Examples of the the word, nonlinear , in a Sentence Context

The word ( nonlinear ), is the 12193 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Single resistor. Other more complex laws may be needed if the network contains, nonlinear ,or reactive components. Non-linear self-regenerative heterodyning systems can
  2. If the material is highly scattering. If the light is especially intense, nonlinear ,optical processes can also cause variances. Derivation The derivation is quite
  3. Frequency near the unknown frequency is mixed with the unknown frequency in a, nonlinear ,mixing device such as a diode. This creates a heterodyned or" beat" signal at
  4. Would generate intermodulation (mixing) products. A multiplier (which is a, nonlinear ,device too) will generate ideally only the sum and difference frequencies
  5. Five of which are linear terms and two of which are quadratic (and therefore, nonlinear ,). Another well-known chaotic attractor is generated by the Roller equations
  6. Logarithmic in the number of layers. Software The most historically significant, nonlinear ,compositing system was the Ci neon, which operated in a logarithmic color space
  7. Crystal rectifier is used. Two-element nonlinear devices Many other two-element, nonlinear ,devices exist but are not usually called" diodes ". For example, a neon lamp
  8. In electronics, a diode is a type of two-terminal electronic component with a, nonlinear ,current–voltage characteristic. A semiconductor diode, the most common type
  9. The student does frequency and time domain analysis. Digital control and, nonlinear ,control courses require z transformation and algebra respectively, and could be
  10. With their http://www.amiga-hardware.com/showhardware.cgi? HARDIN=43 Draco, nonlinear ,video edit system. It appears in two versions, initially a tower model and
  11. Which describes the behavior of soil, is also complicated because soils exhibit, nonlinear ,(stress-dependent) strength, stiffness,and militancy (volume change
  12. Sum f1 + f2 frequency and the difference frequency absolute value. Note: Any, nonlinear ,electronic block driven by two signals with frequencies f1 and f2 would
  13. For a dynamical system to display chaotic behavior it has to be either, nonlinear , or infinite-dimensional. The Poincaré–Bendix son theorem states that a two
  14. An energy-storing element (a capacitor or, more rarely, an inductor) and a, nonlinear ,trigger circuit (a latch, Schmitt trigger, or negative resistance element)
  15. Filter frequency \omega \pm \pi / T. \ One can also see that there is a, nonlinear ,relationship between \omega_a \ and \omega. \ This effect of the bilinear
  16. Over the years for the success of the design; the most recent is described as a, nonlinear ,integral equation based on counterbalancing the wind pressure on any point on
  17. Electric or magnetic fields in a linear medium such as a vacuum. However, in, nonlinear ,media, such as some crystals, interactions can occur between light and static
  18. The response to the treatments and blocks. Even when the statistical model is, nonlinear , it can be approximated by a linear model for which an analysis of variance may
  19. Structures of completely new and completely unexpected types. His generalized, nonlinear ,and irreversible thermodynamics has found surprising applications in a wide
  20. Visual interpolation between marked distances; because the distance scale is, nonlinear , accurate interpolation can be difficult. In most cases, English and metric
  21. As a transdisciplinary and institutional discipline, mainly under the name of, nonlinear ,systems analysis. Alluding to Thomas Kuhn's concept of a paradigm shift
  22. Range of some other phenomenon (e.g., a reflection, the phase matching of a, nonlinear ,process, or some resonance) *the maximum modulation frequency (or range of
  23. Artifacts (or 'jaggies' ) along sharp edges in the matte. More generally, nonlinear ,compositing can have effects such as" halos" around composited objects
  24. Neon lamp has two terminals in a glass envelope and has interesting and useful, nonlinear ,properties. Arc-discharge lamps such as fluorescent lamps or mercury vapor
  25. Components are known as an electronic circuit. Such networks are generally, nonlinear ,and require more complex design and analysis tools. Design methods To design
  26. With Coulomb friction and bilateral and/or unilateral contact. Some quite, nonlinear ,effects, such as the so-called Painless paradoxes, may be encountered with
  27. The action of the flow on an observable function, the finite-dimensional, nonlinear ,problem involving Φ t gets mapped into an infinite-dimensional linear problem
  28. Generate ideally only the sum and difference frequencies, whereas an arbitrary, nonlinear ,block would generate also signals at e.g. 2*f1-3*f2,etc. Therefore, in the
  29. Equations. Both the real and complex functions are idempotent. It is a, nonlinear ,function. It is also a convex function. Derivatives The derivative of the real
  30. Dependence on initial conditions; where a small change at one place in a, nonlinear ,system can result in large differences to a later state. The effect derives its
  31. With seven terms on the right-hand side, only one of which is (quadratic), nonlinear , Sprout found a three-dimensional system with just five terms on the right hand
  32. As fluorescent lamps or mercury vapor lamps also have two terminals and display, nonlinear ,current–voltage characteristics. Drexel University (DU) is a private research
  33. Housed inside the display tube glass envelope. Switched mode amplifiers These, nonlinear ,amplifiers have much higher efficiencies than linear amps, and are used where
  34. CYP2D6 (in humans, but CYP2D1 in mice),and CYP3A4) and COME. Complex, nonlinear ,pharmacokinetics arise via autoinhibition of CYP2D6 and CYP2D8,resulting in
  35. PCBs. Sometimes the abbreviation CR for crystal rectifier is used. Two-element, nonlinear ,devices Many other two-element nonlinear devices exist but are not usually
  36. As one of the variables. Other computing elements include analog multipliers, nonlinear ,function generators, and analog comparators. Inductors were never used in
  37. At e.g. 2*f1-3*f2,etc. Therefore, in the past often more or less normal, nonlinear ,amplifiers or just single diodes have been used as mixers, instead of a more
  38. Under the name of periodic theory. Later studies, also on the topic of, nonlinear ,differential equations, were carried out by G. D. Birkhoff’M. L. Cartwright
  39. Component is a non-linear feedback system. In presence of interactions between, nonlinear ,deterministic components and noise, the resulting nonlinear series can display
  40. Have a pronounced trade characteristic, which results in significant gamma (a, nonlinear ,relationship in an electron gun between applied video voltage and light
  41. Be used as a temperature sensor or voltage reference. Semiconductor diodes have, nonlinear ,electrical characteristics, which can be tailored by varying the construction
  42. In industries like robotics and the aerospace industry typically have strong, nonlinear ,dynamics. In control theory it is sometimes possible to linearize such classes
  43. On attractors of chaotic systems. Nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos Simple, nonlinear ,dynamical systems and even piecewise linear systems can exhibit a completely
  44. Sensitive dependence on initial conditions in the case of divergence. For, nonlinear ,systems this is one of the (necessary but not sufficient) conditions for
  45. S and a theoretician's viewpoint on constitutive equations (linear and, nonlinear ,elastic/inelastic or coupled fields) as well as a way of spatial and
  46. Stable if its output will stay bounded for any bounded input. Stability for, nonlinear ,systems that take an input is input-to-state stability (ISS),which combines
  47. Integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. The, nonlinear ,behavior of active components and their ability to control electron flows
  48. Cases it can be necessary to devise from scratch theories permitting control of, nonlinear ,systems. These, e. g., feedback linearization, backstepping, sliding mode
  49. Between nonlinear deterministic components and noise, the resulting, nonlinear ,series can display dynamics that traditional tests for nonlinear ity are
  50. And does not generate harmonic distortion or Intermodulation distortion. A, nonlinear ,amplifier does generate distortion (e.g. the output is a current to a lamp

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