Examples of the the word, occupational , in a Sentence Context

The word ( occupational ), is the 3917 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Buy a home they could not have otherwise afforded. The CSC also paid half the, occupational ,redeployment costs of those workers who have lost their jobs as coal and steel
  2. Spouse/partner),but also the development of sociopolitical views and, occupational ,choice. Middle age Middle adulthood generally refers to the period between ages
  3. But vetoed by public opinion. Farmers demanded and were generally given, occupational ,deferments (many volunteered anyway, and those who stayed at home were not
  4. Offer Master of Ergonomics or Master of Human Factors degrees. In the 2000s, occupational , therapists have been moving into the field of ergonomics and the field has been
  5. Can be managed by pharmacological treatments and through physical therapy and, occupational ,therapy to reduce disability. Some drug treatments that have been used to
  6. Best known for its publication of threshold limit values (TLS) for, occupational ,exposure and monographs on workplace chemical hazards. It assesses
  7. Purpose the unambiguous identification of genes that lead to social and, occupational ,stratification as well as genes justifying racial discrimination. Distinguished
  8. Showed that Wants were more toxic than quartz, which is considered a serious, occupational ,health hazard when chronically inhaled. As a control, ultrafine carbon black
  9. The rate measured when the sample is being measured. Background radiation for, occupational ,doses measured for workers is all radiation dose that is not measured by
  10. Law was changed in May 2000,effective May 29, 2000. Debtors may now retain, occupational ,pensions while in bankruptcy, except in rare cases. United States Bankruptcy in
  11. Or fantasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational , or other important areas of functioning ". Coprophagia is also depicted in
  12. And either cause" clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational , or other important areas of functioning" or involve a violation of" consent
  13. However, impose a tax on the gross receipts of most businesses. Business and, occupational ,license tax rates range from 0.096 % to 1.92 %, depending on the category of
  14. A clinical neuropsychologist will head the treatment team),physiotherapist, occupational ,therapist, speech-language pathologist, and social worker, works together in
  15. Often used as ethnic designations for Watusi and Beirut, respectively,are only, occupational ,titles which vary among individuals and groups. Although Hutu's encompass the
  16. Of times per day, repetitive stress injuries are a possible pathology of, occupational ,safety. Industrial noise also proved dangerous. When it was not too high
  17. Medicare),these included a doubling of child care places, the introduction of, occupational ,superannuation, a boost in school retention rates, a focus on young people’s
  18. By the provisions laid down in the proposal for a directive on institutions for, occupational ,schemes, presented by the Commission in October 2000,in particular in
  19. Is often measured by its progress in agriculture, long-distance trade, occupational ,specialization, and urbanism. Aside from these core elements, civilization is
  20. Contracts and pensions are not covered by the Directive. With regard to, occupational ,pension schemes, the SE is covered by the provisions laid down in the proposal
  21. Are divided into clans, wherein the Romanian agro-pastoral clans and the, occupational ,clans such as the Mahican are sometimes treated as outcasts. North Africa
  22. Class-consciousness does not. We can see a logic in the responses of similar, occupational ,groups undergoing similar experiences, but we cannot predicate any law.
  23. Problems, maternal age at first childbirth, race,maternal education,father's, occupational ,status, family living standards, family life stress, early mother–child
  24. One worker claimed that he and his coworkers had not been informed of possible, occupational ,illnesses. After a spate of suicides in a Foxconn facility in China making
  25. Was done in the Soviet Union, in secret, to evade the Treaty of Versailles's, occupational ,agent, the Inter-Allied Commission. Germany After becoming head of state in
  26. In Peter *St Loye's School of Health Studies, well known for training in, occupational ,therapy has now been incorporated into the University of Plymouth. *Peter
  27. To individual members of the public to 1 MTV (100 REM) per year, and limit, occupational ,radiation exposure to adults working with radioactive material to 50 MTV (5
  28. Ended up with psychopathic disorders, which Nikolai Bukharin said were" an, occupational ,hazard of the Chemist profession. " Many hardened themselves to the executions
  29. Structured teaching, speech and language therapy, social skills' therapy, and, occupational , therapy. And is well-established for improving intellectual performance of
  30. Go to the full extremes of mania (i.e., do not usually cause severe social or, occupational ,impairment, and are without psychosis),and this can make bipolar II more
  31. And the ergonomics of personal protective equipment (PPE). Like many in, occupational ,ergonomics, the demands and requirements of an aging UK workforce are a
  32. Hazards. It assesses carcinogenicity as part of wider assessment of the, occupational ,hazards of chemicals. *Group A3: Confirmed animal carcinogen with unknown
  33. Including neurologists, speech-language pathologists, physical therapists, occupational ,therapists, dieticians,respiratory therapists, social workers, palliative care
  34. Indian society has consisted since ancient times of several thousand tribal and, occupational ,groups or communities called Jami. The phrase" Caste System" conflates the
  35. Greatly admired by Kraepelin as a humane method of calming patients),and, occupational ,activities (if possible). Kraepelin himself had experimented with hypnosis
  36. Symptoms cause“ clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational , or other important areas of functioning ”. DSM-IV-TR (2000) A" text
  37. Professionals may be certified by RENA to serve assistive technology needs:, occupational ,therapists, physical therapists, speech language pathologists/audiologists
  38. Must" cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational , or other important areas of functioning" in order for sexual sadism or
  39. Sufficient to cause“ clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational , or other important areas of functioning ", although DSM-IV-TR removed the
  40. That of Harold McCloskey, who at the age of 64 was exposed to 500 times the, occupational ,standard for americium-241 as a result of an explosion in his lab. McCloskey
  41. Background and medical radiation doses. This is most significant when the, occupational ,doses are very low. Balm oral may refer to: Places Australia Canada * Balm oral
  42. No symptoms at all) and 43 % achieved functional recovery (regaining of prior, occupational ,and residential status). However,40 % went on to experience a new episode of
  43. Of Mourning, to commemorate workers killed, injured,or suffering illness from, occupational ,hazards and accidents. (Canada) **World Day for Safety and Health at Work (
  44. That is not measured by radiation dose measurement instruments in potential, occupational ,exposure conditions. This includes both" natural background radiation" and
  45. Common in the United States * Construction Electrician (US Navy),a Seabed, occupational ,rating in the U. S. Navy Organizations and companies * Council of Europe, an
  46. While serving on a New York state commission. She continued to campaign for, occupational ,safety and health while working as an investigating attorney for the U. S.
  47. To block calcium channels in chicken neurons. Safety The most dangerous form of, occupational ,exposure to cadmium is inhalation of fine dust and fumes, or ingestion of
  48. And foodborne pathogens and other microbial infections),environmental health, occupational ,safety and health, health promotion, injury prevention and education activities
  49. Of the person. Individuals with arthritis can benefit from both physical and, occupational ,therapy. In arthritis the joints become stiff and the range of movement can be
  50. Op-ed section. Employment essays detailing experience in a certain, occupational ,field are required when applying for some jobs, especially government jobs in

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