Examples of the the word, misfortune , in a Sentence Context
The word ( misfortune ), is the 12195 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Comedy:" Virtue is like an enemy avoided by all, as is a serpent, through, misfortune , of place, or through bad habit that impels them, on which account they have so
- The Duke welcomed the French commander –" I am very sorry that such a cruel, misfortune ,should have fallen upon a soldier for whom I have the highest regard. " With
- The 2001 AL Champion Yankees, as of 2011. From 2004 through 2007,the Yankee's, misfortune ,in the postseason continued, with the team losing the ALCS to the Boston Red
- In America with the Davis Group Ltd. Alan Kay said," I had the fortune or, misfortune ,to learn how to read fluently starting at the age of three. So I had read maybe
- Superstition and" the Scottish play" While many today would say that any, misfortune ,surrounding a production is mere coincidence, actors and other theater people
- The art of Delacroix, and in the writing of Lord Byron and Victor Hugo. Further, misfortune ,struck the island in 1881,when an earthquake, estimated as 6.5 on the moment
- Possession rests on opinion. What is to cry and to weep? An opinion. What is, misfortune , or a quarrel, or a complaint? All these things are opinions; opinions founded
- Was flash tight. The British remained unaware of the weakness, to their great, misfortune ,at the Battle of Jutland. Apart from the cordite handling, the battle was
- Afterwards, Thompson returned to a life as a landowner, but soon financial, misfortune ,would ruin him. By 1831 he was so deeply in debt he was forced to take up a
- A 2-2 draw much to the delight of Charlton fans, who revealed in Palace's, misfortune , after the match there was also an altercation between the two chairman's
- Bases and squadrons, and was planning a full-scale invasion were it not for the, misfortune ,of the Thomas' arrival. The extragalactic Thomas drove a wedge between the
- Did much to promote this form of racism. He coined the term" the Jews are our, misfortune ," which would later be widely used by Nazis. In Treitschke's writings Semitic
- Three of his four children were carried off; and he himself, worn out by, misfortune , expired in solitude and obscurity at Lavrov in Moravia, about the end of
- Of al-Muqtadir, ascended to the position of Clip but saw only a succession of, misfortune , Praised for his piety, he became the mere tool of the de facto ruling Minister
- There he explains how the sins of the crusaders were the cause of their, misfortune ,and failures. When his attempt to call a new crusade failed, he tried to
- Character is certainly not as unflattering as it once was:" Æthelred's, misfortune ,as a ruler was owed not so much to any supposed defects of his imagined
- Writer of many good tragedies; and he ended his life well without suffering any, misfortune , " According to some accounts however his own sons tried to have him declared
- To invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean" in a single day and night of, misfortune ,". Scholars dispute whether and how much Plato's story or account was inspired
- The rest of the United Kingdom but also suffered the particularly humiliating, misfortune ,of having grave-diggers going on strike, leaving the dead unburied.
- Philistines took the Ark to several places in their country, and at each place, misfortune ,befell them (1 Sam. 5:1-6). At Ashdod, it was placed in the temple of Dagon.
- Itself. In his jail cell, Jake pounds the walls, sorrowfully questioning his, misfortune ,and crying in despair. Upon returning to New York City in 1958,he happens upon
- Of southeast England from the Netherlands. A combination of miscalculation, misfortune , and an attack of English fire ships on 29 July off Grave lines which dispersed
- Placed upon Plops, son of Tantalus, by Myrtles, whom he had murdered. Thus, misfortune ,hounded successive generations of the House of Atreus, until atoned by Orestes
- Was establishing his naval career, the family would suffer serious financial, misfortune , but his early childhood years were spent in comfort. In accordance with the
- Defeating William Lyon Mackenzie King in the 1930 federal election, he had the, misfortune ,of taking office during the Great Depression. Bennett tried to combat the
- In unsparingly among the calamities of the persecution, heaping misfortune upon, misfortune , I judge it more suitable to shun and avoid the account of these things, as I
- Representing youth's passing. In Celtic mythology, green was associated with, misfortune ,and death, and therefore avoided in clothing. Green Knight Scholars have
- Was transported to the Mutant X universe, he found Robert Drake the victim of, misfortune , The Asgardian god Loki amplified Bobby's powers to a dangerous level, leaving
- And curved lines ". Matagatsubi, the curved spirit, causes " evil deeds and any, misfortune ,or disasters" by creating imbalance, distorting the" straight and clear ".
- Tradition, green was avoided in clothing for its superstitious association with, misfortune ,and death. Green is thought to be an unlucky color in British and
- And his many guises. Eventually, Grímnir turns to Garrote and promises him, misfortune , revealing his true identity. Garrote then realized the magnitude of his
- Became smitten with the woman and allowed her to escape justice.:" It is the, misfortune ,of small, precise men always to hanker after large and flamboyant women. Poirot
- The punishment. Midas was mortified at this mishap. He attempted to hide his, misfortune ,under an ample turban or headdress, but his barber of course knew the secret
- About their fates. " No one is given an unrealistic string of luck, however; so, misfortune , injury, and death (and even false death) can befall any character, major or
- Suffered partisan attacks about his performance at Gettysburg, but he had the, misfortune ,of experiencing them in person. Supporters of his predecessor, Maj. Gen. Joseph
- Respectively. An" annoying" death is typically one that was the fault of, misfortune ,more than the player (such as falling into a spiked, poisoned pit trap early
- The prior personal antipathies, were therefore inevitable. It was an additional, misfortune ,for Alexei that his father should have been too busy to attend to him just as
- Future. In the original time-line, Nobita experienced nothing but misery and, misfortune ,manifested in the form of poor marks and grades, physical disasters, and
- And forced them in unsparingly among the calamities of the persecution, heaping, misfortune , upon misfortune . I judge it more suitable to shun and avoid the account of
- But if his mercy toward a foe was a sin, it was his only one; and it was his, misfortune ,that it was reckoned against him, while David, although he had committed much
- Idealist, as opposed to the view that he was ruthless and responsible for the, misfortune ,of Native Americans. *Christopher Columbus: The Discovery, is a 1992
- To the dead to ease their conditions. If they did not, the ghosts could inflict, misfortune ,and illness on the living. Traditional healing practices ascribed a variety of
- Finds himself at war with the world and everything in it. Mel drew, cursed with, misfortune ,and always complaining, is married to long-suffering wife Margaret, who is
- Diva-like behavior and stoically battle through an array of tragedy and, misfortune , Such characters include Angie Watts, Kathy Mitchell, Sharon Hickman and Pat
- Acknowledging his errors, but ascribing his expedition's fate primarily to, misfortune , Early life Family background Scott was born on 6 June 1868,the third child
- This term from Daniel Hack Take and noted," Psycho-therapy ... had the, misfortune ,to be taken in tow by hypnotism. " The psychiatrist Jerome Frank defined
- Please tell Stalin I was against this war, and that I know it will bring great, misfortune ,to Germany. " In the spring of 1941,upon hearing of the coup in Baghdad that
- Be used to manipulate them. For example, people tend to believe that people's, misfortune ,(e.g., poverty ) is a result of the person and downplay external factors (e.
- Has done bad things over his many lifetimes, and for people this results in, misfortune , or for cultivators it's karmic obstacles, so there's birth, aging,sickness
- Of adulation; its object was either to implore protection against disease and, misfortune , or to offer thanks after such protection had been rendered. It was in this way
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