Examples of the the word, signify , in a Sentence Context

The word ( signify ), is the 7068 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To mean" end of story ", and it is sometimes used in other contexts to, signify ," the end ". Cheirogaleidae is the family of strepsirrhine primates that
  2. Posturing in the animal world. The props she may brandish will strongly, signify ,her role as dominatrix, such as bearing a flogger whip or riding crop, in
  3. Or roundel is portrayed by BMW as the movement of an aircraft propeller, to, signify , the white blades cutting through the blue sky – an interpretation that BMW
  4. Imperfective). Aspect Bulgarian verbs express lexical aspect: effective verbs, signify ,the completion of the action of the verb and form past effective (artist)
  5. The English word" mask" ), for example, might be written with an above the two, signify ,that there is no vowel sound between that letter and the. Additional letters
  6. Plays in a seated position. Percussion notation is often used by drummers to, signify ,which drum kit components are to be played. A full size drum kit without any
  7. In Manhattan in January 2004,he said that“ a meeting like this doesn't, signify ,in itself a breakthrough ”, and called for“ a theological dialogue that asks
  8. Autumn period. Hand gestures There is a common method of using of one hand to, signify ,the numbers one to ten. While the five digits on one hand can express the
  9. In which abstract concepts are referred to using the same sorts of nouns that, signify ,concrete objects. Metonymy is an aspect of the English language and of other
  10. To me thy vanities" ) then a space followed by the initials SALIVA which, signify ," Sent Male Quad Libras, Ipse Vienna Bias" (" Evil are the things thou
  11. Ethicus, or the 'ethic or polite dative,' is when the dative is used to, signify ,that the person or thing spoken of is regarded with interest in someone. This
  12. Mark, a stylized" CE" ( CD, for Conformity European) placed on products to, signify ,conformance with European Union regulations * Church of England, the state
  13. A theater stage (Death in the Sick-Room),whose pantomime of fixed postures, signify ,various emotions; since each character embodies a single psychological
  14. By a macro as zero (0). Thus, even if the macro" __SDC__" is not defined to, signify ,non-ANSI compliance," #if" will work as shown. In the above example, a
  15. S Cross, a stylized cross in the shape of an anchor. The symbol can be used to, signify ,'fresh start' or 'hope '. The Mariner's Cross is also referred to as St.
  16. His trunk along the other's back and pushing forward with his tusks to, signify ,his intention to mount. Unlike heterosexual relations, which are always of a
  17. Of permanent injury. The corner will occasionally throw in a white towel to, signify ,a boxer's surrender (the idiomatic phrase" to throw in the towel ", meaning
  18. Agony which Christ experienced on the cross (a refutation of Docetism) and to, signify ,that the thief on Christ's right chose the right path while the thief on the
  19. With particular attire and props that are drawn on within popular culture to, signify ,her role—as a strong, dominant,sexualized woman—linked to but distinct from
  20. To smog) is 1.7 on a scale where gasoline is 1.0 and higher numbers, signify ,greater pollution. The California Air Resources Board formalized this issue in
  21. Reserve the term equation exclusively for the second type, to, signify , an equality which is not an identity. The distinction between the two concepts
  22. Capability the organization has established at that maturity level. The goals, signify ,the scope, boundaries,and intent of each key process area. * Common Features:
  23. Boy ". By the 1920s,composers of Tin Pan Alley and Broadway used ballad to, signify ,a slow, sentimental tune or love song, often written in a fairly standardized
  24. Power, impulse,energy, and desire; it is the closest word we have that can, signify ,both the real essence of all external things and also our own direct, inner
  25. Belt. The pillow lava in rocks over 2 billion years old in the Canadian Shield, signify ,that great oceanic volcanoes existed during the early stages of the formation
  26. Annexation ceremony and replaced with the flag of the United States to, signify ,the transfer of sovereignty from the Republic of Hawaii`i to the United States.
  27. Religious positions taken by Reform Judaism. The term conservative was meant to, signify ,that Jews should attempt to conserve Jewish tradition, rather than reform or
  28. Bet on top of the bet in the box, because of limited space, slightly offset to, signify ,that it is an odds bet and not part of the original don't come bet. Winning do
  29. First building of Aalto's redbrick period. Originally used in Baker House to, signify ,the Ivy League university tradition, on his return to Finland Alto used it in
  30. Roll, or " Three Ace Deuce, come away single" when not on the come out to, signify ,the come bet has been lost and to pay single on to any Field bettors. Three may
  31. May maintain a chair for the use of the bishop when he visits; this is to, signify ,the parish's union with the bishop. The bishop is also the proper minister of
  32. As envisioned by the Sultanate, the use of the Brunei Halal brand would, signify ,to Muslim consumers the manufacturers' strict compliance with laws relating to
  33. Cases with minimal pairs (e.g. ѝ 'to her ', vs. и,'and' ), or in order to, signify ,the dialectal deviation from the standard pronunciation. In such cases, stress
  34. The" son of a priest named George ". Others, like Arch- and Castro-, signify ," boss" and" tradesman" respectively. Prefixes such as Onto-, Makro-, and
  35. Rise. The result of this deplorable confusion is that there is no term left to, signify ,the cause of this rise in prices and wages. There is no longer any word
  36. Side of the medal has a cross with the initials CSSML on the vertical bar which, signify ," Crux Sacra Sit Mini Lux" (" May the Holy Cross be my light" ) and on the
  37. Anarchism is not the reign of love, but the reign of justice. It does not, signify ,the abolition of force-symbols but the application of force to real invaders. "
  38. Long) in Irish. Historically, a dot was positioned above certain consonants to, signify ,Semi, however this has largely been replaced by the usage of the letter H
  39. Of this rise in prices and wages. There is no longer any word available to, signify ,the phenomenon that has been, up to now, called inflation.... As you cannot
  40. Of Gourmet (37 BCE-668 CE) used the title of Taiwan (. However, it does not, signify ,emperor itself. The rulers of Ballad (698-926) internally called themselves
  41. But has never been produced. Here the term" Domain" is used in effect to, signify ,a" radically strong and light integrity structure ". One of Fuller's
  42. In 2008,2009 and 2010. In December 2007,the building was lit yellow to, signify ,the home video release of The Simpsons Movie. From April 25–27, 2008 the
  43. Metaphorical uses The word" blind" ( adjective and verb) is often used to, signify ,a lack of knowledge of something. For example, a blind date is a date in which
  44. Later movements like the Breton blues used the color to, signify ,allegiance to the ideals of the revolution. * The blue shirts was a
  45. Connotations and even new denotations. The English endings -age and -are often, signify ,a collective. Sometimes the relationship is easily recognizable: baggage
  46. The difficulty lies in the term" Bronze Age ", as it has been applied to, signify ,a period in history when bronze tools replaced stone tools, and,later, were
  47. To which region it hails from. Each clan would have a specific style to, signify ,their origin. The ornaments used as jewelry consisted of: Lip piercings, nose
  48. Dangerous Drugs badge, to add to similar items he had begun collecting and to, signify ,official sanction of his patriotic efforts. Nixon, who apparently found the
  49. The Lion of Wrath represents Alexander Antaeus, and the rulers of Victim, signify ,the Roman Empire. Given that this passage mentions the Roman takeover, it was
  50. Which meant he was a good hunter. Worn for decorative reasons, and sometimes to, signify ,social standing, reputation,and the age of the wearer, Aleuts would pierce

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