Examples of the the word, servant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( servant ), is the 3910 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To a prophet who lived in the Assyrian Period, Obadiah,whose name means “, servant ,or worshiper of Yahweh ”. In Christianity, the book of Obadiah is classified
  2. Reads:" 'You are my witnesses,' is the utterance of Jehovah,'even my, servant ,whom I have chosen. '" In mathematics, a bilinear operator is a function
  3. Increasingly poor. By 1680 there were seventeen slaves for every indentured, servant , By 1700 there were 15,000 free whites and 50,000 enslaved blacks. In 1680 over
  4. The distinctly Protestant identity of the Church of England. He was not a, servant ,of the status quo, but argued for a lively religion which emphasized grace
  5. To dine in the refectory, his chaplains waited upon him with the dishes,a, servant , if necessary, assisting them. When abbots dined in their own private hall, the
  6. Tale of Odd Nonage and Toyota Hisashi from the perspective of a blind, servant , The character is portrayed as demonstrating a number of traditional Japanese
  7. In Bath, Somerset,Widdecombe is the daughter of a Ministry of Defense civil, servant ,James Murray Widdecombe and Rita N Plummer. She attended the Royal Navy School
  8. A speech in Virginia. He collapses after proclaiming" I would rather be a, servant ,in the house of the lord than sit in the seats of the mighty. " *1961 – K-19
  9. Priest," Priest-Apostolic" to America and the West Indies. *1914 – A male, servant ,of American architect Frank Lloyd Wright sets fire to the living quarters of
  10. A major smuggler. Meanwhile, Dr. Room, a vacationer Jean Narrow, and a civil, servant ,Joseph Grand exhaustively treat patients in their homes and in the hospital.
  11. American cryptographer (d. 1958) *1890 – Frank Murphy, American public, servant ,(d. 1949) *1891 – Maurice Vincent Buckley, Australian winner of the Victoria
  12. Scholar (d. 1961) *1871 – Sydney Chapman, British economist and civil, servant ,(d. 1951) *1875 – Vladimir Nitric, Croatian poet (d. 1909) *1879 – Paul
  13. Company (b. 1891) *1951 – Sydney Chapman, British economist and civil, servant ,(b. 1871) *1966 – Say yid But, Egyptian theoretician (b. 1906) *1968 –
  14. Document into his coat and always transferred it when he changed clothes; a, servant ,discovered it only by chance after his death. This piece is now known as the
  15. 1648,during the last days of the Civil War. Sir Edmund Black adder and his, servant , Baldric, are the last two men loyal to the defeated King Charles I of England
  16. Surroundings. The life of each of the Black adders is also entwined with their, servant , all from the Baldric family line (played by Tony Robinson). Each generation
  17. A miller and schoolteacher and his wife Mary Morrill, a former indentured, servant , Josiah Franklin had 17 children with his two wives. He married his first wife
  18. To Beersheba,Keturah's encampment, and it is to Beersheba that Abraham's, servant ,brought Rebecca,Isaac's patrilineal parallel cousin who became his wife.
  19. In late February or early March 1902 he fathered a child with Marie Screech,a, servant ,girl in the Berg family household. His daughter, Albine, was born on December 4
  20. Bint Abi Bar, the daughter of Abu Bakr, brought them meals every day. Amir,a, servant ,of Abu Bakr, would bring a flock of goats to the mouth of the cave every night
  21. Beyond the Jordan River. However, he took the precaution of instructing a, servant , Hussein, to infiltrate Absalom's court and subvert it. Hussein convinced
  22. Place away from the life of the great city. He took his old nurse with him as a, servant ,and they settled down to live in Engine, near a church to St Peter, in some
  23. Once the divine Son" emptied himself" of divinity and" took the form of a, servant ," (Philippians 2:7),Christ's human nature was" adopted" as divine.
