Examples of the the word, gloss , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gloss ), is the 12187 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The Latin Vulgate, which likely got the verses from a fifth-century marginal, gloss ,in a Latin copy of I John. The Roman Catholic Church decreed that the Comma
  2. While it remains Tar in Modern Icelandic and Faeroese. West Germanic Zip / Tie A, gloss ,to the Wessobrunn prayer names the Alemannic Coward (worshipers of CIO) and
  3. Visionary daring, swooning eroticism and colors that pop like a whore's lip, gloss , there's nothing like this baby anywhere. " J. Hoberman of The Village Voice
  4. Most mechanical components, the civilian Hummers were finished in automotive, gloss ,paint, adding passenger car enhancements such as air conditioning, sound
  5. Which one could use to look up a sign without first knowing its conventional, gloss ,in English. The usage of Stokoe's system is currently restricted to academic
  6. Changed it to, and added Daoism entries. Carr analyzes how English dictionaries, gloss ,Taoisms pronunciation, comparing 12 published in Great Britain (1933–1989)
  7. And Asia. The largest use is in the production of paper, including ensuring the, gloss ,on some grades of paper. Commercial grades of kaolin are supplied and
  8. The Constitutions Clementine or Clementines of 1317 which became the standard, gloss ,for this text * a commentary called the Mercuriales on the Regular iris in the
  9. Photos nor the Orthodox suggest be added to the Creed, has been called a ", gloss ,on the Creed ", a clarification, an explanation or interpretation of its
  10. The winner of Britain's X Factor show, Leona Lewis, with her Generation Next, gloss ,on Mariah's big voice and big hair. " New York Magazine's editor Roger
  11. Indianian root car-" make" also in karma) in Psychics of Alexandria's, gloss ,(" hamazakaran: 'to make war' ( Persian) "). Alternatively, a Greek
  12. Notes. Hence, where the Geneva Bible might use a common English word—and, gloss ,its particular application in a marginal note—the Authorized Version tends
  13. Carr's sample, most American dictionaries gloss , while most British ones, gloss ,and have been slower to add the rectification. The respective first accurate
  14. Including the ancient Syriac New Testament printed with an interlinear Latin, gloss ,in the Antwerp Polyglot of 1573. The translators took the Bishop's Bible as
  15. Of the divine Logos as" another God" beside the Father, qualified by the, gloss ,: ‘ other, I mean, in number, not in will ’. Justin actually finds fault with
  16. Glosses (Definitions and/or example sentences). A typical example sunset with, gloss ,is:: good, right,ripe – (most suitable or right for a particular purpose;" a
  17. Containing it, while still suspecting, as is now agreed, that the phrase was a, gloss , Although the Latin Church Father, Saint Cyprian, alone among early writers, is
  18. Themes. Other authors use Zodiac to mean ecliptic, which first appears in a, gloss ,of unknown author in a passage of Comedies where he is explaining that the
  19. 1970s. Reissued as the 425V63 in 1999,and available in two colors: Jello (, gloss ,black) and Burgundy (transparent deep maroon). Of these two, the
  20. Into the present day with Taxi Driver (1976),a cackling, bloody-minded, gloss , on bicentennial America. In 1978,Walter Hill wrote and directed The Driver, a
  21. Which ", or " where ". In these renderings, the phrase becomes an open-ended, gloss ,on God's promise in Exodus 3:12. Other renderings include: Lesser, ; Rotterdam
  22. Specular reflection and diffuse reflection. Specular reflection describes the, gloss ,of surfaces such as mirrors, which reflect light in a simple, predictable way.
