Examples of the the word, pivot , in a Sentence Context

The word ( pivot ), is the 12189 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. For each pivot column, do the following two steps before moving on to the next, pivot ,column: # Locate the diagonal element in the pivot column. This element is
  2. Hinged doors Most doors are hinged along one side to allow the door to, pivot ,away from the doorway in one direction but not in the other. The axis of
  3. Northern Railway. The vehicle would have three axles and the outer two could, pivot ,to adapt to curvature of the track. The pivot ing was controlled by levers
  4. Axle with large wheels and one non-driving axle with smaller wheels. The bogie, pivot ,is located off-centre so that more than half the weight rests on the driving
  5. Rifles and six smooth bore Dahlgren guns. Two of the rifles, the bow and stern, pivot ,guns, were caliber and weighed each. They fired a shell. The other two were
  6. Column, etc. and finally the last column before the vertical line. For each, pivot ,column, do the following two steps before moving on to the next pivot column: #
  7. And humble submission to His Will, Divine Ordinances and Commandments is the, pivot ,of the Muslim faith. All these names refer to Allah, the supreme and
  8. Side would position a slide with a slot coincident with the hypotenuse. A, pivot ,on the rack let the slide's angle change freely. At the other end of the slide
  9. Variations, stockless anchors consist of a set of heavy flukes connected by a, pivot ,or ball and socket joint to a shank. Cast into the crown of the anchor is a set
  10. This element is called the pivot . The row containing the pivot is called the, pivot ,row. Divide every element in the pivot row by the pivot to get a new pivot row
  11. The instrument does not actually constitute the motion Reinhardt advised as a, pivot , Later research supports Reinhardt's claim that this motion exists and might
  12. The wing-sweep mechanism are all housed in the fuselage" pancake ". The wings, pivot ,from two extensions on either side of the" pancake ", called wing gloves. The
  13. Variants are also in use. The column currently being transformed is called the, pivot ,column. Proceed from left to right, letting the pivot column be the first
  14. S description and recommendations regarding a phenomenon he termed a ", pivot ,". According to Reinhardt, a successful brass embouchure depends on a motion
  15. Argued that the check hook exists but is an illegal punch due to it being a, pivot ,punch which is illegal in the sport. Floyd May weather, Jr. employed the use of
  16. The pivot probability for a Memphis-Chattanooga tie is much larger than the, pivot ,probabilities of any other pair-wise ties. As a result, each voter will vote
  17. Pivot row with a 1 in the pivot position. # Get a 0 in each position below the, pivot ,position by subtracting a suitable multiple of the pivot row from each of the
  18. The opposite motion to descend in pitch. Whether the player uses one general, pivot ,direction or the other, and the degree to which the motion is performed
  19. The most successful of these patent anchors, the Trot man Anchor, introduced a, pivot ,where the arms join the shank, allowing the" idle" arm to fold against the
  20. As well as horizontal curves, which means that tram bogies often need to, pivot ,on the horizontal axis as well. Some articulated trams have bogies located
  21. Is the likely winner, that Chattanooga is the likely runner-up, and that the, pivot ,probability for a Memphis-Chattanooga tie is much larger than the pivot
  22. Position below the pivot position by subtracting a suitable multiple of the, pivot ,row from each of the rows below it. Upon completion of this procedure the
  23. Before moving on to the next pivot column: # Locate the diagonal element in the, pivot ,column. This element is called the pivot . The row containing the pivot is
  24. In the operations which preceded the battle of Sedan, the 4th army being the, pivot ,on which the whole army wheeled round in pursuit of McMahon; and the actions
  25. A weight (or bob) fixed on the end of a string (or rod) suspended from a, pivot ,*Conical scanning, a system used in early radar units to improve their accuracy
  26. Metallic brass finish (specified by Davies); a housing for the eye stalk, pivot ,; and significantly larger dome lights. In the 2010 season a new and larger
  27. First exchanges rows to move the entry with the largest absolute value to the ", pivot ,position ". Such" partial pivot ing" improves the numerical stability of the
  28. In the pivot column. This element is called the pivot . The row containing the, pivot ,is called the pivot row. Divide every element in the pivot row by the pivot to
  29. Element in the pivot row by the pivot to get a new pivot row with a 1 in the, pivot ,position. # Get a 0 in each position below the pivot position by subtracting a
  30. A person or thing executes a movement (such as a footing in climbing or a, pivot ,).; Somme: apple;: potato, literally," apple of the earth "; porte cochère: an
  31. Equivalent" to the creation myths in other religions, because they are" the, pivot ,around which the religion turns to and which it returns ", establishing the "
  32. The variables rotated the cam. A hemispherical follower moved its carrier on a, pivot ,axis parallel to that of the cam's rotating axis. Pivoting motion was the
  33. Locate the diagonal element in the pivot column. This element is called the, pivot , The row containing the pivot is called the pivot row. Divide every element in
  34. Mounted on each axle. *secondary suspension via two air springs mounted on the, pivot ,plank. This is connected to the bogie by pendulum links. A constant coach
  35. The pivot rows. Divide every element in the pivot row by the pivot to get a new, pivot ,row with a 1 in the pivot position. # Get a 0 in each position below the pivot
  36. The pivot is called the pivot row. Divide every element in the pivot row by the, pivot ,to get a new pivot row with a 1 in the pivot position. # Get a 0 in each
  37. With the optimal strategy if there are three or fewer candidates or if the, pivot ,probability for a tie between the expected winner and expected runner-up is
  38. And successively replaced by T. i: = 1 j: = 1 while (i ≤ m and j ≤ n) do Find, pivot ,in column j, starting in row i: maxi: = i for k: = i+1 to m do if abs (AK, j )
  39. In each of the scenarios summarized below, all voters share a common set of, pivot ,probabilities. In the first scenario, voters all choose their votes based on
  40. Row containing the pivot is called the pivot row. Divide every element in the, pivot ,row by the pivot to get a new pivot row with a 1 in the pivot position. # Get a
  41. Halt as it dropped to 4–10 in 1974. Neither quarterback Mike Phipps nor rookie, pivot ,Brian Side was effective; they threw 24 combined interceptions to only 10
  42. Transformed is called the pivot column. Proceed from left to right, letting the, pivot ,column be the first column, then the second column, etc. and finally the last
  43. The footwork. As the opponent lunges in, the boxer should throw the hook and, pivot ,on his left foot and swing his right foot 180 degrees around. If executed
  44. Anti-torque effect. Use and Summary Consider the bow as being potentially on a, pivot ,at the pressure point of the bow-hand. If the archer applies inadvertent
  45. Of missing persons. Ethical and theological opinions of cryonics tend to, pivot ,on the issue of whether cryonics is regarded as interment or medicine. If
  46. Left and right back courts. * Back center (left and right). Opponent of the, pivot , * Front center. Opponent of the center back court, may also be set against
  47. Each. Abandoned. **Mine Exploded T8 (Johnny Walker): Steel plungers on a, pivot ,frame designed to pound on the ground. Vehicle steering was adversely affected.
  48. Winner and expected runner-up is sufficiently large compared to the other, pivot ,probabilities. *Vote for the most preferred candidate only. This strategy
  49. Element transmutation—by means of electrolysis or sonic cavitation—were the, pivot ,of the cold fusion controversy of 1989. None of those claims have yet been
  50. Will choose their optimal strategic votes based on what they think the various, pivot ,probabilities are for pairwise ties. In each of the scenarios summarized below

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