  24. Murder. The novel concludes that Alexander was indeed murdered" by a fanatical, servant ," of Edward I of England. The killer acting according to" Edward's secret
  25. The war ends in 1763,Barry is employed by the Prussian Police to become the, servant ,of the Chevalier de Balibari (Patrick McGee),a professional gambler. The
  26. Becomes the kinsman redeemer, while Obed's name appropriately means ", servant , " The marriage of Boat and Ruth was of a type known as a Levitate marriage.
  27. Windos" white" became Welsh Gwyn, Cornish Wynn, Breton Glenn ** lassos ", servant , young man" became Welsh, Cornish and Breton was *double plosives transformed
  28. A member who accepts a service position or an organizing role is a" trusted, servant ," with terms rotating and limited, typically lasting three months to two years
  29. Fife, Scotland. His father, also named Adam Smith, was a lawyer, civil, servant , and widower who married Margaret Douglas in 1720 and died two months before
  30. This organ is as needful as lungs, heart,or kidneys. The conscious mind is the, servant , not the master, of these and other organs; these organs have an agenda which
  31. The remaining chapters are a vision of the future glory of Zion. A" suffering, servant ," is referred to (esp. ch. 53) - probably a metaphor for Israel, Christians
  32. Its risen body to be judged by Him in the Last judgment. The 'good and faithful, servant ,' will inherit eternal life, the unfaithful with the unbeliever will spend
  33. Him. There were so many little demons in the cave though that Saint Anthony's, servant ,had to carry him out because they had beaten him to death. When the hermits
  34. The duke abandoned his plans and fled to We, where he was betrayed by his, servant ,and arrested by Richard's men. On 2 November, he was executed. Henry had
  35. Three days until he came to the mount that God taught him. He commanded the, servant ,to remain while he and Isaac proceeded alone to the mountain, Isaac carrying
  36. S given name was ` Abbas, but he preferred the title of ` Abdul'Baha (, servant ,of the glory of God). He is commonly referred to in Bahá'í texts as" The
  37. Laboratory testing is in effect asking God, the supreme being, to become man’s, servant , They argue that the question of God should be treated differently from other
  38. Was apparently done even after that - the silver quarter-shekel which Saul's, servant ,offers to Samuel in 1 Samuel 9 almost certainly fixes the date of this story in
  39. The Chain of Destiny" in four parts in The Shamrock. In 1876,while a civil, servant ,in Dublin, Stoker wrote a non-fiction book (The Duties of Clerks of Petty
  40. At the British Ministry of Information warned him off — although the civil, servant ,who it is assumed gave the order was later found to be a Soviet spy. The
  41. To the Danes and asked for friendship and alliance. -- Bergère, the faithful, servant ,of the Lord, was angry with them and said,--" They will lead away your wives
  42. An imminent judgment, he exhorts his audience to" Remember the teaching of my, servant ,Moses, that statutes and ordinances that I commanded him at More for all
  43. It he deemed it necessary to request permission from the Venetian senate, whose, servant , he considered himself to be, in consideration of the pension. This he solicited
  44. Years ". According to the foregoing, Apollion is a holy (good) angel, servant , and messenger of God; but in occult and, generally,in noncanonical writings
  45. On February 5,1840,Franciscan Capuchin friar Father Thomas and his Greek, servant ,were reported missing, never to be seen again. The Turkish governor and the
  46. Only because God has put a" wall around" him and" blessed" his favorite, servant ,with prosperity, but if he lost his possessions, then he would curse God. God
  47. Goalie in FIR al-Quraishi at-Tamimi. In Arabic, the name 'ABD Allah' means (, servant ,of God). Although he is most known by his title 'Abu Bakr ', he has many others
  48. At a well. Abraham then reproached Abimelech due to his Philistine, servant ,'s aggressive attacks and the seizing of Abraham’s well. Abimelech, however
  49. And mothers be sacrificed for you ". It turned out Muhammad himself was that, servant , as Abu Bakr later told the companions. Muhammad continued: No doubt, I am
  50. Two mothers (the two parts of the fire drill used to start the fire),and ten, servant ,maids (the fingers of the man who is lighting the fire) or as the twice-born.

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