Examples of the the word, falcon , in a Sentence Context
The word ( falcon ), is the 12183 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Signifying his role as an important upholder of Meat. He was seen as a great, falcon ,with outstretched wings whose right eye was the sun and the left one was the
- Vulture or Lammergeier, the griffon vulture,Eleanora's falcon , peregrine, falcon , manner falcon , European kestrel, tawny owl, little owl, hooded crow, alpine
- Of Set into Horus with the result of Horus having depictions of both the, falcon ,head and the (unknown animal) head of Set. This (like Buddhism) represents
- When the team debuted in 1966,the Falcons wore red helmets with a black, falcon ,crest logo. In the center of the helmet was a center black stripe surrounded by
- Insect: Monarch butterfly *State Raptor: Peregrine, falcon ,*State Song: Here We Have Idaho
- Georgia went hunting in the heavily wooded region with a falcon (sometimes the, falcon ,is replaced with either a hawk or other small birds of prey in the legend).
- Lammergeier, the griffon vulture,Eleanora's falcon , peregrine falcon , lanner, falcon , European kestrel, tawny owl, little owl, hooded crow, alpine though
- With a crane, scorpion,or other animal drawn standing on top. Before long,a, falcon ,representing Horus became the norm as the animal on top, with the individual
- Metabolic syndrome is anything more than the sum of its constituent parts. A, falcon ,(or) is any species of raptor in the genus Falcon. The genus contains 37
- The Great Grey Owl, the province's official bird, and the endangered peregrine, falcon , Manitoba's lakes host 18 species of game fish, particularly species of trout
- City of the hawk),but then Horus was identified with him early on. As, falcon , Horus may be shown on the Farmer Palette dating from the time of unification
- Golden Horus name The Golden Horus or Golden Falcon name was preceded by a, falcon ,on a gold or new sign. The title may have represented the kings divine status.
- There are clearly many similarities between the two: both had flying cloaks of, falcon ,feathers and engaged in shape-shifting, Frigg was married to Odin while Freya
- Species, and it is a major reason for the decline of the bald eagle, peregrine, falcon , and osprey. The biological thinning mechanism is not entirely known, but there
- Of around £900 million. In Greek mythology, Circe (; Greek Κίρκη Kirk ", falcon ,") is a minor goddess of magic (or sometimes a nymph, witch,enchantress or
- Horus, son of Isis ". Horus was also sometimes known as Nephew, meaning ", falcon ,". Some have proposed that Nephew may have been another falcon -god, worshipped
- In Yellowstone, include the common loon, harlequin duck, osprey,peregrine, falcon ,and the trumpeter swan. Forest fires Wildfire is a natural part of most
- His involvement in the abduction of Inn, Loki asks if he may use Freyja's ", falcon ,shape" to fly north to Jötunheimr and retrieve the missing goddess. Freya
- Tinnunculus) is a bird of prey species belonging to the kestrel group of the, falcon ,family Falconidae. It is also known as the European Kestrel, Eurasian Kestrel
- S eagle, the bearded vulture or Lammergeier, the griffon vulture,Eleanora's, falcon , peregrine falcon , lanner falcon , European kestrel, tawny owl, little owl
- Day. They wore white pants and either black or white jerseys. At first,the, falcon ,crest logo was also put on the jersey sleeves, but it was replaced by a red and
- Jötunheimr and retrieve the missing goddess. Freya allows it, and using her ", falcon ,shape" and a furious chase by eagle-Þjazi, Loki successfully returns her. In
- Her circle is, however,clear. He designed a cup engraved with her device of a, falcon ,standing on roses, as well as jewelry and books connected to her. He also
- Species of seabirds living on it (royal seagull, cormorant and peregrine, falcon ,). The island's name is linked to that of Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian
- White pelican, white-faced ibis, California gull, eared grebe, peregrine, falcon , bald eagle, plus large populations of various ducks and geese. There are
