Examples of the the word, seventeenth , in a Sentence Context
The word ( seventeenth ), is the 12198 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- One of the first gases to be described as a substance distinct from air. In the, seventeenth ,century, the Flemish chemist Jan Baptist van Helmont observed that when he
- Prayer Book in the Anglican Communion With British colonial expansion from the, seventeenth ,century onwards, the Anglican Church was planted across the globe. These
- SABBATH! " Under pressure from their record label, the band released their, seventeenth ,studio album, Cross Purposes, on 8 February 1994,under the Black Sabbath name.
- Series). Adams then went on to serve as script editor on the show for its, seventeenth ,season in 1979. Altogether, he wrote three Doctor Who serials starring Tom
- Contacts with modern science through the medium of Jesuit missionaries in the, seventeenth ,century. While the heavens were variously described as being like an umbrella
- Have an extensive history of French and British settlement dating back to the, seventeenth ,century, forming a unique culture that predates Canada. Name The word maritime
- Right of any other individual in the universe ". Slaves as property During the, seventeenth ,and eighteenth centuries, slavery spread to European colonies including America
- On British and Dutch navigation charts as early as the beginning of the, seventeenth ,century, but it was not until 1666 when a map published by Dutch cartographer
- Vogtsbauernhof is an open-air museum that shows the life of sixteenth or, seventeenth ,century farmers in the region, featuring a number of reconstructed Black Forest
- The dances also contain dedications to noble women of the sixteenth and early, seventeenth ,centuries. Bibliography * Caruso, Fabritio. Courtly Dance of the Renaissance: A
- York Press,1991. * Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia,and Africa, in the, seventeenth ,century, by Eliza Effendi. Trans. Ritter Joseph von Hammer. London: Oriental
- Of Aeschylus and Sophocles had come to seem remote and irrelevant ", In the, seventeenth ,century, Racine expressed admiration for Sophocles but was more influenced by
- Kingdom of Dahomey was a powerful west African state that was founded in the, seventeenth ,century and survived until 1894. From 1894 until 1960 Dahomey was a part of
- To the top tier of English football saw the club perform poorly, finishing, seventeenth , in their first year and eighteenth in their second. In only their third season
- Where typically the active couple is the only couple that is active. In the, seventeenth ,and eighteenth centuries, only the active couple—the" 1st couple"--initiated
- Foundation of Anglican identity and confession. Protracted conflict through the, seventeenth ,century with more radical Protestants on the one hand and Roman Catholics who
- Century the Dutch became the dominant traders. In the sixteenth and early, seventeenth ,centuries, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Denmark and Sweden fought wars for
- First person to be found guilty of the regicide of Charles I. He had been the, seventeenth ,of fifty-nine commissioners (judges) to sign the death warrant of the king in
- On the development of algebra in Europe in the late sixteenth and through the, seventeenth ,and eighteenth centuries. Diaphanous and his works have also influenced Arab
- The French Huguenot refugees who settled in the Cape beginning in the, seventeenth ,century alongside the Dutch, after they escaped religious persecution in France
- And was not published until 1936. Notable English autobiographies of the, seventeenth ,century include those of Lord Herbert of Cherry (1643,published 1764) and
- Ptolemaic or the Copernican system is correct),natural philosophers of the, seventeenth ,century continued to consider true motion and rest as physically separate
- From the area. The number went from 20,000 per year at the beginning of the, seventeenth ,century to 12,000 at the beginning of the 19th century. The decline was partly
- And exposing the ineffectiveness or even toxicity of its remedies. During the, seventeenth ,century, a short-lived" supernatural" interpretation of alchemy become
- Used the Baltic Sea to establish trade routes between its member cities. In the, seventeenth ,century the Dutch became the dominant traders. In the sixteenth and early
- Following ten consecutive draws, Korchnoi threw away a winning position in the, seventeenth ,game to give Karol a 3–0 lead. In game 19,Kirchner succeeded in winning a
- Of the problem The origin of the goes back to Gottfried Leibniz, who in the, seventeenth ,century, after having constructed a successful mechanical calculating machine
- Ibn al-Haytham (965–1039,Egypt). During the late sixteenth and early, seventeenth ,centuries mathematicians made significant progress. In the West Thomas Harriet
- Of gold and silver coins from countries across the Mediterranean, some from the, seventeenth ,century. It is likely that these were part of the treasure taken from Malta
- From the ninth century to the present, and especially from the sixteenth or, seventeenth ,to the nineteenth. This article is about the specific period from 1750 to 1830.
- 1551–52) for the twelfth through sixteenth sessions. Under Pope Pius IV,the, seventeenth ,through twenty-fifth sessions took place in Trent (1559–63). The council
- The shortcomings of Aristotelian physics would not be fully corrected until the, seventeenth ,century work of Galileo Galilei, who was influenced by the late Medieval idea
- 1197 to 1205 * Amalia of Ben, French theologian ca. 1200 AD * Arnaud Amalia, seventeenth ,abbot of Cite aux, died 1225 * Amalia, Prince of Tyre, Governor of Cyprus from
- Community of rival rulers controlled much of the islands in the sixteenth and, seventeenth ,centuries. By the time Europeans showed interest in the Comoros, the
- Sky to be empty. Camelopardalis was not defined as a constellation until the, seventeenth ,century and thus has no mythology associated with its stars. Visualizations H.
- Lucretius in 50 B. C. E. where it meant" being out of one's mind ". Until the, seventeenth ,century dementia referred to states of cognitive and behavioral deterioration
- The Empire and so to likewise preserve the diocese, which dragged on into the, seventeenth ,century. Bishops of Brandenburg * 1221–1222: Ludolph von Schaerbeek, claimant
- Island (Robinson Crusoe Island),found part of an early eighteenth (or late, seventeenth ,) century nautical instrument that almost certainly belonged to Selkirk.
- Pané. The descendants of some Manganese who fled Dutch conquest in the, seventeenth ,century live in the Kai Islands (Kepulauan Key) to the east of the Band
- Companies (VOC) (the ‘ Dutch East Indies Company). Until the early, seventeenth ,century the Bands were ruled by a group of leading citizens, the orange kaya (
- As being a break with the tradition of the Western church, as it was, by the, seventeenth ,century had come to be regarded by some as unduly Catholic. The objections of
- Studied since antiquity, though advances in the science were not made until the, seventeenth ,and eighteenth centuries. Practical applications for electricity however
- Pascal's empty space, Pascal,in his reply to Étienne Noel, gave one of the, seventeenth ,century's major statements on the scientific method, which is a striking
- Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia,and Africa, in the, seventeenth ,century (1834),vol 2 * Eliza Celebs: Selected Stories by Eliza Celebs
- Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia,and Africa, in the, seventeenth ,century (1834),vol 1 *Celebs, Evliya (1834):
- Cophe" and" enneacosis" respectively. From Bed, the term was adopted by the, seventeenth ,century humanist Joseph Justus Scalier. However, misinterpreting Beda's
- Men by any standards, continued to think in flat-earth terms until the, seventeenth ,century; this surprising fact might be the starting-point for a re-examination
- Moore fell to the deck with a fractured skull and died the following day. While, seventeenth ,century English admiralty law allowed captains great leeway in using violence
- Down an incline to disprove the Aristotelian theory of motion early in the, seventeenth ,century. He showed that the bodies were accelerated by gravity to an extent
- Elaborate ", with many details, without reference to the Baroque styles of the, seventeenth ,and eighteenth centuries. The word" Baroque ", like most periodic or stylistic
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