  23. Frankincense; these were called 'varnishes' and were prized for their body and, gloss , Other oils occasionally used include poppy seed oil, walnut oil, and safflower
  24. It is also used in paint to extend titanium dioxide (TiO2) and modify, gloss ,levels; in rubber for semi-reinforcing properties; and in adhesives to modify
  25. Of Hegetorides of Theists. Italy Panda was a god of peace (according to a, gloss ,by Philoxenos). (The derivation of this name" Panda" is from" panda "
  26. And Petrarch among his friends. Giovanni d'Andrea's output was voluminous: * a, gloss ,called (Novella five commentaries in decreases pistols Gregorio IX) on the
  27. Causa Della revolt son/*è quest photo del euro: The two sentences are one of the, gloss ,of the other with only one difference: The copula is singular in Italian and
  28. Of Matthias the Tasmanian and an aunt of Judah the Maccabees). In the Rema's, gloss ,on the Shulchan Arch he writes,“ There are authorities (AOL BO and the Ran)
  29. Of red, orange,yellow, green,blue, and violet),saturation, brightness,and, gloss , Some color words are derived from the name of an object of that color, such as
  30. Determine this). (1990:64) Within Carr's sample, most American dictionaries, gloss , while most British ones gloss and have been slower to add the rectification.
  31. No Hanna that ends in t or s, Choi chose two Hanna to be read in their Korean, gloss , 末 kept" end" and 衣 OT" clothes ". Originally, Choi gave j, ch,k, t,p
  32. Main change was the paper style, which had finally changed from newsprint to a, gloss , much in the style of the inside pages of companion papers Dandy Extreme and
  33. Of the Book of Isaiah, the word Lamina is used to translate the Hebrew Lilith. A, gloss ,explains this as" a monster in female form, that is, a Mórrígan ". Cormac's
  34. And thickeners. Coated paper has improved smoothness, hardness,whiteness and, gloss ,and thus improves printing characteristics. Corrugated board adhesives
  35. Binds the pigments together, and strongly influences such properties as, gloss ,potential, exterior durability, flexibility,and toughness. Binders include
  36. Written record of the Cornish language, dating from the 9th century AD, is a, gloss ,in a Latin manuscript of De Consolation Philosophize by Boethius, which used
  37. And is widely accepted in the Yeshiva world. The Treat Yaakov is an important, gloss ,on the Treat Yisrael. *A popular commentary was written in Yiddish by Dr.
  38. And its cousin languages Irish, Scottish Gaelic and Manx, along with an English, gloss , Sample texts Common phrases The spelling and pronunciation below use the
  39. More durable and cheaper than mulberry silk, but inferior to it in fineness and, gloss , This moth has been introduced to the eastern United States and is common near
  40. Not usually doubted as Chaucer's work, in addition to Chaucer's name as a, gloss ,to the manuscript are the main pieces of evidence for the ascription to Chaucer
  41. A few additions is also used to write Ainu. Kana was used in Taiwanese as a, gloss ,(fumigant) for Chinese characters during the Japanese administration of
  42. Form, that is, a Mórrígan ". Cormac's Glossary (also 9th century),and a, gloss ,in the later manuscript H.3.18,both explain the plural word remain ("
  43. Of the tenth century a monk named Alfred added an Anglo-Saxon (Old English), gloss , to the Latin text, producing the earliest surviving Old English copies of the
  44. Care to exculpate Charlemagne in some matters, not mention others, and to, gloss ,over certain issues which would be of embarrassment to Charlemagne, such as the
  45. Of synonyms (sunset),has a unique index and shares its properties, such as a, gloss ,(or dictionary) definition. Dog, domestic dog, Canis familiars → canine
  46. Techniques as do gum Arabic based watercolor paints. Acrylic paints with, gloss ,or matte finishes are available, although a satin (semi-matte) sheen is most
  47. Families. Collie and Montana, the editors of Nietzsche's assembled letters, gloss ,Nietzsche's claims as a" mistaken belief" and" without foundation. " The
  48. Orthodox Jews have traditionally based most of their practices on the REMA,the, gloss ,on the Shulchan Arch by Rabbi Moses Series, reflecting differences between
  49. Contend that the argument for judicial review must rely on a significant, gloss ,on the Constitution's terms. Despite such criticisms of Marbury v. Madison
  50. Does not deserve a particularly large measure of publicity ". It is a" minor, gloss ," an" interesting but minor wrinkle on the surface of neo-Darwinian theory,"

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