Examples of the the word, artisan , in a Sentence Context
The word ( artisan ), is the 12185 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- China In pre-modern China, brick-making was the job of a lowly and unskilled, artisan , but a kiln master was respected as a step above the former. Early traces of
- From one class into another, as to turn farmer from shepherd, or shepherd from, artisan , It is only permitted to join the wise men out of any class; for their business
- From his marriage to a richly-endowed distant cousin) transformed the sleepy, artisan ,works into the first true pottery factory. Marriage and children Wedgwood
- Pursue a hereditarily prescribed occupation; this was particularly true of the, artisan ,and service castes and the pastoral and nomadic castes. The several castes were
- Continues to expand production of hand-made adornments. Some fine examples of, artisan ,jewelry can be seen at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Body
- Sculptures are another specialty. One such sculpture created by Bermudian, artisan ,Chesley Trout is on display at the airport's baggage claim area. Local artwork
- 10 younger. *5th: 11,000 sentences in assets. 30 centuries of specific types of, artisan , such as 3 of carpenters. The classes below the classic were the infra classes
- In public life, one had to be enrolled in one of the city's many commercials or, artisan ,guilds, so Dante entered the guild of physicians and apothecaries. In the
- U. S. uses about 50 % water, resulting in a finely textured, light bread. Most, artisan ,bread formulas contain anywhere from 60 to 75 % water. In yeast breads, the
- Finished product a whiter crumb, instead of the cream color preferred by most, artisan ,bakers. Wheat flour, in addition to its starch, contains three water-soluble
- Niche applications Punched tin, also called pierced tin, is an, artisan ,technique originating in Central Europe for creating housewares that are both
- And Josie" Jockey" Bros, Edvard Bros and Natalie Klasevski,an, artisan ,of Bosnia-Herzegovina. As the leader of Yugoslavia Tito maintained a lavish
- Highly-skilled workers in media in the applied arts or decorative arts include, artisan , craftsman, and specialized terms such as potter, goldsmith or glassblower.
- And place, the naming of the event commemorated, the list of gifts given to the, artisan ,in exchange for the bronze, and a dedication. The relative points of reference
- Worker ", and which was originally a common noun meaning" craftsman" or ", artisan ,", but gradually it came to mean" producer" and eventually" creator ". The
- Have begun to diversify and recover, with a strong local food sector and many, artisan ,producers. It is also the headquarters of the UK's largest organic veg box
- Burl. While both types of blocks can produce pipes of the highest quality, most, artisan , pipe makers prefer to use plateaux because of its superior graining. Meerschaum
- Rousseau's father, Isaac Rousseau, was a watchmaker who, notwithstanding his, artisan ,status, was well-educated and a lover of music. " A Geneva watchmaker,"
- Baaed II, Ottoman Sultan (b. c. 1447) * June 20 – Got Yugo, swordsman, artisan , ( b. 1440) * August 12 – Alessandro Chilling, Italian philosopher (b. 1463)
- On this it is believed that the Portland Vase must have taken its original, artisan ,no less than two years to produce. The cutting was probably performed by a
- Meaning" cunning worker ", and Etruscan Title) was a skillful craftsman and, artisan , Parentage His parentage was supplied as a later addition to the mythos
- The time, this was a major problem. The project dissolved in disputes with the, artisan ,who built parts and ended with the decision of the British Government to cease
- A Muslim community was started in June 1940 when two Yemenis purchased an, artisan ,cottage on Mary Street. They went on to establish the first mosque in the city.
- Uses one hook while much knitting uses two needles. In most crochet,the, artisan ,usually has only one live stitch on the hook (with the exception being
- Case of the Alemannic, increased to 40 or 50 if the victim had been a skilled, artisan , The social hierarchy is not only reflected in the were gild due in the case of
- To Theology ”, a primary example of this method, discusses the skills of the, artisan ,as gifts given by God for the purpose of disclosing God to mankind, which
- Creations. Punched tin lanterns are the most common application of this, artisan ,technique. The light of a candle shining through the pierced design creates a
- On the differences among" artist" and" technician "," entertainer" and ", artisan ,"," fine art" and" applied art ", or what constitutes art and what does not.
- His first magazine feature in the nationally distributed Rogue magazine on the, artisan ,and Bohemian culture of Big Sur. Thompson had had a rocky tenure as caretaker
- Cave paintings, as well as pottery designs which are still used in the small, artisan ,village of Hitherto, Moca. Spanish rule Christopher Columbus arrived on
- Objects and artifacts, including computer designs created by steampunk, artisan ,Richard Nagy, aka " Salamander ". The BBC series Doctor Who also incorporates
- And then consumed. In a traditional cappuccino, as served in Europe and, artisan ,coffee houses in the United States, the total of espresso and milk/foam make up
- S yeast, and only recently has that country seen the rebirth of sourdough in, artisan ,bakeries. According to Alton Brown, host of Food Network's Good Eats
- The period when humans became hunters, fishermen are producers (farmer and, artisan ,) are all well represented and studied. This is when more elaborate objects and
- The Luddite cropper, the 'obsolete' hand-loom weaver, the 'Utopian ', artisan , and even the deluded follower of Joanna Southport, from the enormous
- Important and growing part of Vermont's economy is the manufacture and sale of, artisan ,foods, fancy foods, and novelty items trading in part upon the Vermont" brand
- In the Bible. Until the end of the 18th century, they were made by hand,an, artisan ,known as a Nailed providing them with a head and point. Until the early 17th
- Land (sometimes using" crafts" ) to produce food, fiber,and the like. *The, artisan ,labors to produce important capital goods (crafts) to be used by the other
- The United Kingdom, and the United States. Cheddar's can be industrial or, artisan ,cheeses. The flavor of industrial cheese varies significantly, and food
- A collection of written pieces compiled by Nikolai Karambit *Pantheon,an, artisan ,of war in the game, League of Legends *Pantheon, a four piece heavy metal band
- Just enough space ... considered necessary for that number of people" and the, artisan ," working with their own tools or hand loom" would not be interfered with
- Subject of debate among Bible scholars. 'Am own has been understood as either: ", artisan ,or master craftsman" which suggests that Wisdom is an active participant in
- Of the early U. S. can be seen from the early dominance of self-employment (, artisan ,and peasant production). At the beginning of the 19th century, around 80 % of
- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Malagasy, artisan ,producers in Madagascar in 2002. The U. S. -Madagascar Business Council was
- The throne in favor of his grandson Henri. *1869 – Japan's samurai, farmer, artisan , merchant class system (Shinōkōshō) is abolished as part of the Meiji
- Spare parts, cements,drinks, adhesives,textiles and more recently, handmade, artisan , creation of Bush planes. Also, the leading exports for Panama are bananas
- Laborious to make. After the second half of the 18th century, this luxurious, artisan ,product was no longer made, its place taken in part by chintz hangings and
- Or exchange) even if one party (e.g. resource-rich country, highly skilled, artisan ,) is more productive in every possible area than its trading counterpart (e.
- Decorative piercing designs exist in a wide variety, based on geography or the, artisan ,'s personal creations. Punched tin lanterns are the most common application of
- Quick, and reliable results, because it is obtained from a pure culture. Many, artisan ,bakers produce their own yeast by preparing a growth culture which they then
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