Examples of the the word, barely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( barely ), is the 3929 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To have worn pantyhose over grotesque padding, with a prodigious, leather phallus, barely ,concealed by a short tunic. Female characters were played by men but were
  2. Reign seems to have been one of permanent revolution, and he appears to have, barely ,left his palace in Nineveh apart from a successful campaign in Asia Minor in
  3. A victory that frightened the Americans away, but in the U. S. the attack was, barely ,noticed. No Americans were killed because the soldiers were staying in a
  4. Corn, beef,pork and other necessities—an inefficient system that kept the army, barely ,alive. Starting in 1776,the Congress sought to raise money by loans from
  5. Intended for a mode 7 display in memory. Although this produced a mode 7 that, barely ,impacted upon CPU performance and gave the same visual quality as the BBC Micro
  6. All 31 of the torpedoes launched at them – though in several cases, only just, barely ,– and sank the German destroyer. British light forces also sank V48,which had
  7. Each others' courses in attempts to reach their proper stations, often, barely , escaping collisions, and under fire from some approaching German ships.
  8. The smallest specimens are those from Florida, where an adult male may, barely ,exceed and a wingspan of. The largest are Alaskan birds, where large females
  9. As it required strategic and political skills he did not possess. He was, barely ,on speaking terms with his fellow chiefs, sending his VC IGS to attend their
  10. In par abases (in either anapestic or trochaic rhythms); **informal debates, barely ,above the level of ordinary dialogue (typically iambic).: Anapestic rhythms
  11. Hand and had to retreat. Ultimately, the French army and nation collapsed after, barely ,two months of mobile operations, in contrast to the four years of trench
  12. Took from them their ships and all that they possessed, whilst they themselves, barely ,escaped on. Foot to land. -- With great difficulty they accomplished their long
  13. The more serious factor in most areas. Lowland Anna is a small Ovid, standing, barely , over at the shoulder. They are also known as Anna de Ilanura or Anna DES
  14. Refuge in Amid, which was then besieged by the Sassanian king Shakur II; he, barely ,escaped with his life. When Ursicinus lost his office and the favor of
  15. However, slavery declined in the border states and could, barely ,survive in cities and industrial areas (it was fading out in cities such as
  16. Nineteenth century, ready to disappear into the depths to sound. These fish, barely ,sensitive to light, they perceive the slightest vibrations in the air and take
  17. The extensive coastal plains one may pass to the valley of the Guadalquivir, barely ,above sea level, then to the highest altitudes in the Iberian Peninsula in the
  18. Tanks),and Heavy Tanks (large, thickly armored, powerfully gunned, but, barely , mobile tanks intended for the breakthrough role against fortified lines
  19. Silent and obedient, but it had the drawback that it was small and could, barely ,carry a hare. More recently the trend has been for" designer dogs" and one of
  20. Pitch, Luis Gonzalez lofted a soft single over the drawn-in Derek Peter that, barely ,reached the outfield grass, plating Jay Bell with the winning run. This ended
  21. All heavily damaged and required extensive repairs after the battle, Seydlitz, barely ,making it home, for they had been in the very center of enemy fire for much of
  22. Islands are sometimes called the ABC islands. Climate The. Yearly precipitation, barely ,exceeds. Economy Aruba enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the
  23. Levies income tax on a family of four with income as low as $4,600,which is, barely ,one-quarter of the federal poverty line. Property taxes are the lowest in the
  24. Despite selling off all of those farms that were at Banally," there was, barely ,enough to keep up New Park and pay for the blasted summer holiday" ( i.e., at
  25. Is also misleading. Between 1922 and 1928 Sumerian wrote very few articles of, barely ,more than a page or two concerning military movement. Guderian's Acting
  26. Helvetius, resided in the southern part of Boötes. It contained only faint stars, barely ,visible to the naked eye. Mythology In ancient Babylon the stars of Boötes were
  27. A World Series record by striking out ten Boston batters. That record lasted, barely ,one day, as Dinner struck out eleven Pittsburgh batters in Game 2. Bonus
  28. On the voyage a storm arose and the For De La Mar was wrecked, and he himself, barely ,escaped with his life. The king is described as having wept with joy at their
  29. She had scored a hit. Sailing, critically damaged and very nearly sinking, barely ,survived the return voyage and after grounding and taking on even more water in
  30. Building which became their family home for the rest of their lives. Anne was, barely ,a year old when her mother became ill of what is believed to have been uterine
  31. Nickname, but researcher Bill Bowling has demonstrated that the name was, barely ,used, if at all, during the team's early years. The origin of the nickname
  32. Of the digital filter but, perhaps,at a somewhat different frequency. This is, barely ,noticeable at low frequencies but is quite evident at frequencies close to the
  33. Later the same day. Warhol however, was seriously wounded by the attack and, barely ,survived (surgeons opened his chest and massaged his heart to help stimulate
  34. Holly influenced many other singers during and after a career that lasted, barely ,two years. Keith Richards once said Holly had" an influence on everybody. " In
  35. Of his Fender Stratocaster guitar. Holly's pregnant wife, a widow after, barely ,six months of marriage, miscarried soon after, ending that part of the Holly
  36. Throne of the Dedicate of Egypt upon the sudden death of his father. He was, barely ,of age according to Egyptian law; eighteen in cases of succession to the throne
  37. Certification program until 1958,by which point Crosby's record sales were, barely ,a blip; prior to that point, gold records are awarded by an artist's own
  38. Law and then Stanley Baldwin. At the 1922 and 1923 elections the Liberals won, barely ,a third of the vote and only a quarter of the seats in the House of Commons, as
  39. Greek victory at the Battle of Plataea. Significance The defeat at Marathon, barely ,touched the vast resources of the Persian empire, yet for the Greeks it was an
  40. For rice has not increased since 1966,and the yield potential for maize has ", barely ,increased in 35 years ". And the Dorsett-Morse Oriental Agricultural
  41. Shortly thereafter, Ruth returned to the hospital for the final time. He was, barely ,able to speak. Ruth's condition gradually became worse, and in his last days
  42. A minor technical error was fixed. The team was back in the airport terminal, barely ,ten minutes when the call to reconvene on the plane came, and a number of
  43. Before the club sealed promotion, striker Dean Horrid was killed in a car crash, barely ,two weeks after joining the club, and having played three league games for them
  44. The inventor. The initial americium samples weighed a few micrograms; they were, barely ,visible and were identified by their radioactivity. The first substantial
  45. Overcame him. Only he and Bear were left to face the unknown. Exile years After, barely ,escaping with their lives, Abd Brahman and Bear continued south through
  46. And Sailing sustained 22 hits each but made it to port (though Sailing just, barely ,). An impression was given by Bellicose and Beatty, as well as other senior
  47. 1942 – World War II: Operation Pedestal – The reaches the island of Malta, barely ,afloat carrying vital fuel supplies for the island's defenses. *1944 – World
  48. Had been completely dismasted and heavily battered. Zealous by contrast was, barely ,touched: Hood had situated Zealous outside the arc of most of the French ship
  49. No apparent adult supervision at home, are woefully under educated, dim-witted, barely , literate and lack any empathy or moral scruples. Their most common shared
  50. Documents are issued to char-dwellers who cannot benefit from health care, barely ,survive due to very poor sanitation and are prevented from emigrating to the

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