Examples of the the word, simplification , in a Sentence Context

The word ( simplification ), is the 12180 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Tax base. * Improving the investment climate through procedural and regulatory, simplification ,and adopting a goal of concluding treaties to protect investment and
  2. Front panel.; Kauai K5 The Kauai K5 (released in 1987) does the same but is a, simplification , being able to control only 4 groups of harmonics and not each one: practice
  3. Universal acceptance. UNEP-WCMC's forest category classification system is a, simplification ,of other more complex systems (e.g. UNESCO's forest and woodland
  4. Edge of the Andes range, but ongoing geological studies indicate that such a, simplification ,does not do justice to the complex tectonic boundary between the South-American
  5. Price, other demand variables like income, and a random term ε to reflect, simplification ,and imprecision of the theoretical model:: Q = \beta_0 + \beta_1\text +
  6. Simple LR, Look-Ahead LR grammars are subclasses that allow further, simplification ,of parsing. * LL (k) and LL (*) grammars allow parsing by direct
  7. The primary advantage of in vitro work is that it permits an enormous level of, simplification ,of the system under study, so that the investigator can focus on a small number
  8. Often a goal of a sexual nature. D. W. Griffith had a major influence on the, simplification ,of film stories. After he had been at Biography for a year, Griffith started to
  9. But verb use/conjugation is not, the elimination of verbs would be a welcome, simplification , Word lists Ogden's word lists include only word roots, which in practice are
  10. Two abiotic factors: Precipitation and Temperature. His scheme can be seen as a, simplification ,of Holdridge's, one more readily accessible, but perhaps missing the greater
  11. Or potential: this is not incorrect, but neither is it clear that it is a real, simplification , as Feynman points out: Transformations of energy One form of energy can often
  12. A further discussion of this. For the sake of the example (and this is a gross, simplification ,),let's assume that he values this particular risk at 5 % per annum (we
  13. ALGOL implementation for an Unisys A-Series mainframe, and is a straightforward, simplification ,of code taken from
  14. To their point group symmetry. Group theory also enables factoring and, simplification ,of theoretical calculations. Spectroscopic features are analyzed and described
  15. Capital gains & dividends. (Dec 2005) *Voted YES on providing tax relief and, simplification , (Sep 2004) *Voted YES on making permanent an increase in the child tax
  16. 7 February 1983,for its implementation on diocesan level continued the work of, simplification ,already initiated by Pope Paul VI. In particular, the reforms eliminated the
  17. England apart, through the course of the Gotham judgement. Cranmer's work of, simplification ,and revision was also applied to the Daily Offices, which were to become
  18. Of the Latin Hours of the Virgin, and its English equivalent, the Primer. This, simplification ,was anticipated by the work of Cardinal Francis Quinones, a Spanish Franciscan
  19. Supply-side economics issues: economic growth, free markets, free trade, tax, simplification , and lower tax rates on both employment and investment income. He also defended
  20. Circle. Analysis and observation of circular motion in the rotating frame is a, simplification ,compared to analysis or observation of elliptical motion in the inertial frame.
  21. Metallic bond. All bonds can be explained by quantum theory, but,in practice, simplification ,rules allow chemists to predict the strength, directionality,and polarity of
  22. Lambda is a functional programming language based upon combination logic,a, simplification ,of the lambda calculus that does not involve the lambda at all, hence the UN-
  23. A mixture of the different Jewish reading traditions, generally tending towards, simplification , Emphatic consonants have shifted to their ordinary counterparts, /w/ to /v/
  24. A bretwalda and it is doubtful whether the term is anything more than a later, simplification ,of a complex structure of kingship. The use of the term Bretwalda was the
  25. Term vanishes. For instance, if f (x) x3,we can choose p 2 to obtain after, simplification ,: \sum_in i^3=\left (\franc\right)^2 (see Faulhaber's formula). Numerical
  26. Ano; Occitan naval, annada). In a few cases, appears as a result of early, simplification ,of -- after a long vowel: 'town' → Vila,'star' → Western Catalan Estela
  27. Street craps can be played in informal settings. History Craps developed from a, simplification ,of the Old English game hazard. Its origins are complex and may date to the
  28. Of England, whose daily morning and evening services are but a condensation and, simplification ,of the Breviary offices. Some parts of the prefaces at the beginning of the
  29. Of the conservation of energy applied to flowing fluids. A substantial, simplification ,of this proposes that as other forms of energy changes are inconsequential
  30. In his drawings. Hacker’s opponents found his methods problematic because such, simplification ,eliminates certain structures that differentiate between higher and lower
  31. There was greater emphasis on notating that line for dynamics and phrasing. The, simplification ,of texture made such instrumental detail more important, and also made the use
  32. A high component of service costs. Whereas a manufacturer may use technology, simplification , and other techniques to lower the cost of goods sold, the service provider
  33. Rivet.; Manufacturing Modern clutch development focuses its attention on the, simplification ,of the overall assembly and/or manufacturing method. For example drive straps
  34. Of Metafont, a feature characterizing nearly every other Italian dialect. *No, simplification ,of original /ND/, /MB/ (which often became /in/, /mm/ elsewhere). Writing
  35. Islamic world and in Renaissance Europe was an outgrowth of the enormous, simplification ,of computation through decimal notation. Various types of tools exist to assist
  36. Optics. Treating light, at its basic level, as particles bouncing around is a, simplification , but appropriate: the wave aspects of light are negligible in most scenes, and
  37. The fact that they were not locked to a single multiplier was a significant, simplification ,for the overclocking process. Some Barton core Athlon XP-Ms have been
  38. Box, Frank Stella, Larry Pools, Brice Garden and others explored the power of, simplification , The convergence of Color Field painting, minimal art, hard-edge painting
  39. To learn. In one speech, he started speaking in Latin and, as he described each, simplification , introduced it into his speech so that by the end he was talking in his new
  40. Termed his“ children ”. His other paintings, including casino scenes, show a, simplification ,of form and detail which marked his early mature style. Munch also began to
  41. i. e., output depends only on the state. The advantage of the Moore model is a, simplification ,of the behavior. Consider an elevator door. The state machine recognizes two
  42. Own studio. His style in this period was characterized by loose brush strokes, simplification ,of details and the suppression of transitional tones. Adopting the current
  43. Cohabitation with the Scandinavians resulted in a significant grammatical, simplification ,and lexical enrichment of the Anglo-Frisian core of English; the later Norman
  44. Line to dampen pressure oscillations, an automatic cutoff as a backup, and, simplification , of the propellant valves of all five second-stage engines. Oxygen tank incident
  45. It is common to normalize it to 1 at the starting point of calculation for, simplification , It is also common to constrain the first component of the Jones vectors to be
  46. And bows. The sculpture implies two types of cavalry, but this might be a, simplification ,by the artist. Later images of Assyrian cavalry show saddle cloths as primitive
  47. To the Constitution were agreed and subjected to referendum, among them a, simplification ,on the mechanism of future modification. In 2005 over 50 reforms were approved
  48. Wherein ideas are distanced from objects. Abstraction uses a strategy of, simplification , wherein formerly concrete details are left ambiguous, vague,or undefined;
  49. Compositions (Anon. 2007a; Archie 2007; Nordic 2004). This dramatic, simplification ,of style provided a model for a new generation of German composers, loosely
  50. To McCune's proof was the automated reasoning program ESP he designed. For a, simplification ,of McCune's proof, see Dan (1998). Generalizations Removing the requirement

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