Examples of the the word, latency , in a Sentence Context
The word ( latency ), is the 12196 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Decoding. EDGE can carry a bandwidth up to 236.8 bit/s (with end-to-end, latency ,of less than 150 ms) for 4 time slots (theoretical maximum is 473.6 bit/s for
- Transfer performance or reduces the variation or jitter of the transfer's, latency ,as opposed to caching where the intent is to reduce the latency . These benefits
- And acceleration rates, but at a cost of reduced seek performance. Rotational, latency ,Latency is the delay for the rotation of the disk to bring the required disk
- Use. Access time can be improved by increasing rotational speed, thus reducing, latency ,and/or by decreasing seek time. Increasing areal density increases throughput
- Language, to take advantage of the P5 Pentium's tightly pipeline and lower, latency ,FPU. For example, the highly anticipated first-person shooter Quake used
- Worst-case response. That is easier to do when the CPU has low interrupt, latency ,and when it has deterministic response. (DSP) * Computer programmers who
- Update until the vertical blanking interval. This produces a small penalty in, latency , because the program has to wait until the video controller has finished
- Each stimulation, each F wave have a slightly different shape, amplitude and, latency , Properties F wave properties include: * latency (ms) - period between F wave
- Be reused for more than one request. Such persistent connections reduce request, latency ,perceptibly, because the client does not need to re-negotiate the TCP
- Time needed to move the head to a new position (specific track). * Rotational, latency ,– Average time, once the arm is on the right track, before a head is over a
- To access. As a result, in order to hide the initial seek time and rotational, latency , data is transferred to and from disks in large contiguous blocks. When data
- Images for a just delivered page. Hence, HTTP/1.1 communications experience less, latency ,as the establishment of TCP connections presents considerable overhead. History
- Is in the hierarchy, the lesser its bandwidth and the greater its access, latency ,is from the CPU. This traditional division of storage to primary, secondary
- Is known as a microcontroller. * For many embedded applications, interrupt, latency , will be more critical than in some general-purpose processors. Embedded
- Speed of a disk, measured in revolutions per minute (rpm). Average rotational, latency ,is shown in the table below, based on the empirical relation that the average
- Individual computers. * The structure of the system (network topology, network, latency , number of computers) is not known in advance, the system may consist of
- Appearance of symptoms. Some viruses also exhibit a dormant phase, called viral, latency , in which the virus hides in the body in an inactive state. For example
- Period is the time between infection and the appearance of symptoms. The, latency ,period is the time between infection and the ability of the disease to spread
- Middle of their respective seasons, but temperature lag (caused by the thermal, latency ,of the ground and sea) means that seasons appear later than dates calculated
- Scalability, due both to cache chip technology limitations and electrical/cache, latency ,complications of running an external cache at such a high speed. The Slot-A
- Evolved EDGE continues in Release 7 of the 3GPP standard providing reduced, latency ,and more than doubled performance e.g. to complement High-Speed Packet Access
- Performance overhead, thereby prohibiting user mode-drivers for low, latency ,and high throughput requirements. Kernel space can be accessed by user module
- Minimal and maximal latencies, and F wave persistence. The minimal F wave, latency ,is typically 25-32 ms in the upper extremities, and 45-56 ms in the lower
- Storage, and second for tertiary storage. It may make sense to separate read, latency ,and write latency , and in case of sequential access storage, minimum,maximum
- Is often useful for transferring many individual files over a high, latency ,network like the Internet. The most basic archivers just take a list of files
- Variation between manual and any electronic accounting system stems from the, latency ,between the recording of the financial transaction and its posting in the
- That period. GPRS is a best-effort service, implying variable throughput and, latency ,that depend on the number of other users sharing the service concurrently, as
- Compromises in performance need to be made, the design of Apache is to reduce, latency ,and increase throughput, relative to simply handling more requests, thus
- Relevant to synaptic input modulation. Such characteristics include the, latency ,of channel opening, the electrical conductance of the ion pore, the activation
- ARQ requires the availability of a back channel, results in possibly increased, latency ,due to retransmissions, and requires the maintenance of buffers and timers for
- Storage, minimum,maximum and average latency .; may also be used. As with, latency , read rate and write rate may need to be differentiated. Also accessing media
- Demands more computational resources, the CPU very quickly (there is some, latency ,) returns to intermediate or maximum speed to meet the demand. This technology
- Treatment of chronic insomnia. Persisting improvements in sleep quality, sleep, latency , and increased total sleep, as well as improvements in sleep efficiency and
- Dropped or forwarded to another segment. This greatly reduced the forwarding, latency ,and the processing load on the network device. One drawback of this cut-through
- Explicit L2CAP channel. It is intended for use by applications that require low, latency ,between user action and reconnection/transmission of data. This is only
- May introduce complications limiting its usability, such as intolerable, latency ,between disuse and reclaim of especially limited resources, or a lack of
- From the older Athlon, as a result, and allowed it to have a relatively high, latency , A simpler L2 cache reduced the possibility of the L2 cache causing clock
- WIMAX and forms of packet radio can also be used. Depending on the speed and, latency ,of these networks they may be capable of relaying VoIP traffic, negating the
- Different shape, amplitude and latency . Properties F wave properties include: *, latency ,(ms) - period between F wave and initial stimulation F wave measurements
- The transfer's latency as opposed to caching where the intent is to reduce the, latency , These benefits are present even if the buffered data are written to the buffer
- In large contiguous blocks. When data reside on disk, block access to hide, latency ,offers a ray of hope in designing efficient external memory algorithms.
- The image to the display before continuing. Triple buffering reduces this, latency ,significantly. Two timing intervals are defined - the front porch between the
- Retransmissions of corrupted packets, and may optionally increase audio, latency ,to provide better support for concurrent data transfer. *Host Controller
- Designed to encounter almost no delays from seek time or rotational, latency , Hard drive performance under most workloads is limited first and second by
- Head assembly to travel to the track of the disk that contains data. Rotational, latency ,is incurred because the desired disk sector may not be directly under the head
- ECC. Modules without error correcting code are labeled non-ECC.; Timings: CAS, latency ,(CL),clock cycle time (TCK),row cycle time (TRC),refresh row cycle
- For tertiary storage. It may make sense to separate read latency and write, latency , and in case of sequential access storage, minimum,maximum and average latency
- Latency, and in case of sequential access storage, minimum,maximum and average, latency ,.; may also be used. As with latency , read rate and write rate may need to be
- Color and surface texture. Audio codecs for cell phones need to have very low, latency ,between source encoding and playback; while audio codecs for recording or
- Serves for aiming, a mouse that tracks movement accurately and with less lag (, latency ,) will give a player an advantage over players with less accurate or slower
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