Examples of the the word, selected , in a Sentence Context

The word ( selected ), is the 3927 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To drop him from the 1864 ticket. At its 1864 convention, the Republican Party, selected ,Andrew Johnson, a War Democrat from the Southern state of Tennessee, as his
  2. M. NCAA, Richard R. Arnold, and Dorothy Metcalf-Lindenburger. Barbara Morgan, selected ,as back-up teacher to Christa McAuliffe in 1985,is considered to be the first
  3. Late 1960s through the early 1980s. Additional improvements in performance for, selected ,IBM 370 mainframe systems included the" APL Assist Microcode" in which some
  4. Bound for Earth orbit or beyond. NASA also uses the term as a title for those, selected ,to join its Astronaut Corps. The European Space Agency similarly uses the term
  5. Are appointed by the President of Afghanistan and the district governors are, selected ,by the provincial governors. The provincial governors are representatives of
  6. Etc.). At any time a user could also direct their Newton device to recognize, selected ," ink text" and turn it into recognized text (deferred recognition). A
  7. Rather than by the Academy membership as a whole, but the individual, selected ,to receive the special award may decline the offer. They are not always
  8. Essays and Aphorisms, being excerpts from Volume 2 of Pierre UND Paralipomena, selected ,and translated by R J Hallandale, with Introduction by R J Hallandale
  9. In which fifteen competing designs were presented and evaluated before it was, selected ,as the most suitable (see Advanced Encryption Standard process for more
  10. And Russia tended to be jet fighter pilots, and were often test pilots. Once, selected , NASA astronauts go through 20 months of training in a variety of areas
  11. 30, 2009 – October 11, 2009 (ISS) Training The first NASA astronauts were, selected ,for training in 1959. Early in the space program, military jet test piloting
  12. Spend too much time while Muslim armies were being outflanked in Syria. Khalid, selected , instead, a short and unconventional route to Syria, passing though the Syrian
  13. Sum of over 1000 drachmas was at issue),for public suits 501. The juries were, selected ,by lot from a panel of 600 jurors, there being 600 jurors from each of the ten
  14. Integration of monocultures through water transfer. All of these materials are, selected ,for a variety of reasons, including design feasibility, material strength, cost
  15. Desired. Mission Specialist Educators, or " Educator Astronauts ", were first, selected ,in 2004,and as of 2007,there are three NASA Educator astronauts: Joseph M.
  16. Named as president of the exchange in 1971,making him the first person to be, selected ,from within the exchange to serve as its leader, succeeding Ralph S. Saul, who
  17. Between the years 1612 and 1619,various geometric and algebraic tracts. He was, selected ,by the executors of Vista to revise and edit Viete's manuscript works. The
  18. A pregnancy can be intentionally aborted in several ways. The manner, selected ,often depends upon the gestational age of the embryo or fetus, which increases
  19. Editing, such as scratching out words to be deleted, circling text to be, selected , or using written carets to mark inserts. Later releases of the Newton
  20. Days without a single drop of water before reaching an oasis that Khalid had, selected ,in advance. Khalid thus entered Northern Syria at a point where he was least
  21. Acupuncture rather than anesthesia. Later it was found that the patients, selected ,for the surgery had both a high pain tolerance and received heavy
  22. Disagreeing with Douglas's position on popular sovereignty, and ultimately, selected ,John C. Breckinridge as their candidate. As Douglas and the other candidates
  23. Has been credited with a role in inspiring the first Earth Day in 1970. It was, selected ,as the first of Life magazine's 'hundred photos that changed the world '.
  24. To recognize the Confederacy, declaring secession illegal. The Confederacy, selected ,Jefferson Davis as their provisional President on February 9,1861. There were
  25. Southwest of the crater Sabine D (0.67408 N,23.47297E). The landing site was, selected ,in part because it had been characterized as relatively flat and smooth by the
  26. And others temporarily (depending on the type). Furthermore, all citizens, selected ,were reviewed before taking up office (dokimasia) at which they might be
  27. Functions of Athens and provided from its own membership randomly, selected ,boards of ten responsible for areas ranging from naval affairs to religious
  28. With your task? One way to begin is to examine the materials each artist, selected ,in making an object, image video, or event. The decision to cast a sculpture in
  29. And then successfully reopened on Broadway in 1935. Each night the" jury" was, selected ,from members of the audience, and one of the two different endings, depending
  30. Close tabs on all phases of the military effort, consulted with governors, and, selected , generals based on their past success (as well as their state and party). In
  31. Cement) is the carefully refined residue from the distillation process of, selected ,crude oils. Outside the U. S., the product is often called bitumen. Natural
  32. Lay All Your Love on Me ", released in 1981 as a 12-inch single only in, selected ,territories, managed to top the Billboard Hot Dance Club Play chart and peaked
  33. Claims that his election would incite secession. Meanwhile, Douglas was, selected ,as the candidate of the Northern Democrats, with Herschel Vespasian Johnson as
  34. Given aluminum utensils, while the others made do with gold. Aluminum was, selected ,as the material to be used for the 100 ounce (2.8 kg) capstone of the
  35. Canada. Students may also receive government loans and grants while attending, selected ,private institutions. There has been some controversy in recent years over the
  36. Bonuses for white volunteers. Congress tightened the law in March 1863. Men, selected ,in the draft could provide substitutes or, until mid-1864,pay commutation
  37. Essays * Resistance, Rebellion,and Death (1961) – a collection of essays, selected ,by the author. * Between Hell and Reason: Essays from the Resistance Newspaper
  38. And employ over 10,000 people. In May 2007,German steelmaker ThyssenKrupp, selected ,Alabama for a $3.7 billion steel production plant, with the promise of 2,700
  39. Increases in size as the pregnancy progresses. Specific procedures may also be, selected ,due to legality, regional availability, and doctor or patient preference.
  40. Like Foreign Film, Documentary and Animated Feature Film in which movies are, selected ,by special screening committees made up of members from all branches. In the
  41. But the system included features meant to obviate possible problems. Athenians, selected ,for office served as teams (boards, panels ). In a group someone will know the
  42. News, the BBC, and ARD. The 2010 Asia Foundation survey involved 6,467 randomly, selected ,Afghan citizens from across all of Afghanistan's 34 provinces. The margin of
  43. There were ten months in the Hellenic calendar). The epistases, an official, selected ,by lot for a single day from among the currently presiding protein, chaired
  44. Original mission profile In April 1966,Activity, Scott,and Schweickart were, selected ,as the backup crew to Gus Frisson, Ed White, and Roger Chaffee for the planned
  45. Still resonate after more than fifty years. In 2009,The Library of America, selected ,Delete’s story The Paneled Room for inclusion in its two-century
  46. DE. Working in Dhaka, British India (now Bangladesh),he chose the name, selected ,include the name" akin," which he explained to be after Dacia, a Romanian
  47. A flag with three colors, Saffron,White and Green with the Ashoka Chakra was, selected , Pillars of Ashoka (Ashokstambha) The pillars of Ashoka are a series of
  48. Affiliation that lasted until his death in 1955. He was one of the four first, selected ,(two of the others being John von Neumann and Kurt Gödel). At the institute
  49. Consisted of over 1,500 artists, scholars,critics and historians, with movies, selected ,based on the film’s popularity over time, historical significance and cultural
  50. Bulletin I was drawn into the international discussions of the language and was, selected ,to be member of the European language design group in November 1959. In this

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