Examples of the the word, reshape , in a Sentence Context

The word ( reshape ), is the 12184 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Their spent brass cartridges. By using a press and a set of dies, one can, reshape , deprive, reprime, recharge the case with gunpowder, and seat and crimp a new
  2. With younger, more dynamic administrators. But Andropov's ability to, reshape ,the top leadership was constrained by his poor health and the influence of his
  3. Jonathan Lean as Dean in 2009. His role at the Cathedral since 2001 has been to, reshape ,the liturgy to one worthy of a Cathedral, and will continue in improving the
  4. 7,8,9 | 5 6 7 8 9 Shape gives the array dimensions and reshape can be used to, reshape ,the dimensions. Shape Arr | 5 a: = 2 3 reshape Arr # reshape is a binary
  5. In the KR system. Logic is also used to define how operators can process and, reshape ,the knowledge. Examples of operators and operations include, negation
  6. And voltage change with time, due to the ability of inductors to delay and, reshape ,alternating currents. Inductors called chokes are used as parts of filters in
  7. Operations began, effected by men with shovels and donkey-carts, to, reshape , the lumpy ground into smooth swells. Two large pools visible from the East
  8. Are often challenged when faced with a disability and the boy or man must, reshape ,what it means to be masculine. For example, rather than define" being a man "
  9. Can be used to reshape the dimensions. Shape Arr | 5 a: = 2 3 reshape Arr #, reshape ,is a binary operation with two arguments. It can also be written in infix as #
  10. By military council. He was able to restore order with dispirited troops and, reshape ,the army which could again fight as a regular force. His army remained an
  11. Where figures like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones and the model Twiggy were to, reshape ,the concept of youthful rebellion. Though the rest of the original Barlow
  12. Arthropods),chitinous are generally found in organisms that either need to, reshape ,their own chitin or to dissolve and digest the chitin of fungi or animals.
  13. Against the World, Against Life (2005),decries Delete for attempting to, reshape ,Lovecraft's strictly amoral continuity into a stereotypical conflict between
  14. And reshape can be used to reshape the dimensions. Shape Arr | 5 a: = 2 3, reshape , Arr # reshape is a binary operation with two arguments. It can also be written
  15. Spielberg did not add the scene featuring Harrison Ford, feeling that would, reshape ,the film too drastically. Spielberg became more sensitive about the scene where
  16. 2957 (David Graham),charged with implementing the Master Plan intended to, reshape ,the Earth to the benefit of mankind. The Master Plan had originally been
  17. Through the infusion of EU investment funds, the city continues to work to, reshape ,itself into a modern metropolis. Bialystok in 2010,was on the short-list, but
  18. Three main forms: anthropological study of the natives of Taiwan, attempts to, reshape ,the aborigines in the mold of the Japanese, and military suppression. Japan's
  19. From students with extensive operational experience is used to continuously, reshape ,and improve the classes and training. As part of the completion requirements
  20. Reshaping caused by the tidal force. In effect, some time is required to, reshape ,B to the gravitational equilibrium shape, by which time the forming bulges have
  21. During the 1920s he published works arguing that living organisms could, reshape ,the planets as surely as any physical force. Vernadsky was an important pioneer
  22. Facts, which must be recognized for what they are. The imagination will often, reshape ,them in a way which the prosaic mind cannot understand; but this recreation
  23. Aims with regard to securing Oman's future prosperity and growth: *To, reshape ,the role of the Government in the economy and to broaden private sector
  24. Not harbor life of its own; but that if it does, while we should not try to, reshape ,the planet to our own use, we should engineer the planet's environment to
  25. Literal Arr: = 5,6,7,8,9 | 5 6 7 8 9 Shape gives the array dimensions and, reshape ,can be used to reshape the dimensions. Shape Arr | 5 a: = 2 3 reshape Arr #
  26. Honouring his life's work in opposing Communist oppression and helping to, reshape ,the world. President George W. Bush presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom
  27. Liberal Union or UL, ( current head of government Forn's party) is trying to, reshape ,itself and change its name to that of the Liberal Party of Andorra (PLA)
  28. Her. She was made to wear removable caps on her teeth and rubberized disks to, reshape ,her nose. She performed at various studio functions and was eventually cast
  29. In shaping government policy, and generally were defeated in their efforts to, reshape ,the mainline denominations. The Mainline Protestant denominations refused to
  30. Like Orange Farm. In 1999,Johannesburg appointed a city manager in order to, reshape ,the city's ailing financial situation. The manager, together with the
  31. Own right. Finally, cyberspace can be seen as providing new opportunities to, reshape ,society and culture through" hidden" identities, or it can be seen as
  32. Peace desired by both Arabs and Israelis. “ Let us put an end to wars, let us, reshape ,life on the solid basis of equity and truth. And it is this call, which
  33. But Pickford's the most profound influence (beyond her acting) was to help, reshape ,the film industry itself. When she entered features, Hollywood believed that
  34. Organisms, like corals, kelp and seagrasses, are ecosystem engineers which, reshape ,the marine environment to the point where they create further habitat for other
  35. Techniques to make a series of blackboard drawings appear to move and, reshape ,themselves. 'Humorous Phases of Funny Faces' is regularly cited as the first
  36. Absolution ". Unlike his previous works, Fitzgerald intended to edit and, reshape ,Gatsby thoroughly, believing that it held the potential to launch him toward
  37. Recur 0 =,1 first, pass,product,-1 + fact 4 | 24 Reversing an array rev is, reshape ,shape, across pass, pass,converse append rev 1,2,3,4 | 4 3 2 1 Generating
  38. Of the farmers and workers, using his skills as a famed orator to ultimately, reshape ,the Democratic Party into a more progressive one. These political cartoons
  39. Scope and procedures The best known of these surgeries are those that, reshape ,the genitals, which are also known as genital reassignment surgery or genital
  40. Paranormal abilities, Church members will be able to take over the world and, reshape ,human societies and cultures. Smith leaves the hotel to confront the crowd
  41. Binary operation with two arguments. It can also be written in infix as # a: =, reshape ,2,3,Arr | 5 6 7 | 8 9 5 b: = 3 2 reshape Arr | 5 6 | 7 8 | 9 5 an inner+, | 130
  42. Dozens of feet thick in the Missouri Valley. Prostatic rebound continues to, reshape ,the Great Lakes and other areas formerly under the weight of the ice sheets.
  43. Also be written in infix as # a: = reshape 2,3,Arr | 5 6 7 | 8 9 5 b: = 3 2, reshape , Arr | 5 6 | 7 8 | 9 5 an inner+, | 130 113 | 148 145 Computing Average
  44. Population into the countryside to work as farmers, as the CPK was trying to, reshape ,society into a model that Pol Pot had conceived. Thousands starved or died of
  45. Existed outside its pages, in the process waylaid by the Luck Lords in a bid to, reshape ,reality. As it turns out, the Challengers of the Unknown were these men, the
  46. Or Newer),Novena said that it is an economic stimulus plan that will ", reshape ,the Irish economy for the challenges of the 21st Century ". Requiring an €18.2
  47. World Health Organization was held in Bamako, the capital of Mali, and helped, reshape ,the health policy of Sub-Saharan Africa. The new strategy dramatically
  48. Early innovations are helping reduce GHG, integrate immigrant newcomers, reshape ,urban form, reduce youth crime, adapt to climate change, create alternate
  49. Inner existence, using all the possibilities of his receptiveness; he must then, reshape ,that material with all the energies of his own activity and appropriate it to
  50. Most evident through his ability to correct his own claims and to continually, reshape ,his thoughts on the human body. Through his attention to detail, he was able to

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