Examples of the the word, shields , in a Sentence Context
The word ( shields ), is the 12188 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Dead and many more injured. One week later, thousands of Muslims stood as human, shields ,outside churches as Coptic Christians attended Christmas Masses on January 6 &
- Mentions that the Cornet regiment swam across a river floating on their, shields ," as on a canoe" ( 357). Since the shields were wooden, they may have
- Generator—a piece of equipment utilized in such technologies as tractor beams, shields , and warp drives. The Borg also use gravimetric torpedoes, which utilize the
- Of 1815. In the attic above the richly sculptured frieze of soldiers is 30, shields , engraved with the names of major Revolutionary and Napoleonic military
- Called the" Custom of the Greeks ". Individual hollies carried their, shields ,on their left arm, protecting not only themselves but also the soldier to the
- It is revealed that Hi had been grown inside an Xian no-room — a device that, shields ,its occupants from prescient view — from cells of a former Xian ambassador
- Battle-line to glitter with new and splendid arms. There were two corps: the, shields ,of the one were inlaid with gold, of the other with silver ... The Romans had
- Scutes ", composed of bone with a covering of horn. In most species, rigid, shields , over the shoulders and hips, with a number of bands separated by flexible skin
- In gold and silver,675 big guns, about 4750 mounds of gunpowder in boxes,7828, shields , 1000 odd ships, and 173 stores of rice. But, Mir Lumley II conquered only the
- This version, the lions are holding a Weinberg banner. The cross quartering the, shields ,has also been identified as a Weinberg cross, but this claim is disputed. Since
- And law enforcement. Weapons and equipment Captain America uses several, shields ,throughout his history, the most prevalent of which is a nigh-indestructible
- Eastward,Brazil's geological formation is very old. Precambrian crystalline, shields ,cover 36 % of the territory, especially its central area. The principal
- Details of shelter construction Shielding A basic fallout shelter consists of, shields ,that reduce gamma ray exposure by a factor of 1000. The required shielding can
- That differs from the outside. For example, the membrane around peroxisomes, shields ,the rest of the cell from peroxides, and the cell membrane separates a cell
- Typical military equipment included bows and arrows, spears,and round-topped, shields ,made by stretching animal skin over a wooden frame. In the New Kingdom, the
- Act 1888 adoption of a common seal was required. The seal contained three, shields ,depicting the arms of Peter along with those of the first chairman and
- Emblem had not yet been developed. The knights in the Bayeux Tapestry carry, shields , but there appears to have been no system of hereditary coats of arms. The
- Reflect infrared light, making them useful as infrared (radiant heat), shields , in visors of heat-resistant suits, and in sun-visors for spacesuits. Gold
- Slanted letter X with the top of its head bent round, he marked Christ on their, shields , " Eugenics describes another version, where,while marching at midday," he
- Invaders. Weapons and armor continued to improve after the adoption of bronze:, shields ,were now made from solid wood with a bronze buckle, spears were tipped with a
- It has been suggested that a large array of highly polished bronze or copper, shields ,acting as mirrors could have been employed to focus sunlight onto a ship. This
- From Past (4th century BC) show paired fighters, with helmets, spears and, shields , in a propitiatory funeral blood rite that anticipates gladiator games. Romans
- Things which are short, squat or wide, such as turtles, frogs,houses, fighting, shields , and trees that are typically more round and squat than others. Sometimes
- Of flame. The intense heat of the flame made necessary the presence of heat, shields ,made of iron (βουκόλια, boukolia),which are attested in the fleet
- He moves from place to place on a large cart of Xian manufacture that, shields ,him from harming moisture and bodies of water, and it is later revealed that
- The seemingly unstoppable Imperial Sardaukar) as Such disables the protective, shields ,around the Abrades palace on Arrays. As instructed, Yueh takes Let prisoner;
- Processes in the Pacific and an eastern lowland of stable platforms and, shields , Economy Bolivia is one of the poorest and least developed countries in Latin
- Across a river floating on their shields " as on a canoe" ( 357). Since the, shields ,were wooden, they may have provided sufficient buoyancy The Batavia also
- In metallography. Phenolic resins have been commonly used in ablative heat, shields , Soviet heat shields for ICBM warheads and spacecraft reentry consisted of
- The early days of heraldry, very simple bold rectilinear shapes were painted on, shields , These could be easily recognized at a long distance and could be easily
- Because of 'fluffy snow' in France, which had evaded the 'winterization ', shields ,designed to stop snow getting into the electrics. Electrical failure was then
- And armed Thracian types (Three) and Murillo, who fought with smaller, shields , were parmularii (small shield),as were their supporters. Trajan preferred
- Symbol. When without his trademark shield, Captain America sometimes uses other, shields ,made from less durable metals such as steel, or even a photonic energy shield
- S defense and safety, and the Japanese soldiers used civilians as human, shields ,against the Americans. Japanese military confiscated food from the Okinawan's
- Infantry (e.g. Persian) tended to wear relatively light armor, use wicker, shields , and were armed with shorter spears, javelins,and bows. In popular culture
- Behind them would support them with their own spears and the mass of their, shields ,gently pushing them, not to force them into the enemy formation but to keep
- Greek maidens of Ephesus performed an annual circular dance with weapons and, shields ,that had been established by Hippolyta and her Amazons. They had initially set
- About the development of" paper heraldry" under the Tudors. Designs and, shields ,became more elaborate at the expense of clarity. Early modern and modern
- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil. Her image can be found in the, shields ,of the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters and the Faculty of Sciences of the
- By his neighbour's hand. Even at this early time, cavalry used swords, shields , and bows. The sculpture implies two types of cavalry, but this might be a
- The breakdown of ozone into diatomic oxygen, depleting the ozone layer that, shields ,the Earth's surface from strong UV radiation. Each chlorine radical remains
- Not distributed evenly across the comet's surface. Despite having no debris, shields , the spacecraft survived the comet passage intact. Once again, the sparse comet
- The field bearing unfamiliar symbols on either its standards or its soldiers ', shields , According to Acanthus, Constantine was visited by a dream the night before
- The battle, wherein he was advised" to mark the heavenly sign of God on the, shields ,of his soldiers ... by means of a slanted letter X with the top of its head
- From Past (4th century BCE) show paired fighters, with helmets, spears and, shields , in a propitiatory funeral blood-rite that anticipates early Roman gladiator
- Units of the Roman Empire were identified by the distinctive markings on their, shields , These were not heraldic in the medieval and modern sense, as they were
- Was not decisive, then the lines would close and swords would be drawn. The, shields ,would clash and the first lines (prostates) would stab at their opponents
- Described by Homer is also a catalog of constellations. In North America, shields ,depicted in Comanche petroglyph appear to include Venus symbolism. Solstitial
- The east pay tribute, along with Hardener of Noah, from whom David takes gold, shields ,and bronze vessels. Bathsheba and Uriah the Hittite David commits adultery with
- Introduced a series of" Asterix" potato chips shaped in the forms of Roman, shields , gourds, wild boar, and bones. * In the UK in 1995,Asterix coins were
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