- Was changed into a shearer bird, relentlessly pursued by her father, who was a, falcon , The death of Minos searched for Daedalus by travelling from city to city
- With either a hawk or other small birds of prey in the legend). The King's, falcon ,allegedly caught or injured a pheasant during the hunt, after which both birds
- Kochab asks him if all is well (Konchak's Aria) and he replies that the, falcon ,cannot live in captivity. Kochab says that as Igor did not ask for mercy he is
- Laughing Falcon, forest falcon s, and falcon ers. The traditional term for a male, falcon ,is Terkel (British spelling) or fierce (American spelling),from Latin
- Spacesuit developed for pilots of the Burn space shuttle * Soon (Сокол = ", falcon ,") suits worn by Soyuz crew members during lift-off and re-entry They were
- In return, spends all the money he has in courtship and is left with only a, falcon , which, since he has nothing else to give her, he offers to his lady to eat
- Eurasian Kestrel, or Old World Kestrel. In Britain, where no other brown, falcon ,occurs, it is generally just called" the kestrel ". This species occurs over a
- Gunpowder weapons had distinctive names, including the culvert, serpentine, falcon , falcon er, etc. It is also sometimes claimed a galloping infantryman with his
- With the individual Pharaoh's symbol usually appearing in the box beneath the, falcon , and above the stripes representing the palace. The antiquity of standards and
- Bird. Some sources give the etymology as deriving from the fact that a male, falcon ,is approximately one third smaller than the female (Old French fiercely). A
- Solomon himself, while in more frequently heard versions he's disguised as a, falcon , calling himself Gavin (Gavin nor Gavin),one of King Solomon’s trusted
- Of Christian cenobitic monasticism. In the Coptic language his name means" the, falcon ,", and his saint day is celebrated on 9 May. In the Eastern Orthodox and Roman
- Rolls-Royce named the engine the Merlin after a small, Northern Hemisphere, falcon ,(Falcon columbarium). Two more Rolls-Royce engines developed just prior to the
- His right eye and the moon his left, and that they traversed the sky when he,a, falcon , flew across it. Thus, he became known as Haggerty – Horus of two eyes. Later
- Fortunately GED realizes his peril just in time and, taking the form of a, falcon , flees yet again. He instinctively returns to Got and Orion, who advises him
- I Gorgas of Georgia went hunting in the heavily wooded region with a, falcon ,(sometimes the falcon is replaced with either a hawk or other small birds of
- Tastes. Her motto was" The most happy ", and she had chosen a white, falcon ,as her personal device. Anne was blamed for the tyranny of her husband's
- Titles: the winner of the fifth round gets the honorary title of machine (, falcon ,), of the seventh and eighth rounds AAN (elephant),and of the tenth and
- Thyme, the King of the Joins, steals Thor's Mjölnir. Freya lends Loki her, falcon ,cloak to search for it; but upon returning, Loki tells Freya that Thyme has
- Falcon, Falco peregrines fruit. (Ogasawara Islands,1940s): Peregrine, falcon ,subspecies from the Ogasawara Islands. No sightings since 1945. A survey in
- Common family names in Turkey are 'Alma' ( means" undaunted" ),'Logan' (, falcon ,),'Şahin' ( hawk),'Yıldırım' ( thunderbolt),'Sims' ( Lightning)
- A chariot driven by two cats, owns the boar Hildisvíni, possesses a cloak of, falcon ,feathers, and,by her husband Or, is the mother of two daughters, Hnoss and
- War and hunting Horus was also said to be a god of war and hunting. The Horus, falcon ,is shown upon a standard on the predynastic Hunters Palette in the" lion hunt
- The boar Khrushchev. The crowd taunts him, then bows in mock homage (" Not a, falcon ,flying in the heavens" ). The yuródivïy enters, pursued by urchins. He sings a
- Redesigned with red and silver accents to depict a more powerful, aggressive, falcon , which now more closely resembles the capital letter F. Although the Falcons
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