saturn V rocket which put us in orbit is an incredibly, complicated ,piece of machinery, every piece of which worked flawlessly ... We have always
  31. Control computers and large hybrid digital/analog computers were among the most, complicated , Setup Setting up an analog computer required scale factors to be chosen, along
  32. To say this: absolutely torture. " Senator John McCain stated“ It is not a, complicated ,procedure. It is torture. ” Condoleezza Rice specifically mentioned the SERE
  33. When AI researchers attempt to" scale up" their systems to handle more, complicated , real world situations, the programs tend to become excessively brittle without
  34. Computing machine" with more than 300 vacuum tubes that would" compute, complicated ,algebraic equations" ( but gave no precise technical description of the
  35. Of a phoneme, so that the allophony is significant, things become more, complicated , Often, if only one of the allophones is simple to transcribe, in the sense of
  36. Both classical Armenian and the modern spoken and literary dialects have a, complicated ,system of declining nouns, with six or seven noun cases but no gender. In
  37. Former Soviet republics, Azerbaijan faces a gigantic environmental cleanup, complicated ,by the economic uncertainties left in the wake of the Moscow-centered planning
  38. Some time, contemporaries of Cauchy ignored his theory, believing it to be too, complicated , Only in the 1840s the theory started to get response, with Pierre-Alphonse
  39. However, thirty years later, in 1964,John Bell found a theorem involving, complicated ,optical correlations (see Bell inequalities),which yielded measurably
  40. As an allosaur, a type of carnosaurian theropod dinosaur. The genus has a, complicated ,taxonomy, and includes an uncertain number of valid species, the best known of
  41. With the appropriate input range, and finally, taking measurements. In more, complicated ,cases, such as suspensions for racing cars, experimental construction
  42. Hand motion, facial expression, mouthing—making an alphabetic script more, complicated ,than just stringing letters together in the order sounds are produced. In the
  43. Is a common molecule and provides an excellent environment for the formation of, complicated ,carbon-based molecules that could eventually lead to the emergence of life.
  44. Used to find area formulae for the trapezoid and the rhombus, as well as more, complicated ,polygons. Circles The formula for the area of a circle is based on a similar
  45. When these computers were designed). Components Analog computers often have a, complicated ,framework, but they have, at their core, a set of key components which perform
  46. Can be used to produce a systematic name. The key steps in the naming of more, complicated ,branched alkanes are as follows: * Identify the longest continuous chain of
  47. Methods at our disposal: * the linearity of integration allows us to break, complicated ,integrals into simpler ones * integration by substitution, often combined with
  48. Centralized command and control and risky, expensive development of large, complicated ,space defense satellites. It promised to be much less expensive to develop and
  49. Complete its cycle rather than the year-long trek of the Sun. This is further, complicated ,as the lunatics marking the limits of the Moon's movement move on an 18.6
  50. Alloys is their sensitivity to heat. Workshop procedures involving heating are, complicated ,by the fact that aluminum, unlike steel, melts without first glowing red.

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