Examples of the the word, accelerator , in a Sentence Context
The word ( accelerator ), is the 12194 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- With Columbia's Nevis synchro-cyclotron, which was the most powerful particle, accelerator ,in the world at that time. Dwight D. Eisenhower, then the president of Columbia
- In his list of the most influential figures in history. *The Fermi lab particle, accelerator ,and physics lab in Batavia, Illinois,is named after him. *Three nuclear
- 68030,68040 or 68060. There is also a version of Linux for Amiga with PowerPC, accelerator ,cards. Debian and Yellow Dog Linux can run on the AmigaOne. There is an
- Especially relevant in this context are the reactor experiment Farmland and the, accelerator ,experiments such as MINOS. The Farmland experiment has indeed identified
- Consists of an ion source, where ions of the desired element are produced,an, accelerator , where the ions are electrostatically accelerated to a high energy, and a
- The arcade machine emulator) is also available for Amiga systems with PPC, accelerator ,card upgrades. Amiga software The Amiga was a primary target for productivity
- And currently runs on both Amiga equipped with CyberstormPPC or Blizzard PPC, accelerator ,boards, and on the PPC Heron series based AmigaOne computers built by Eye tech
- To interconnect its major internal computer systems, workstations,PCs and an, accelerator ,control system. CERN continued to operate a limited self-developed system
- 119) in 1985 by bombarding it with calcium-48 ions at the superhuman linear, accelerator ,at Berkeley, California. No atoms were identified, setting an upper limit for
- Frequency in genetics * Monitor unit, the machine output of a linear, accelerator ,in radiation therapy Real people and places *. Mu, the country code top-level
- Bombarding a target of einsteinium-254 with calcium-48 ions at the superhuman, accelerator ,at Berkeley, California. No atoms were identified, leading to a limiting yield
- Interactions in normal matter, such as occur during certain particle, accelerator ,experiments with hadrons, and also naturally in cosmic ray interactions with
- Since when any kind of error processing requests occurs, in the Varnish HTTP, accelerator ,and in the VirtualBox virtualization platform. Description When a Guru
- Antiparticles of many other subatomic particles have been created in particle, accelerator ,experiments. In recent years, complete atoms of antimatter have been assembled
- Instructive to compute the relative velocity of particles moving at v and -v in, accelerator ,frame, which corresponds to the closing speed of 2v > c. Expressed the speeds
- Demand for factories and equipment (not to mention housing) will fall. This, accelerator ,effect would shift the line to the left again, a change not shown in the
- 68040 and Motorola 68060. Both CPUs feature integrated Opus and Imus. Many CPU, accelerator ,cards also had integrated SCSI controllers. Phase5 designed the Power UP boards
- Propulsion A light sail or magnetic sail powered by a massive laser or particle, accelerator ,in the home star system could potentially reach even greater speeds than
- Are USB cards. The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU, accelerator ,cards. These were sometimes combined into the one device. Early CPU accelerator
- Very high-performance games/leisure computer. It may also be used as a graphics, accelerator ,in more complex systems, and applied to workstation and business uses. As well
- Another approach to hardware support for database management was ICL's CARS, accelerator , a hardware disk controller with programmable search capabilities. In the long
- Product families and technologies by AMD: *Radon is AMD's line of consumer 3D, accelerator , add-in cards. Mobility Radon is a series of power-optimized versions of Radon
- Buyers of AmigaOne motherboards. AmigaOS 4.0 for Amiga equipped with Power UP, accelerator ,boards was released in November 2007. The most recent release AmigaOS is 4.1.
- Are produced as a beam rather than isotopically. Efforts to construct an, accelerator ,facility where neutrinos are produced through muon decays are ongoing. Such a
- As a standard unit of measure through its usefulness in electrostatic particle, accelerator ,sciences because a particle with charge q has an energy E=UV after passing
- In the late 1940s. Particle accelerator s With the development of the particle, accelerator ,during the first half of the twentieth century, physicists began to delve
- Either directly or indirectly as a deficiency of the mass balance in particle, accelerator ,experiments. This suggests that there must be a lower limit for the mass of
- Synthesis of noble metals requires either a nuclear reactor or a particle, accelerator , Particle accelerator s use huge amounts of energy, while nuclear reactors
- Included multiple search tabs, a custom toolbar, and autostart, a download, accelerator , an optional splash screen, preview with option (to view files you are
- All of its zinc is alloyed. Zinc is applied in a powder form with ", accelerator ,chemicals" ( generally sand, but other chemicals are patented). The parts and
- Fast-moving particles approaching each other from opposite sides of a particle, accelerator , The closing speed would be the rate at which the distance between the two
- Induced fusion or nucleon transfer reactions, employing ion beams from an, accelerator , Beams with even higher energies can be used to create nuclei at very high
- The fourth generation neutrino would be the easiest to generate in a particle, accelerator , Nanotechnology (sometimes shortened to" nanotech" ) is the study of
- John R. Walton and Thorburn Ireland. The team used the new heavy-ion linear, accelerator ,(LILAC) to bombard a curium target (95 % 244Cm and 5 % 246Cm) with 13C and
- Something has happened, such as a keystroke or mouse click *Event, Particle, accelerator , experiments which produce high energy (Electron volt|MeV, GeV, and TEV)
- To turn their innovations into successful enterprises. Another small-business, accelerator ,is located on the 2nd floor of the Research Innovation Center (RIC) on CSU's
- 1’m_e c^2,where me is the mass of electron. For example, the Stanford linear, accelerator ,can accelerate an electron to roughly 51 GEV. Since an electron behaves as a
- For an experiment which was to be known as splitting the atom using a particle, accelerator , and Appleton for demonstrating the existence of the ionosphere. He was
- From the point of view of an observer standing at rest relative to the, accelerator , this rate will be slightly less than twice the speed of light. Special
- Reactions, and high-energy reactions (such as in cosmic radiation showers or, accelerator ,collisions). Free neutron beams are obtained from neutron sources by neutron
- With a mass of about 6.0 GEV was being produced by the Fermi lab particle, accelerator , The particle's initial name was the Greek letter Upsilon (\Upsilon\, ).
- Accelerator cards. These were sometimes combined into the one device. Early CPU, accelerator ,cards feature full 32-bit CPUs of the 68000 family such as the Motorola 68020
- Was confirmed experimentally in 1997 using the Japanese TRISTAN particle, accelerator , Virtual particles cause a comparable shielding effect for the mass of the
- Cash flow and profitability, spurring business optimism. To Keynes, this, accelerator , effect meant that government and business could be complements rather than
- Californium with ions of nitrogen, oxygen,carbon, neon or boron in a particle, accelerator , So, nobelium was produced by bombarding uranium-238 with neon-22 as: ~\math rm.
- Hadron Collider at CERN * Argonne Tandem Linear Accelerator System, a particle, accelerator ,at the Argonne National Laboratory * Atomic Terrace Low Angle Shadowing, a
- Lithium into alpha particles by bombardment with protons from a particle, accelerator ,they had constructed. The speech in part, read:: We might in these processes
- Particles to tear ships apart. In the show Quantum Leap (1989–1993),the, accelerator ,into which physicist Sam Beckett steps accelerates supercharged gravitas which
- Fermi lab, a national nuclear research facility near Batavia, opened a particle, accelerator ,which was the world's largest for over forty years. And, with eleven plants
- Simple music synthesis and text-to-speech functions. Eventually, Apple II, accelerator ,cards were created to double or quadruple the computer's speed. Events *33 –
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